I wonder can you verify to me this fact? It has to do with the research I'm doing. The following is what I consider true, if not let me know or verify to me it is true.
When the fat cells, adipocytes, going through lipolysis, they release to the bloodstream directly:
- free fatty acid
- mono-acyl-glycerol (glycerol with one fatty acid attached).
They do not...
- Release complete triglycerides to the bloodstream
- or Release triglycerides packaged in lipoproteins (chylomicrons) to the bloodstream
If this is true:
Adipocytes' activity makes their fat extremely useable by the body cells, versus when we eat fat directly, then the cells need to have locally enzymes "digesting" the chylomicrons/lipoproteins,
and then the cells need to do lipolysis individually. Only then the fatty acids can enter the mitochondria.
thanks Ron