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Everything posted by Vmedvil

  1. Lol, I took that as something way different, that is probably right. I don't use wolfram alpha that often so I took it as saying where it literally was equal to ... which in summation notation means forever or infinity, which wouldn't describe the universe but certainly make the best DDOS method.
  2. Yep, I never doubted that Charge functioned in the way being equal and opposite what would have been really cool is if they didn't like strange said.
  3. In any case, If this doesn't work for as a solution I found a new DDOS packet. *computer implodes* *Processor gets sucked into another dimension instantly* What are your computers not...... Safe! How do you stack a quantum computer.... This equation. Meaning of DDOS. Wolfram Alpha's Hardware
  4. What is wolfram alpha saying here, where ... = that equation. Like this was the solution given by wolfram alpha to this for a physical object, which is literally impossible that ... = that. Where the closest definition I could get for ... was Morse code for S or Forever in like summation notation, where F = I = Moment of Interia as it kept taking I for i but that doesn't matter in this context, where I got this twice, no matter how it took I, the Azimuthal angle transformation is cut off in the second picture but was the same. Where either this solves infinity or explain.
  5. Ya, no I have no idea what ... = that equation even means.
  6. Then Wolfram Alpha cannot compute (∇^2)(1/((1-(((2 M G / R) - (I ω^2/2M))^2/C^2))(1/2)))MC^2 or ∇'(x',y',z') or ∇(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 and doesn't understand ∇2(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 , so I guess it falls to me. Where even looking at that form gives me a headache where it infinitely loops.
  7. You know what I just need to structure the cross matrix for this which would have solved this nearly instantly and wolfram alpha told me to go screw myself as undefined. Wait, this time is said this for the time version. Which is missing parts where the .... is. Then when I = F instead because it was taking I to mean i. Azimuthal angle had the same definition in both.
  8. Um, that will take some time to solve for, it can never be the easy solution can it.
  9. So, I was thinking this before that actually that 1/2 in front has to be wrong then? Luckily I can easily alter the geometry with I change, so it needs to be a solid cylinder, now it says 1/4, I had considered that this may happen when making this so I never chose a state for I. So, it is actually defined by the cylinder between the masses. Then split ωs2 to ωω for the rotation relative to both objects with different masses, Mb being both their masses combined now, but that doesn't really matter as Mb / Mb = 1 , it is the geometry that generates them in that case and not the mass itself which I guess in not entirely true due to when Mb = 0, it says everything is undefined being 0/0
  10. Okay, Monopole then Dipole then Qaudrupole and by that definition Is Isωs2 is the Tensor saying Qaudrupole Mass moment? ∇'(x',y',z') = ∇(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 Where
  11. Well, don't they look at this model. Up,down, up down, up down, as movement happens versus doesn't happen in the space-time.
  12. It happens where this happens which is like that wire. which if you flip it another direction goes like this.
  13. I dunno, it says that moment of inertia is like current and ω is like magnetism in one part upon cross product.
  14. Strangely it says the Lorentz transformation with increased energy.
  15. No, this still says he is right like I said doesn't violate anything.
  16. Incomplete maybe. which says a Tipler cylinder works too where that wire is QE the transformer being space-time. but it does say that the cylinder needs to be a torus and not straight to work, where that shape generates the most "Distortion" in time-space.
  17. No, actually it tends to agree with you Weak and strong QE being like this conductor which still doesn't violate anything still.
  18. Where is places the graviton as something very odd Time-Space Radiation with a spin of ωs2 = 4π2fs2 where Ep = hfp then Es = h(ωs/2π) which does something screwed up change the causality of space where C is negative because it travels sideways in time being space which is gravity if Where
  19. Ya, time is 90 degrees out of phase of space in the light cone like magnetism so that makes sense. This makes sense too due to the graviton being its own "Antiparticle" like the photon in special or the Z boson always. You know what I am just going to describe this the exact same way as Maxwell did for light and electromagnetism because this secondly makes sense of gravitational waves are like constructive and deconstructive interference of the double slit experiment, but for two null cones.
  20. So, what your saying is I need to cross product instead of dot product, so this has a curl like Maxwell's equations which is funny the original idea behind this model was the form of Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism applied to SR, but instead of electromagnetism, it is Gravity-Spin being the two parts. How do you do that for a set of equations because there is time and space. ∇'(x',y',z') = ∇(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 Then ∇Eb(t,ω,R,M,I) = ∇(1/((1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2))MbC2 and I noticed something odd. ∇2 will cancel with ()1/2 Maybe this isn't the finished form like I thought for these when it fit Schrodingers EQ and Matched Kerr-Schwarzchild, I thought it was done. That Second Part will take some time with all the e elements, actually both will.
  21. Um, Elimination doesn't work on differential equations, they are arrays unless you mean elimination in the array or matrix form to solve them. Wait, I get what he is saying, but he gave it the wrong term.
  22. ∇'(x',y',z') = ∇(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 ∇g = 0 isn't that the Levi-Cevita Connection.
  23. Well, it is not actually "Free Energy" it is from the Strong Nuclear Force and then Electromagnetism after coupling is broken, but it is commonly used in something called Nuclear Reactors and Fusion Reactors ever heard of those?
  24. All joking aside, thanks Mordred, I will go through the entire calculation again later, I don't doubt it is a simple math error that needs to be corrected. For right Now, I am on strike, Cuban Cigar time, Fidel Castro's favorite brand Cohiba
  25. Lol....... We are gonna do it because of Math Strike. Now, Computers are Striking against math.
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