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Everything posted by Vmedvil

  1. Yes, but they are both locked irreducible how can they change due to this, if not having that variable, there is a way to find out., It needs to be tossed into wolfram again.
  2. Ya, I dunno about that can't that just be explained as Einstein's Wormholes in Einstein rosen. There is a δμ2 There. so does Rs need to equal u2 + 2m
  3. Which I already did do you see any δμ 's left in the equation? ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y) = (Ĥs((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-sword)φ) + λ((φ-sword)φ)2)/-(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2)
  4. well, it only has 1 dimension, so I think it will be fine being U, the Sword or Dagger variable was added already.
  5. I know it does it is supposed to modify them to accept virtual entanglement states. Remember how I said they were spin locked. DCQE Quantum Superposition "Since the sum of the absolute squares of the amplitudes must be constant, U must be unitary"
  6. Well, ya but there was a δμ in that neutrino EQ, which says this compatible with the Standard Model, or why would δμ be there to define? That screams ghost operator. It went Schrodinger,Schrodinger,Standard Model Particles , Standard model Neutrino, Yang Mills Ghost. (SU(3) , SU(3), SU(3) ,U(1) × SU(2) , SU(x)) It is still Schrodinger solved at Laplace operator, that why I asked why version to use to be compatible with Schrodinger. So, it was solved at a SU(3). It says here it is fine. Yang–Mills theory is a gauge theory based on the SU(N) group, or more generally any compact, reductive Lie algebra. Yang–Mills theory seeks to describe the behavior of elementary particles using these non-Abelian Lie groups and is at the core of the unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces (i.e. U(1) × SU(2)) as well as quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong force (based on SU(3)). Thus it forms the basis of our understanding of the Standard Model of particle physics. You already used a Klein solution down in your part, if I cannot put the Klein version on this in that we have greater problems than that, though my Quaternion Four Current SR is starting to get full, we have stuck it full of so many variables and dimensions I have never got it this full before. At this point we will just have to be careful, the Quaternion will break if we go above its max of SU(3) in this part, we cannot go SU(N) like Yang-mills, but we can do a SU(3) yang mills max. So, the Ghost field Ca(x) cannot go above x = 3 or it will fracture at the couple to the Quaternion of Schrodinger EQ. Which may be even lower depending on if that is SU(1) or SU(2) that variable for that Neutrino if it is 1 then x = 1 is max and if SU(2) then x=2 is max for the ghost field, which I think that is the SU(1) part so, it cannot got above x = 1, so 1 dimension that is not already included.
  7. That would be like a low level supercomputer connected to the phone trying to decrypt it. No, the Proccessor command would halt the pipe that is machine code for Halt processor pipe in the phone instantly, send that to a computer sometime and see what happens, basically if you send that in the middle of a command like that it will error the command, then the computer will think it is stacking on that command and stop trying to do it. (Push Call, Halt Pipe) (0x9A , 0xF4) If you are really worried about it, you can add loop on it. (Push Call,Loop,Halt Pipe) (0x9A , 0xE0, 0xF4) That will completely freeze the phone. Processor Instruction listing in Machine Code. Yes it would be be able to be admitted in court, as long as they had a search order from the judge, at that point it doesn't matter, how they search it it is all legal, It would be the same as unlocking a safe that had Drugs in it that you had a order to search from the judge. Well, it would not be that hard to do, basically just knowing how CPU commands work. I agree, but they need not change anything, that command would be too big to be below machine code, even Reformat HDD is still CMD which is larger than a machine code command, just error it as it passes through the CPU.
  8. This is silly, they should just decrypt the phone it would take seconds for a supercomputer, what is the password like 4 digits, brute forced in seconds literally, 10000 tries would literally take less than that, if the phone's password is how I am thinking, 0.0000000005 seconds @ 20 Teraflops, like 0.5 nanoseconds brute force decrypt on that. See I didn't even read the article and me and the FBI had the same idea, but I am much more a ass, I would just block the command that erases the data with the Processor command for halt on the instruction pipe which is 0xF4 as it is cracked in a nanosecond. (Command to erase -------->0xF4 = Halt pipe instruction) or if may need to push it so (Command to Erase ---------------> (0x9A , 0xF4) = Push Call Halt Pipe Instruction) Then again this does have to hit in the middle of the command to erase or before so it would actually have to be push call.
  9. Ya, the Operator checks too, its fine, they will just be out of phase, or phaseshifted virtual particles. BRST quantization
  10. Well, it checks out in feymann lets see the Operator.
  11. ya, it will be fine because they are (1/2) with antiparticle (-1/2) spin for the virtual exchange of this, so it is fine with last EQ in this picture, we will just use the Feynmann propagator equation.
  12. Doesn't it make sense that QE is a virtual particle, I was thinking it did.
  13. Alright we will start here Transform into Ghost Field, δμ =((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y) = (Ĥs((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-sword)φ) + λ((φ-sword)φ)2)/-(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (Guv - Ruv/-guv)1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) entangled states yes, for Lghost QE I am explaining entanglement as a ghost particle.
  14. Still better than me, I have never seen it before and why is it in a QE equation if for fluids. Wow, this is going to take me a minute to merge all this into this equation.
  15. I found out what Re means Reynolds number we were both wrong found it on a equation picture.
  16. I did above the pictures but i will do it again.https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1509/1509.02442.pdf
  17. Secondly what does Re mean? never seen that variable before.
  18. This equation is about to get really big again.
  19. Well, ya if they had a equal IQ to that of all the humans existing during that time, if ∑(bugs IQ) = ∑(humans IQ) @ 10,000 BC then sure, if ∑(bugs IQ) = ∑(humans IQ) @ 1969 then odds are they could go to their moon or a nearby body or have the ability of space travel.
  20. Found one. Many Entangled QE Here, now we can do the others parts. Well, I got alot of fusing to do and yes it is kinda like a molecular bond, this is actually it for many particles. Then I forget if I pulled this through Klein or Dirac. Okay, I will need your help on this, if i pulled this through Schrodinger do I use Klein or Dirac?
  21. Need it to be solved for L.
  22. You know what screw the DM part that can be detailed on Hypercharge, just need a QE ghost Lagrangian.
  23. ya, I need DM Ghost Lagrangian with QE, I have it solved for δμ
  24. Ya, I am going to have to make a Lagrangian for a DM + QE ghost, I see where this pulls through.
  25. See thats what I thought, I once did a mass gap solution me and the Ghost operator are like best friends. That is screwed up so Hyercharge/flavour mediates QE?
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