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About sci-man

  • Birthday September 22

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  • Location
  • Interests
    science of all kinds
  • College Major/Degree
    nowhere yet nothing yet
  • Favorite Area of Science
    quantum mechanics
  • Biography
    i'm interested in science of all kinds
  • Occupation
    star-trooper/Klingon warrior/wizard defender of earth.

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Meson (3/13)



  1. why is it that some people act differently online versus in real life. I have a couple friends who like to be the 'villain' of the game if we are playing an RPG and I was wondering why this is. they are all pretty nice people and they hate it when people are mean to others but in the game, they change their personalities and like I stated earlier like to be the villains in games. I'm wondering why this is. Is it just to have a break from being so nice all the time or something else entirely? Any answers would be appreciated.
  2. Hmmm... I thought that meant Where's The Flux
  3. HI!!! I'm Sci-Man and I haven't gone to college yet i'm 14 and in 8th grade currently. My favorite areas of science (I don't like just one) are quantum mechanics, biology, chemistry, psychology, and physics. I have a lot of ideas that sorta make sense and I really want to pursue my dreams and become a scientist whose name will go down with all of the other greats. I don't really know what else to say so i'm going to stop now.
  4. No, I didn't. or at least if i did I didn't mean to.
  5. hey guys... wow i didn't think that the choose gender option would be removed... I have no idea what to even say. i honestly didn't think this would go that far and so quick. idek what to say anyways just wanted to stop in byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  6. Hi, sci-man here and i was just wondering why there isn't a write your own option for your gender when you make your profile. i understand some people might not be appropriate but non the less i still think it would be a good thing to have. is this a good idea or no? answer the poll
  7. maybe they are coordinates???
  8. oh yeah i forgot about that opps... lol
  9. If someone where to use crispr to make a new plant species driving from a tough desert plant that doesn't need as much water as most plants and splices the genes with underwater algae found in the 'Abbisle zone' in the ocean could they also increase the metabolic rate to match the input and output in oxygen and co2 in a human could it work as a rebreather if used properly and contained the correct way this is an idea that I've run by a friend and we've been taking this more seriously than most ideas before it we think that if all goes well we could patent this. i do realize how much the metabolic rate would have to increase to match the breathing of the average human and the nutrients needed to support this plant with the metabolic rate so increased. if anyone could help with this then that would be most appreciated thank you very much- Sci-Man
  10. does anyone know of a model for how much energy it would take (theoretically) to bend space-time and anything else on the subject? - Sci-Man
  11. i was just confused haha
  12. so this would not work then? or it wont be as powerful as i hoped
  13. What are quarks? How do they work? do you think that there is something that makes them up?
  14. ok so the big bang could have been a random thing that happened and could destroy our universe if it happens again cool.
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