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  1. studiot forget the explanation Strange has just put me off carrying on with this query. x y satisfied now Strange Bye.
  2. There was a greater or equal sign used.
  3. One was from a lecture by Walter Lewin on YouTube; the other was 'College Physics ' Wilson and Buffa and another from Fundamentals of Physics [10th Edition] - Halliday & Resnick. As far as I understand X is the position and p the momentum
  4. I've noticed that there a a few different versions of this formula so are they all correct or is there a correct one. One of my physics books gives one and another gives a different one. Is it delta(X).delta(P) = h(bar)/2 or is it delta(X).delta(P) = h(bar) Surely they both can't be correct. If they are both correct, why? Or is one correct and the other incorrect? Thanks
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