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Everything posted by Vmedvil

  1. You shouldn't think about that so much you should be more interested in a way to balance out something that gives you an exact position versus change of position to a location around that area, this is why Einstein had so much trouble connecting both of them the last 20 years of his life. If Relativity tells you the particle should be exactly at position A and Quantum Mechanics tells you between A and B, is it at point A or Between A to B. Those nodes are where it should be, but that doesn't still give you an exact location like GR and SR. Secondly, You are talking about a Lie Manifold when you speak about local connectivity graph which shows all possible pathways of the particle in String Theory. So, what exact position should it take under GR being exactly at A4 which breaks uncertainty or is QM right and it should be in the volume with the most connections so somewhere in A1↻ ∞ or A to B which breaks relativity?
  2. Optical Illusion much?
  3. The problem is not generating Perpetual motion or "Stored Energy in some form" but a machine that takes more energy than is stored from the device, if you had a true Perpetual Motion generator, it would run forever without any fuel, that is the impossible part. In ones that have electromagnetic components this breaks Maxwell's equations if that field generates the extra energy. In the form of Moving devices that breaks the conservation of Energy and momentum, if the device generates extra energy added to the motion. Both of these have mechanical resistance and electromagnetic resistance and should not even put out as much energy as input being less than 100% efficient. Oh, ya, you can spin or flow something nearly forever no problems in that as long as Friction or Electromagnetic Resistance is low enough, you just cannot work these devices forever or longer than the initial energy stored minus friction ,electromagnetic resistance, and output, that is what breaks all of the laws. This being a misunderstanding about the difference between Work and Energy. This being the energy function that governs all of that. ∑E = (q * ΔV) + 1/2 (L*I2) + 1/4 (M1 * (R1 - r1)2 * ω12) + 1/2 (M1 * V12) + 1/2 (∑F12 / L13 * B12) + 1/4 (M2 * (R2 - r2)2 * ω22) + 1/2 (M2 * V22) + 1/2 (∑F22 / L23 * B22) + 1/4 (M3 * (R3 - r3)2 * ω32) + 1/2 (M3 * V32) + 1/2 (∑F32 / L33 * B32) - (I2 * Δt * p * L / A) - ( Φ1 * L1 / H1) - ( Φ2 * L2 / H2) - ( Φ3 * L3/ H3) ∑E = Energy Stored in System in joules q = Charge of Battery in columbs ΔV = Voltage of Battery in Volts L = Length of Wire in meters I = Current in Wire in amps A = Area of a cross section of wire in meters^2 p = Resistivity of the material of the wire in ohms per meter Δt = time the system is active in seconds M1 = Mass of Alternator Disc in kilograms R1 = Radius of Outer Alternator Disc in meters r1 = Radius of Inner Alternator disc in meters ω1 = Spin of Alternator disc in radians per second V1 = Velocity of Alternator disc in meters per second ∑F1 = Sum of Forces of Alternator Magnets in newtons L1 = Length of Alternator in circumference in meters B1 = Strength of Alternator Magnetic field in teslas M2 = Mass of Power Inverter Disc in kilograms R2 = Radius of Outer Power Inverter Disc in meters r2 = Radius of Inner Power Inverter disc in meters ω2 = Spin of Power Inverter disc in radians per second V2 = Velocity of Power Inverter disc in meters per second ∑F2 = Sum of Forces of Power Inverter Magnets in newtons L2 = Length of Power Inverter in circumference in meters B2 = Strength of Power Inverter Magnetic field in teslas M3 = Mass of Magnetic Motor Disc in kilograms R3 = Radius of Outer Magnetic Motor Disc in meters r3 = Radius of Inner Magnetic Motor disc in meters ω3 = Spin of Magnetic Motor disc in radians per second V3 = Velocity of Magnetic Motor disc in meters per second ∑F3 = Sum of Forces of Magnetic Motor Magnets in newtons L3 = Length of Magnetic Motor in circumference in meters B3 = Strength of Magnetic Motor Magnetic field in teslas Φ1 = Magnetic flux of Alternator in webers H1 = Magnetic Resistance of Alternator in Amp turns per weber Φ2 = Magnetic flux of Power Inverter in webers H2 = Magnetic Resistance of Power Inverter in Amp turns per weber Φ3 = Magnetic flux of Magnetic Motor in webers H3 = Magnetic Resistance of Magnetic Motor in Amp turns per weber
  4. Well, the Madala is the higgs of dark matter and is a particle they are looking for at the LHC, my question if Higgs bosons enter a tachyon state then give that extra energy via Cherenkov radiation in tachyon condensation to a weak transmitter like the Z boson, how does Dark matter gain this energy, what type of Force does the Energy get stored as only having Weak and Gravitational interaction. The Normal Sub-atomic particles store it in the SNF as gluons or in electrons as Charge, but Dark matter does not seem to have gluons or charge, so how is it being stored? What Field is storing this energy after Tachyon Condensation, which by definition does Decoupling on the Electroweak. Does it get stored as rest mass in the weak?
  5. There are many people that have claimed perpetual motion devices all of these are impossible beside one I have found, it breaks many laws about the Conservation of Energy, that being said "If this person was being honest the perpetual motion device did pump more water flow against gravity than energy used from starting the device." The man had been working on this device for a very long time in India, but most of them are just very complex energy storage devices releasing stored energy over a long period of time making it seem as if the device were generating energy. Me and the Creator of this such device had a very long conversation as me being the person saying "This was Impossible" , but if the man was honest, no the initial energy input was many times the amount of energy released. This should break Electromagnetism in the maxwell equations "if he was correct and honest." , but normally no this is impossible. He did say many times that he did not fully understand the math of physics being a more experimental engineer and not a science person his name is Anil Uttam, here is a link to my discussion with him. Anil claims a perpetual motion device that generates energy.
  6. So, that 1/C4 missing from the negative EFE equation is indeed an error and not part of the reverse Vector, but the negative is not an error.
  7. Oh, so the negative form of the relativity Tab = the fluid pressure movement of Energy then? Why does the metric for GR have a negative and missing 1/ C4 I know that it has many F(x2) in it does that make this a quadratic root of it? So, is this the reverse tensor of the normal metric being physical manifested as the curve of Time-Space?
  8. Well, um, I dunno exactly where to start you a 7th grader. So, lets begin with wave particle duality, wave particle duality is how Energy-Mass acts at small levels being Quantum as a particle and a wave at the same time. This is true of all very small objects on this level. There are atoms and atoms are made up of smaller particles such as Electrons which are classified as leptons and Protons and Neutrons which are then composed of smaller particles classified as Quarks. We have a old model of this being the Bohr Model which is not exactly correct as it only sees them as particles and not Wave-Particles as they actually are, but is a good model to start with. In any case, as you can see the electrons with a negative charge orbit the nucleus of Protons and neutrons these protons are positively charged while the Neutrons are neutral charged, this being the structure of a atom in particle form. Now, there is also wave form which will be shown next of a Hydrogen atom. Now, the electrons are in wave form, see how they are not at an exact location, which is not perfectly correct either being that they are waves and particles at the same time, but this is a much closer quantum model of the orbitals of the electrons, the electrons have a change of appearing at any location within those bright spots and less of a change of appearing within the dark spots. The chance of them appearing at a certain location is based on their energy, wave function, and mass , this can be given by the Schrodinger equation, which will be shown next. Next, lets return the atom which has Neutrons and Protons in the middle, they are held together by something called the Strong Nuclear Force, the positive charges should repel each-other, Remember positive and positive repel along with Negative and Negative, that is how charge works, but positive and negative attract, which is why electrons go around the atom, but these protons and neutrons have smaller things within them called quarks, there are two types of quarks that protons and neutrons are made of Up and Down quarks, they are always in sets of three within protons and neutrons, they make something called a triplet, which each quarks takes a color charge, which not to be confused with charge, tells the Strong Nuclear Force, how to act on them, a Single proton or neutron requires Red,Blue, and Green Color Charge to be constructed. This is called Quantum Chromodynamics. This Strong Nuclear Force is also what keeps the nucleus of the atom together despite all being positively charged protons or neutral neutrons which should all fly apart, the Strong Nuclear Force is much stronger than Charge at short ranges. There is also a class of particles called Bosons, there are Fives types of Bosons Weak Positive,Weak Negative, Photons, Z Bosons, and Higgs bosons. Well, there is another type of interaction that can happen called the Weak Nuclear Force or Decay. Weak positives and Weak Negatives happen when Protons turn to neutrons and Neutrons turn to Protons, And Z bosons happen by other sorts of decay which we will not discuss at this point. Photons are light particles and light is the wave form of light, Light or photons act as wave-particles, these particles do not have mass but only Energy, They have several important things about them Wavelength,Frequency, and Energy. They always travel at the speed of light as you may have guessed. They are created when electrons lose energy equal to the amount of energy lost by the electron. The electrons can also absorb light or photon particles and gain energy from them. There is much more than that but those are the basics, congrats you now know Quantum Mechanics.
  9. No, that is only for particles with rest mass E=γmc2 Yes, that is correct swansont, I just got done bitching about university websites with false information now google, it is the end I say! The more common way of writing that is E=hf
  10. My reaction to those images of incorrect Tensor Matrices, Field Equations, and labels being on university websites, Good looking out Mordred, I blame Grad Students! That Einstein Field Equation being COMPLETELY WRONG DO NOT USE.
  11. Lol, those pictures have it labeled Incorrect that is still the Energy Momentum Tensor, I didn't look close enough, but it is still right, let me correct that, but the Electromagnetic Tensor is Fuv. Ya, WTF? , they forgot the C4 too and why is it negative, ya that original EFE equation is wrong. Correction, The correctly labeled EFE and Energy Momentum Tensor. ya, I don't know why they used Tab instead of Tuv , In any case, it doesn't really matter doesn't effect the outcome. Correct Einstein Field Equation Correct Energy Momentum Tensor Electromagnetic Field Tensor
  12. You have a point, ERROR 404.P, Physics not found, Lol
  13. Substance and Energy curve space and time, Energy makes space size decrease, time speed slow down, and substance increase, Energy and substance is due to forces, Energy is movement. Energy curve of space and time creates gravity. Energy and substance are the same thing, Einstein was really smart and found a way to make of this work in math, which is relativity. it seems space and time are part of the same thing.
  14. Yes, but that could also be proof that matter density is changing or radius is balancing out curvature or even changing curvature as unlikely as that would seem and not a increase in Dark Energy levels via the Cosmological constant or increase in Energy-mass. hints f(p,t,R,k), my actual bet is that increase in radius is balancing out the curvature to be the reason for acceleration in expansion. As I said, resolve or play around with the Einstein Field if you think I am wrong. The problem with "When the space through which particles are moving is changing then energy is not conserved." is in the Energy-momentum tensor Then in Maxwell's equations do you see how, ∇ * B = 0 and ∇ * E = p/ ε0 Momentum is still conserved and that breaks the electromagnetic field if it is not.
  15. Yes, I didn't know the proper term for it, but yes, the point where particles would violate moving faster than the speed of light, if they were moving at the speed of light from the time of the Big Bang that is fine. Cosmological Event Horizon, The reason I think it is a closed system is something very simple, we have never found stable wormholes or "White Holes" which we would expect in a "Open System Universe", Under what method does new Matter/Energy/Dark Energy, gain entry into the Universe? Now we have found Black-hole's but we also see black-hole's lose mass as hawking radiation happens then evaporate after long period of time, There is no known method of energy entering or leaving, without evidence to show that is does indeed exit/enter the universe, we can assume it does not. That being said near the Cosmological Event Horizon, there could be a sort of "Universe Hawking Radiation" if it functions like a Black-Hole. We can safety say that something does not happen if there is no evidence to show it is happening until that evidence appears. Remember, that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, as Thunderf00t says.
  16. Well, no I do tell you that the speed of light has been tested or else CERN or Fermilab Particles would go faster than the speed of light with around a TeV of Energy. Photons have no rest mass, they only have Energy, but not mass. I know it sounds paradoxical, but it is a true statement.
  17. ya, and the best answer I got for the rest mass of a neutrino was If the neutrino is a Majorana Particle it is between 0.060 eV and 0.161 eV from Fermilab. So, 0.1105 eV ± 84% which is a huge standard deviation I know. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0903/0903.0899.pdf
  18. Ya, that was a typo I fixed it in the edit.
  19. Well, but W+ has the same Feynman diagram, so would it have the same path as pair production in its products? They are both bosons. From what I understand about Feynman diagrams momentum does have to be conserved in these transactions. Ya, I can only go by what the Standard model says about a electron neutrino rest mass which is around 2.2 eV.
  20. Well, it is around 2.2 ev says the standard model, so lets take them at that. I dunno, in pair production it looks like this. So, I guess it depends on the direction of the W+? I mean the W+ is destroyed there is no daughter in this case.
  21. Lol, ya, in any case, he did violate it, So, one of them does get more KE, the neutrino then, man this stuff gets confusing sometimes. well, in that case, M1V1γ1 - M2V2γ2 = 0
  22. That sounds right, I didn't know the exact numbers. Wait, I just found a problem, that breaks the conservation of momentum, what you just did, you are right the positron would get more of the energy because of its increased mass. They would both get the exact same amount of momentum though. M1V1- M2V2 = 0 You misbalanced you equation this time, Sensei.
  23. I agree with you, but that equation is correct, but that website maybe wrong, I have checked that equation and No, Mass Density and Radiation Density are not constant, honestly there should be a differential added to show progression with time. That equation should plug into something like this ΣH2Δt21⇒∞(p,t,R,k) = H21Δt21 + H22Δt22+........... + H2∞Δt2∞ This Equation shows progression over time with a differing Hubble constant as variables change.
  24. Well, the membrane of the universe has no mass, thus there should not be any energy increase if you look at SR, E= γMC^2 , if you find the membrane of the universe to have mass then you should take that up with Einstein not me. M= 0 , E = 0 Doesn't matter the velocity of increase, if you want to put it into those terms. If you doubt then solve the Tensor field yourself.
  25. KE and Relativistic mass in SR is calculated by γ for high velocity particles, I tend to agree. I used the wrong symbol in the equation, sorry, I mean Gamma not lambda E= γMC^2
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