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Everything posted by sci-man

  1. I need help with making a perpetual motion machine and I will use any ideas
  2. i read the wiki page and I believe that if we find what makes the Encephalartos woodii male we can make a genetically modified female Encephalartos woodii and then we can make more and look for more laterr
  3. thanks for believing Raider5678 and migl i accept the challenge my current idea is not to tell anyone because I am going to patent the idea and I don"t want anyone to take it
  4. thanks and i do understand it and could you help with my other post adout Encephalartos woodii thank you also i will watch these the only other thing im doing is a perpetual motion machine
  5. this is cool wondering what to do with mine could use it for science or otherthings whr should i do
  6. the university's better be a lot better by the time i get there
  7. the Encephalartos woodii is a type of tree and there is one left this a tyoe of tree that needs a male and female to reproudce. the only tree left is male is ther any way to make a female tree?
  8. In summary, photon is just a model for explaining when electromagnetic wave behaves like particle. ... As the quanta of these waves, photons will also travel at light speed. In special relativity, the energy of a particle is related to its mass via E=γmc2. Photons are massless, but they have finite energy. found this summary on google
  9. I'm a 7th grader and i would like help to better understand string theory and quantum theory in general.
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