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Everything posted by Vmedvil

  1. No I agree, with Swan(Which is a rarity) that model is wrong the Spinor you generated is impossible in "Real Universe" always around the center of mass or charge in this case not through it.
  2. What Via quantum tunneling?
  3. The Radius of charge does not change unless a charge is added or removed, which would still require a decay reaction, the Radius of charge is a function of Magnitude of charge.
  4. No, charges in the nucleus do not Oscillate unless it goes through a Decay reaction.
  5. These were sarcasm questions, just like the ones in that other thread were sarcasm answers, like "Oh really, it is solid then" Where I will keep doing this to you until you read why that is impossible what you said. "It is not expanding into anything. It is either infinite or finite and unbounded. So there is not "outside" for it to expand into."
  6. as if a communications Degree knows anything about science, go to hell man.
  7. Okay, I get that which neuron Cluster or Clusters "Ganglia" Basal then? which would make "Lack of Dopamine to Basal Ganglia" or is it is the reverse of that "Spinal nerve Signals entry to the Basal Ganglia"
  8. Here is one from Harvard about the same thing previously linked. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011ASPC..439..434J 2011 Warsaw,Poland https://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.01798.pdf 2015 First one AAS http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/499932/meta 2006
  9. Since when did a Observation become "Weak Evidence" in Science, fine I will explain every detail. Iron Spectrum Lines Physical REF Handbook Which was from this image NASA Chandra Telescope exact same image labeled.
  10. Where I wanted to fix this its spin is 230 Ghz if you want a more exact angular velocity ω = 2πf , f = 230 Ghz, convert to hertz. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.07870.pdf
  11. Fine, a "Nebula that is at-least partially Iron or contains some amount of Iron" on the east side which is atleast 5 ly by 5 ly of Iron Spectral lines.
  12. Oh, where then it is Liquid Iron next to a SMBH, gotcha it cannot be gas remember.
  13. Oh, so it is a big huge massive ball of solid Iron Right next to a SMBH, okay Strange, I would have never guessed.
  14. It is near a SMBH of course it is plasma or gas, calculate what the gravity must be near a rotating 31.6 R☉ SMBH is. In any case, here is the Newtonian way to calculate that for me being lazy. Fg = GM1M2/R2 M1 = Mmass BH + (EAngular BH/C2) Eangular = (1/2)Iω2 Note convert to meters and kilograms. Mmass BH = (4.31 ± 0.38) × 106M☉ ω = 46 km/s
  15. A nebula (Latin for "cloud" or "fog";[2] pl. nebulae, nebulæ, or nebulas) is an interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Originally, nebula was a name for any diffuse astronomical object
  16. Look at the picture, that is what Astronomers have to do, do you see the huge nebula or cloud of iron gas? "X-Ray lines""The Blue purple" not "Red purple"
  17. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/499932/meta "Blue"
  18. That is so very True our SMBH in the milky Way Sgr A does have much Iron "Blue part" around it a Iron Nebula about 5 by 5 ly of it on cross section.
  19. If that is speculations then what is the universe accelerating expanding into, mainstream accepts that, what would that be called exactly? You know what I will never use that term, Gravitation is leaking into "whatever the universe accelerating expanding into".
  20. Well, all I can say is there are other universes, that is the only reason it would be different if the conservation laws are correct. Just like our planet is not special nor our star or galaxy nor is our universe. This Term, is why doesn't obey PV = nRT Curvature / acceleration
  21. Let's see if this is still a polymorphic code. Polymorphic L2ghost QE = L1ghost QE All values equal 2 or 1, besides constants. ∇2'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y,q,a,β) = (((ħ2 /(2Erest/C2)) ∑3a =1 (d2/d((C2/Erest)∑Ni = 1 MiRi)2) + (1/2)∑3a,β = 1 μaβ(Pa - Πa)(Pβ - Πβ) + U - (ħ2/2)∑3N-6s=1(d2/dq2) + V)((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-Dagger)φ) + λ((φ-Dagger)φ)2)/-(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) ∇1'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y,q,a,β) = (((ħ2 /(2Erest/C2)) ∑3a =1 (d2/d((C2/Erest)∑Ni = 1 MiRi)2) + (1/2)∑3a,β = 1 μaβ(Pa - Πa)(Pβ - Πβ) + U - (ħ2/2)∑3N-6s=1(d2/dq2) + V)((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-Dagger)φ) + λ((φ-Dagger)φ)2)/-(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) which it is.
  22. well, I didn't know you could transfer ab to uv, So, it will stay like this until I can solve that mess to transfer between them. ∇'(x,y,z,t,ωs,ωp,M,I,k,φ,S,X,Z,μ,Y,q,a,β) = (((ħ2 /(2Erest/C2)) ∑3a =1 (d2/d((C2/Erest)∑Ni = 1 MiRi)2) + (1/2)∑3a,β = 1 μaβ(Pa - Πa)(Pβ - Πβ) + U - (ħ2/2)∑3N-6s=1(d2/dq2) + V)((|(Log(DgDaDψDφ-W)(((2ħGC2))Rs - (1/4)FaμvFaμv + i(ψ-bar)γμ(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)ψi +(ψ-bar)iLVijφψjr + (aji) - (μ2((φ-Dagger)φ) + λ((φ-Dagger)φ)2)/-(((Lghost QE - gfabc(δμ (c-bar)a)Aμbcc) / (c-bar)aδμca) + ig(1/2)τWμ + ig'(1/2)YBμ)2)|)-e2S(r,t)/h)) - ((Erest/C2)ωs(((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/ (((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp ))))Rs2/2))) / (ħ2/2(Erest/C2))))1/2(((1-(((2(Erest/C2)G / Rs) - (Isωs(((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2 + (S/(((3G(Erest/C2))/2C2Rs3)(RpVp) + (GIs/C2Rs3)((3Rp/Rs2)(ωp Rp) -ωp )))))/2(Erest/C2))+ (((8πG/3)((g/(2π)3)∫(((Erelativistic2 - Erest2 / C2) + ((Ar(X) + (ENucleon binding SNF ε0 μ0 /mu) - Ar(XZ±)/Z) / mu)2)(1/2)(1/e((ERelativistic - μchemical)/TMatter)±1)(ħωs + ħωs) - ((ksC2)/ Rs2) + (((8πGTab' + Λgab - Rab) * gab-1))1/2(ΔKiloparsec)))2/(C2)))1/2) Ya, ab doesn't properly define it in free space is why it could not be used, This defines it all in non free space currently.
  23. Oh, I realize what you did now okay got it. So, your saying I need to solve for u,v from a,b doing a reverse chain rule or just a chain rule in the opposite direction as that.
  24. See, but I get Multi-variable calculus, ya Simple chain rule makes no sense but the one of multi-variables perfect, oh wait, that wasn't the chain rule, I was thinking of there is another one. Product and Quotient rule, whatever that is caused from. Wait ya, I am pretty sure that is there as (i,j,k) I hated calculus I in general. Where ∇'(x',y',z') = ∇(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 is like saying, d/dx(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 + d/dy(1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2 + d/dz((1-(((2MbG / Rs) - (Isωs2/2Mb))2/C2))1/2) Where dx,dy,dz or whatever is that equation.
  25. See, this is probably why I don't understand this Welcome to the parts of Calculus I, that I hated. you said the magic word "Chain Rule" No I don't understand. If you follow that by product rule along with quotient rule, I will literally just leave the part for GR blank as not worth it.
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