after reading your reply,it is obvious that you still believe everything you have ever heard about the big bad pedos. all groups regardless of age,sex,religion or orientation have good and bad apples. noone here is denying the fact that some people abuse kids,and its not only restricted to pedos. i happen to know some "normal" parents in my hood who routinely abuse their kids on a daily basis. do they get molested? no. do they get beaten? no. but the parents manipulate the kids all the time using fear and guilt. they treat the kids like mindless property. they lie to the kids. they teach the kids to fear sex. they teach the kids to not trust anyone and to be supicious of everything. perhaps you grew up in such a home? you seem a little hostile to me. sexually repressed people usually are,and they usually have deviant fantasies that they bury deep down and never talk about. its no wonder our society is so dysfunctional. noone knows how to be honest,and if you cant be honest and try to seek truth instead of recycling the same ol BS,then you prolly shouldnt be a parent. you should be teaching the kids to think for themselves,but of course this would disrupt the system and destroy the parents control over their living property wouldnt it?
dont act like you know me. you all but called me a child abuser just because my views differ from yours. ignorant people usually resort to name calling when someone bests them in an arguement. ill have you know that i am with an adult woman who is in her 30's. i have no criminal record,im not on the sex offender witch hunt list,and i dont molest kids. lets be adults here Mr/Ms CASA member,if you can. anyone who loves kids would not initiate sex with them in our current hysterical environment. the man that goes to jail is not the only one who gets hurt by all the BS that follows.
people want to stick all the pedos into one bag and all the victims in another bag because people are selfish and lazy and dont want to take the time to do it right. too much effort i guess. such is the nature of the human race. not all pedos are the same and not all kids are permanently traumatized by a sexual encounter. each person reacts to the situation differently. in the cases where the child was not violently raped but gave "passive" consent,the damage done to the child doesnt come from the act itself,but from the social training as well as the reaction of the adults around the child. if people would stop fearing sex(i hold the church personally responsible for this evil,sick mind game) and stop terrorizing their kids about it,there would be no trauma unless the kid was actually held down against their will,which rarely happens anyway.
you also need to stop seeing hidden motives all around you. just because a pedo enjoys spending time with a child does not mean all his efforts are aimed at eventually getting the kid to "perform." making them feel good is not a trick. i guess because most normal adults have hidden motivations for being nice to other adults when they want sex you assume it is the same for pedos.
well...assume away. you know what they say about assumptions...
the reason why most pedos seem normal to us as you suggest,is because they are normal. they work,go to school,pay taxes,get married,and have families. THEY ARE YOU! they dont wear trench coats. they dont all live with their mommy. they dont hang around school yards. they live within all levels of society. some of them are cops,lawyers,doctors,government officials,military brass,etc. cling to your stereotypes if you must. i know its fun to scare yourselves. thats why so many people love horror movies. "oh my gosh,the enemy is everywhere!"
now,since people on here like to brag about degrees and victim services positions like it means everything,let me tell you that most people these days are educated idiots. just because you have a degree doesnt mean you have it all figured out. every person i have met in my life who has a 4 years degree or higher has absolutely NO common sense,and they also seem to have selective memory when it comes to their own childhood. i lived in a small town when i was growing up. there was several things going on at all times.
spouses cheated on each other with neighbors. kids snuck away to play sex games with other kids. some people played with animals. and of course,we also had several pedos in our hood. i cant count the number of kids i had sex-play with,but i do know that i had encounters with 2 adults. i can also tell you that most of the kids in that hood also had some type of sex with adults. i can also tell you that it is far more common than people are willing to admit. i have spoken with most of the kids that i played with after they became adults and they are fine. they didnt go to jail,they didnt grow up to rape kids,and they are not on drugs. neither am i. as far as i know,none of the teens got pregnant,and noone got a disease. i have been tested for aids and herpes. nada. so much for the statistics. is it possible that i was just lucky? maybe. is it probable that we were all lucky? not likely.
you have a set view on sex and child abuse and i dont think anyone is going to be able to de-program your social dependency training so i wont bother. you have your views and i have mine. consider this one thing however: people love to go on about how dangerous pedos are,but how dangerous is a person who accepts second hand info as gospel when they dont have any practical experience in it themselves just because it is popular,and then refuses to examine any new info when it becomes available? its the narrow minded zealots that have hurt the most people throughout history. this is just another witch hunt which will eventually blow over,but not before it destroys many peoples lives. i wonder who will be the next public scapegoat? necrophiles maybe? zoophiles? when will society learn to look at themselves before attacking others? so many pretend christians out there. many people have a surprise coming. did you forget Jesus' message? i think so. and for those "smart,educated" men and women who claim they dont believe,what about simple human decency? i guess the human race lacks that too. i hope we all burn out and mother nature starts over. i dont see any hope for the human race...