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Everything posted by Vmedvil

  1. The Vibration of them then?
  2. Yes, it is just bearing a charge dimension, here is the Kaku Equation for String Charge in a String Field. https://studygtu.blogspot.com/2016/02/what-is-meaning-of-michio-kakus-equation.html
  3. Ya, I disagree with d) being wrong because of the infinite density of BH, but I guess b) would be better.
  4. Fermions or possibly String level being a Planck Length
  5. I want to say yes because classically to have magnetism you need to have current, which is I = Q/dt
  6. Okay, Now I can answer all of these d) both equally matter Angular Velocity of Stars around the SMBH The minimum mass for a BH is 3 Solar masses, it is so much greater it is insane being 100 Billion solar masses Same reason as why it didn't become a large BH The Energy-mass of a SMBH is so much greater that individual stars being 4.1 Million Solar masses our galaxy's SMBH, Sgr A.
  7. I do not remember, how it is derived but it is something like that maybe not torque but it is something like that.
  8. I realize that, Do the Torque is though. Fr = τ , solve for it by the Integral of Angular velocity or use this equation. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/rotv.html
  9. He would use a Super-gravity equation "Quantum Gravity", due to the fact that he is really near the Schwarzchild radius or inside, that neither GR or QM can explain alone.
  10. Say that again? I am in no way getting what you are saying.
  11. Got ya, so it goes octet instead of Singlet and not state 9, but 7 or 8 of octet. It is insane what you forget in 3 years of not using it, I had forgotten about octet states 7 and 8. Making all of these states correct whether using octet states 7,8, or 9(Which is singlet) Question Answered by Mordred.
  12. Ya, I had remembered that after Mordred said the word Rest mass, it is about Group Theory Look at the spins, it is the superposition number, The "Spin Number" http://universe-review.ca/R15-10-groups01.htm Which I feel retarded now the "Spinor Number" is a better term for it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigenspinor https://physics.weber.edu/schroeder/modern/SpinHandout.pdf https://www.iop.vast.ac.vn/theor/lectures/seidel/qm/QM-Lectures2-2.pdf
  13. The Spin number describes something about the particle its symmetry how far you would have to turn it to see the same view. So, No it is not spinning it is about symmetry of the Rest mass or Rest Energy.
  14. I told you not to use that term for it. "Anti-Gravity" that is pseudoscience, but your getting closer.
  15. No, it is not "anti-gravity" that is pseudoscience, just a Force Vector against gravity's direction Vector.
  16. The Angular Momentum / Angular Kinetic Energy/ Angular velocity opposes the Force of Gravity another example of a Force Vector Opposite Gravity. http://ask.learncbse.in/t/viscous-force-increase-the-velocity-of-satellite-explain/5974 http://www.tutorvista.com/physics/angular-acceleration-formula https://www.embibe.com/learn/physics/concept-relation-between-torque-and-angular-acceleration-10298 https://ds055uzetaobb.cloudfront.net http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/triple_ocr_gateway/space_for_reflection/satellites_gravity_circular_motion/revision/4/
  17. I found a Issue with my Original Quantum Equivalence principal. Corrected version. ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y,q,a,β) = (d2/((ħ2 /(2Erest/C2)) ∑3a =1 (d2/d((C2/Erest)∑Ni = 1 MiRi)2) + (1/2)∑3a,β = 1 μaβ(Pa - Πa)(Pβ - Πβ) + U - (ħ2/2)∑3N-6s=1(d2/dq2) + V)((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-Dagger)φ) + λ((φ-Dagger)φ)2)/-(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs((((8πGTab/C4) + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs((((8πGTab/C4) + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (((8πGTab/C4) + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) (d2/∇') - (Ctp)2 = ds2 I think this will be the final correction.
  18. This form of the relationship is incorrect, I now realize dx2 + dy2 + dz2 = ∇ Corrected form of Quantum Equivalence. dx2 + dy2 + dz2 = (d2/∇)
  19. Strange when he says "Negative weight" he means the Force in a vector against Gravity, I agree with what you said Strange about everything else, Unified Field does not know the proper terms for these things obviously. Energy-mass is the cause of Gravity Unified Field not Gravitational waves.
  20. If you had said parts of this differently I would have butchered you but no you said it correctly, but don't ever try to apply that to curvature, it won't work, your version of "Anti-gravity" is the same as mine in the sense that it is about force pushing against gravity's attractive force, which isn't actually "Anti-gravity" that is something pseudo science, this is just a force being more powerful than gravity's on a vector against it. https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/features/science-supernova http://slideplayer.com/slide/6645718/ False all of it. Rocket Engines already do this from your version of "Anti-Gravity" which never use that term or "annihilate local gravitational field." It is a Vector in a direction that opposes gravity.
  21. To put it in the Similar form as Energy Density in the tensor, but you can measure much more with this version as it is not limited to this form. VE2 = 2(∑Enet/M) Electric Field Strength and Magnetic Dipole Moment. ∑Enet = EQdx + μB Electric Field Magnetic Dipole moment μ Magnetic Field B
  22. Another Post, gave me this idea, for a different way to write this that Mainstream physics would accept and would be simpler. start with 4-D Invariant SR Time-space. ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 - (Cdt)2 Quantum Equivalence. ∇ =d2/dx2 + d2/dy2 + d2/dz2 = d2(1/dx2 + 1/dy2 + 1/dz2) dxψ2 + dyψ2 + dzψ2 = (d2/∇) Schrodinger equation Solve for ∇ ∇ = ((iħ(d/dt)ψ[r,t] - V[r,t]ψ[r,t])/((ħ2/2M)ψ[r,t]))1/2 Now for the Hard part the Energy Stress Tensor (dxψ2 + dyψ2 + dzψ2) - (dxTuv2 + dyTuv2 + dzTuv2) = 0 Sx2/θx2 = dx2 Δx = ((F/M) * Δt2) dxx = ((σxxAxx/M) * dt2) (Sx2/θx2)+ (Sy2/θy2) + (Sz2/θz2) - ((σxxAxx/M) * dt2)2 - ((σxyAxy/M) * dt2)2 - ((σxzAxz/M) * dt2)2 - ((σyxAyx/M) * dt2)2 - ((σyyAyy/M) * dt2)2 - ((σyzAyz/M) * dt2)2 - ((σzxAzx/M) * dt2)2 -((σzyAzy/M) * dt2)2 - ((σzzAzz/M) * dt2)2 = dxTuv2 + dyTuv2 + dzTuv2 Lastly Invariant Quantum Relativistic 4-D Time-space. ds2 = (dxψ2 + dyψ2 + dzψ2) - (dxTuv2 + dyTuv2 + dzTuv2) - (Cdt)2 Add SR ds2 = (dxψ2 + dyψ2 + dzψ2) - (dxTuv2 + dyTuv2 + dzTuv2) - (Cdt')2 V2 = VE2 - VΛ2 VΛ2 = H2d(Kiloparsec)2 VE2 = 2(∑Enet/M) Useful equations for θ Useful Energy Equations for ∑Enet = E1 + E2 + E3.... + E∞
  23. So, then it is not bound to the standard rules for the generation of mesons then as Singlets. That is fine then those other modes are acceptable.
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