I think time travel is possible but I dont think we will ever discover it. There are many point to go on, if we ever discover time travel and could actualy do it, someone would have already changed it, wouldent they? Say if someone in the future came back in time, why isnt our society either perfect, or dead? If someone were to come back they could change the slightest thing, and they would probrably be smart (since they just went back in time) they would know what they were doing. If they came back with the intention with stopping a war, they could have stopped the 911 incident, since they would have as much time as they would need to. If they came to start a war they could just have just helped the Cuban Missle Crisis and had someone bomb someone. So either way, they could have either made our society close to perfect, or close to dead, in my opinion. By the way, this is just my idea, i am NOT saying I am right or anything. If any of this dosn't make any sense, or completly wrong tell me where I went wrong so I can understand more. Anyway, I can come up with 3 ligitiment reasons why we never discover time travel. 1) We are destroyed before we can (either by mother nature or each other). 2) Our civilization finally wises up and we become smart (which is highly unlikely). 3) We do figure it out, but our government restricts and outlaws it, but as we all know, there will always be some guy tring to break the law. With that said, he is proprably a criminal, and came back to stop something. For example, he would probrably go back to stop the law from being passed, which if he did, there would be people coming back all the time. This again is just my opinion.