It seems clearly that there is never a unit of nature, whether natural or "supernatural," that is perfectly symmetric, and that every unit of nature is perfectly asymmetric. Earth is a semi-symmetrical unit. Earth, moon and sun are a common unit. Earth, moon, "planets," sun and stars are another natural unit. Everything lacks perfect symmetry, and mandates perfect asymmetry. Regions of the seas appear at times to be ungoverned, but are clearly of one surface with the rivers and water tables, modulated by the ebb and flow of those rivers, and by the water tables under the earth, and by the winds and by vaporization and condensation. The passing of seasons on earth appear to be symmetric, but then they seem out of step with the moon's wax and wane. The passing of the earth's evenings and mornings seems perfectly uniform, yet no perfect number of days fits precisely within the bounds of seasons and moons. It would seem then, that necessarily, there is an eternal Creator, and that He fashioned the worlds by a perfect art, a discipline far weightier than science.
Moreover, those of a common faith with the Bible, would require that Genesis chapter 1 is perfectly uniform with nature. Those of a contrary view from the Bible, would require that nature is irrational and that asymmetry is dominant in the universe since it's symmetry is purely coincidental.
Since this discussion will probably evoke resentment in some, I thank any persons now, who participate, in case it is ever censored. The question at hand then, is this: Who made the universe? I say Jesus of Nazareth made the universe.