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Everything posted by ATP

  1. Hello, I'm new to this forum. I'm not a Biology student, but I want to learn the science on my own. I'm interested mainly in Cellular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Evolution. In my research, I've found some good websites, textbooks and this forum. Anyone know some good resources that I can use to help me study these concepts? Textbooks, books, websites, magazines, forums, anything really. Aside from resources, how does one go about doing their own experimentation. I spoke to a Biology student and they recommended observing living organisms and studying them considering there are some organisms we know little about. They also recommended microscopy (Specifically getting dyes and observing different cell strucutres). I have a microscope that can view up to 400x magnification (10x eye-piece * 40x lense) and a couple of slides. With my limited experience of two General Biology courses, I'm a bit lost as to where to begin. Preferably, I like things to be hands on (hence the question about experimentation). I'll probably start reading Campbell's Biology on my own soon.
  2. There's two questions here. 1). Why do some humans and animals engage in sodomy if it allows easy transfer of STDs? For animals, I think it's because they don't know on a conscious level that they are contracting STDs. From an evolutionary perspective, the adaptation against sodomy must not be as necessary as the things it would sacrifice for this adaptation. For humans it's a similar tale. To go against sodomy, our bodies would have to develop an adaptation against it. STDs don't prime us to lose sodomy but rather for our bodies to develope grater defenses against the diseases. 2). What evolutionary advantage does sodomy give to animals which choose to engage in this activity? In social animals, it could be the hierarchical component. It doesn't need to be an advantage but rather a result of other factors.
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