If it's alright to answer I have OSDD-1b (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder-1b) which is very similar to DID, only without as much memory loss. I know you asked DID systems but I thought that maybe our input could be helpful?
I'm fairly sure at least one alter is lactose intolerant, but we don't know who and it's, inconvenient to say the least.
We wear glasses too, but we have different prescriptions for the lenses, with our current glasses, an alter named Josh was fronting when we did the eye test so I tend not to wear our glasses since they hurt my eyes.
We're also autistic, and I find that some alters are more sensitive to sensory overload than others. Also, our sense of taste changes, so an alter may love a certain food, and another may hate it. This is also a problem as we don't tend to tell people about the OSDD-1b, so sometimes one of us may have to feign liking a food so we aren't inconsistent with our presentation.
I've heard that through brain scans you can see that different alters have different brain activity, and also that alters can also suffer from specific mental illnesses that other alters don't.