Hi im sorry i dont know if this is the correct forum to ask this question in but here it is:I need to calculate the riboflavin content for a solution. It was made from 1 vitamin tablet dissolved in 20ml of water. Then the solution was made up to 100ml with neutral buffer. Then a 1:50 dilution was made with the solution. The concentration of riboflavin in the 1:50 solution was 86 μg/L. I need to know the riboflavin content in the tablet, in mg. Could anyone be kind enough to help me with this please.
Here is what i have done for this. I am not very confident in it and im afraid that it may be incorrect.
1 tablet in 20ml > made to 100 ml > 1 in 50 dilution
Total dilution factor = 1/20 * 1/5 * 1/50 = 1/5000
Approximate concentration of tablet solution using the standard curve is 86 mg/L in diluted solution.
86 x 5000 = 430000 mg/L = 430 mg/L
In 100 ml solution = 430/10 = 43 mg
In 20 ml solution = 8.6 mg
Tablet riboflavin content is 8.6 mg.
Please help, THank you.