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  1. Hi, I am an undergrad studying biochemistry and I am trying to figure out whether this would be stable? My guess currently is that is would not be maybe due to the large coordination number and crowding? However i don't understand fully how to explain this. Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Many Thanks
  2. I am a first year undergraduate and in my inorganic module we have recently undertaken a practical to find out various oxidation states of Vanadium. To start we made a stock solution by dissolving 2g of ammonium metavanadate (V) with 1.0 mol.dm-3 20 cm3 of sodium hydroxide. This we then added 35.0 cm3 sulphuric acid (1.0 mol.dm-3 ) and made the volume up to 250cm3 with deionised water. It was after the addition of the sulphuric acid that we observed the yellow solution and a red/brown precipitate/solid that then settled to the bottom of the volumetric flask. The solution was meant to be yellow with none of this precipitate so our initial thoughts are that a salt has been formed but to no avail have we found out what it is. Does anyone have any ideas of what was formed? Thank you in advance !
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