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  1. I do want to learn and debate, but we are talking about a theory. There are no true, proven answers. I just want to know why you believe this theory. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedAnd why are you so angry?
  2. Who said movement was dependent on time?
  3. move·ment Pronunciation: \ˈmüv-mənt\ Function: noun Date: 14th century 1 a (1): the act or process of moving ; especially : change of place or position or posture (2): a particular instance or manner of moving b (1): a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit : maneuver (2): the advance of a military unit c: action, activity —usually used in plural
  4. 1time Pronunciation: \ˈtīm\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tīma; akin to Old Norse tīmi time, Old English tīd — more at tide Date: before 12th century 1 a: the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues : duration b: a nonspatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future c: leisure <time for reading> Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedtime has nothing to do with movement.
  5. what if you did not time it? you just let it roll.
  6. I apologize for not reading the rules of conduct. But here is how I see relativity. If a clock is moving away from you near the speed of light it will appear to slow down only because its takes the light longer to reach your eyes. It does not mean that time is really slowing down.
  7. Ther is no evidence of nothing.
  8. Am I not supposed to join in the debate?
  9. he cant be proved right, thats why its a theory
  10. prove it right.
  11. Time was created by humans.
  12. Time is not tangible. Time is nothing. It was created by humans to measure things. You people are thinking too hard.
  13. I realy think he was a schister, and gets way too much credit.
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