Over 500 years ago Archimedes study of motion was the closest to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. At the time of the Great English plague in the 16th century in the interest of calculating the motion of the planets Isaac Newtown discovered the laws of motion. Just over a hundred years ago Albert Einstein's study of motion reveled the significance of a force of motion on a light speed scale.
One of Newton's laws in particular is significant in the fact it states where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force. I'm not talking about the force of rocket engine lifting a couple of thousand tones or objects bouncing off each other.
I'm talking about Einstein's prediction of what we understand today as G's. Boy racers (or petrol heads as they are sometimes known) are defined as individuals into drag racing each others cars in race competition in public streets. They have a terminology what they call pulling a few G's a direct experience of feeling a couple of Pounds (or kilograms) of force shoving them back into their seats at competition take off. Over a hundred years ago Einstein realized high speed acceleration has a compression when resisting acceleration the equalivalent of a gravitational force on a sideways plane. G forces resisting acceleration is expressed as the inertia of the mass of the body. It is the properties of all accelerating objects.
A classic example of this are Roller coasters. In the high speed acceleration we experience a few pounds (or kilograms) of force pulling us back into our seats. Acceleration is the same property force as gravity.
Note common motor vehicle workshop manuals have dedicated pages of conversion factors of all the units used in all areas science. The units we are most interested in is the Force of the earth's mass pulling us to the surface listed under force including the unit Newtown's converting to pounds and kilograms force.
Isaac Newtown points out the earth pulls bodies to the ground as well as the body pulling on the earth's mass acting together. The standard scientific unit is 9.81 Newtown's gravitational force equal to 1kg per cubic meter throughout the earth's surface we experience as our normal body weight as 1G.It is fixed constant for the earth. The only way to experience higher G's is though high speed acceleration on the surface of earth.
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity expressions motion in G's. He predicted the faster we accelerate the more compressed. If an acceleration is fast enough to feel double our normal body weight is 2G's twice the force of the earth's mass compression equalivalent. An acceleration feeling three times our body weight is 3 times the compression 3G's. An acceleration four times the earth's compression force is 4G and so on.
Einstein predicted negative G's. Negative G's is when a body reaches maximum speed when suddenly becomes weightless expressed as terminal velocity or as I call it terminal acceleration.
A classic example of NSA training astronauts. Einstein predicted in has elevator though experiment when a plane nose dives fast enough reaching maximum free fall velocity trainees lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun.
Einstein expressed this as a free falling body can't fall any faster terminal acceleration equalling and cancellation gravity. In effect he was describing the mechanism of anti gravity. The maximum free fall velocity of nose diving aircraft act as antigravity devices. An example of this world war two dive bombers pilots often experience the effect of negative G's when their planes reach maximum free fall velocity they couldn't scream down any faster.
The next time I post I will discuss the G's riding a 360mph rocket sled take off.