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Everything posted by sci-man

  1. they cant control the release of their venom yet and they could im just talking about how we are comparatively weak to other animals that can kill us in an instant we could have evolved with fangs and claws and things like that but instead we have intelligence on a planet where no other creature can do the things that we do it was a miracle evolution and i just want to understand why.
  2. i said now not in my overall research just now and tiny baby rattlesnakes can kill multiple elephants with one bite and would have no problem taking us down meaning our size does not matter
  3. a lot of species i can name about 50 now
  4. humans have evolved to be soft-skinned have no way to defend themselves (claws horns, etc.) and we cant climb trees like monkeys we don't blend into our environment the only good thing is that we are smart and barely even that anymore considering whats going on in the world so why did we evolve like this and only us
  5. can they change from male to female? and is that considered asexual?
  6. does anyone know how African frogs can change genders and how they evolved this way?
  7. i hope that science and religion don't end up together then its all going to be wonky from then on
  8. yea but i mean on a much much larger scale.
  9. im not talking about the science of time rather the Philosophy part of it everything that is a measure it both like the speed of something or the distance between things. everything is real and a concept at the same time
  10. zapatos would you explain your answer to the poll
  11. yes and I'm just trying to think about how one could travel time and your right space is not material thing rather the distance between things. I still think that time is a concept that only comes from having a mind like humans or certain animals also you can be unaware of time which is another weird thing about it
  12. so is time a concept or not because you will never be able to travel time from my understanding of it because time is not a material thing and therefore you cannot travel it. right?
  13. if this 'god' is real i believe that'god' would be an 'it' as it is not human but rather a humanoid form. i am not saying 'god' is real, rather that there is a small possibility and i have to acknowledge that.
  14. isn't exactly what i was asking about i was asking whether or not time is a real thing or whether it is a concept i guess time can be observed but not really be saved or spent or used or anything like that
  15. sci-man

    what is a god

    im wondering about the being called 'god' and just how exactly could a being be a god. so here are the questions. 1. what is a 'god' 2. how could a 'god' be 3. what proof is there of a 'god' 4. how do you know the bible or some other religious book wasn't just some storybook for kids to behave way back when. 5. when you now look at the evidence is the possibility of a 'god' real or not? 6. how would a 'god' exist/ be made?
  16. what is time? Hello, Sci-man here AKA, (TheDarkOverlord) I'm wondering what time is some say time is a real thing some say time is a concept but i think its a little of both. so if you could please answer this question. 'What is time and how do you think it began?'
  17. thank you guys for replying i had forgotten about this post a while ago and just found it i also forgot about that wiki article when i wrote this so thanks for that also thanks for putting up with my arrogance.
  18. thanks for the help nimrodthegoat.
  19. sci-man


    what about if someone got infected then gave birth and i know the chances of that are super low but what would happen if that happened. Even if they cant think rationally i think that they would follow their instincts and look for water unless the disease makes them afraid of water. also, I think that the rate of infection due to bites, an air born strain or even infection due to water could bring down the population drastically . what about if someone got infected then gave birth and i know the chances of that are super low but what would happen if that happened. Even if they cant think rationally i think that they would follow their instincts and look for water unless the disease makes them afraid of water. also, I think that the rate of infection due to bites, an air born strain or even infection due to water could bring down the population drastically . but if someone does mess with the genes of the fungus could it infect humans? the fungus could grow in homes where it would be safe from the environment though.
  20. sci-man


    im not quite sure where to put this. can zombies be a real thing? I know that there is a fungus in real life that takes control of ants and proceeds to kill them while making them move once the ant dies it continues to make it move and eat other ants I think that if a person messes with the genes it could infect humans and make them into zombies, this is all that i know about it and any info would be great I'm not sure if this is all true as i might not have remembered some details. again any info or input would be great!
  21. sensei, thanks for that but I'm looking for something that can burn without creating toxic compounds in the air so i dont harm anything in the sourounding area when i do the experiments and dry ice "smoke" does not fise like I need it to, also me being a teenager I cannot buy too many things like dry ice or liquid nitrogen on my own (so what i should have put was simple non-toxic cheap smoke bombs) but none the less I thank you for your imput on this subject.
  22. does anyone know how to make a simple non-toxic breathable smoke bomb? this would be to study differences in air pressure and other studies like that without harming the enviroment
  23. i agree with you 54
  24. vote if you want
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