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Everything posted by CanadaAotS

  1. m(17) I'm definitely pro-choice, however I have all the same exceptions as ecoli. Out of convenience, and those 3rd trimester abortions. Those are just sick
  2. "negative" velocity would just be travelling in the opposite direction of whatever you consider "positive" velocity.
  3. well the tank itself is more then 3100 cubic feet of water. It could take 9 hours. BTW, I don't see why people couldn't help with this question. If he already got an answer, then he must've done the work. I would help myself but I'm only half way through calculus lol.
  4. You really like those exclamation marks, don't yah? BTW, if some sort of catastrophic climate change did happen, I highly doubt leaving earth would even be considered an option. It would be far better to invest technology to cope with earth's new atmosphere rather then to create a mini self-contained earth that can travel through the vacuum of space. And if leaving earth was considered, we would colonize another planet, not go interstellar
  5. there are fossils of "part amphibian part dinosaur". This guy would be funny if you didnt realize that he actually believes what he's saying.
  6. I enjoyed that flash. lmao. here's another along those lines: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end.php
  7. I assume this is grade 12 course right? (sounds like my pre-cal grade 12). Everything that guy before me said is on it, ours also had probability and combinations / permutations. I hated combs and perms lol
  8. Alright, so the site said that you have to assume that theres a sphere surrounding the coin that has its center point at the center of gravity. The rims of the coin are supposed to be touching the surface of the sphere. To figure out the probability of the coin landing on its edge you'd have to find the surface area of the "equator" so to speak. The area where the rim is. The site said you'd need calculus... how exactly would you do this? I'm in calculus now but I can't think of how lol
  9. btw not very good with integrals yet so I'm not even sure if I did them right
  10. Well we work with spheres in derivative and integral problems It's interesting to note that derivative of volume (wrt radius) [math] V = \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3 [/math] [math] V' = 4\pi r^2 [/math] Is the formula for surface area. And circles are the same: [math] A = \pi r^2 [/math] [math] A' = 2\pi r [/math] Area goes to circumference. Now I know this isn't just a coincidence. If someone could explain why this is that'd be great. And also, what happens if you found the integral of the Volume of the sphere (or the Area of a circle) ? (they're [math] \int \frac{4}{3}\pi r^3 dr = \frac{\pi r^4}{3} [/math] and [math] \int \pi r^2 dr = \frac{\pi r^3}{3} [/math] ignoring the + C. I think thats what they'd be)
  11. how come [math]r^2[/math] suddenly turns into [math]GM[/math]?
  12. Well when people think in their head, its a voice (or at least I assume it is or it may just be that I'm crazy ). This is your brain having the ability to create audio signals that have no origin from the outside world. Same when you think of an image in your head.
  13. This is a completely aerodynamic argument. The guys saying heavier objects cut through air resistance more. maybe he's momentum? But really, if you had a bowling ball made of ceramic, and a bowling of the exact same shape made of lead, which would fall faster? I think that is his real argument.
  14. The thing is the magnetic attraction between the two propagates at the speed of light. So it'd take a trillion years for either to feel the attractive pull anyways lol.
  15. you know, that bonzai kitty site really should have a disclaimer somewhere saying it isnt real. Maybe ppl wouldnt freak out so much the male pregnancy site had a disclaimer saying that its fictional
  16. I think that before the big bang was a universe that collapsed on its on gravity. The force of the gravity increased as it shrinked and shrinked until something went off inside that was strong enough to re-inflate the universe. The universe that started ours was also started by a big bang, and it goes on as a cycle... Of course then ppl would ask, where'd the matter come from originally? lol
  17. The average American eats 1400 chickens, 21 cows, 14 sheep, and 12 pigs in their lifetime. Lightning travels at 90000 miles per second - almost half the speed of light. Sweat produces enough nutrients to feed 65000 bacteria per square inch of the human body. The brain use 20% of the body's blood supply.
  18. lmao... btw, it alarm clocks and other electrical devices I feel have an "electric smell" so to speak, kind of smells like something burning. Probably the electronics heating up dust particles inside it or something. Is this what your talking about?
  19. I've had some time to think, If you drew lines connecting the center of the faces of the cube, those lines would have zero gravity. most regular 3d shapes would do the same. The sphere just has an infinite amount of faces though so there are lines connecting sides at all points inside the sphere so it would be zero gravity EDIT: Please correct me if this is wrong
  20. You'd have some very cold floors after that
  21. I was pretty much replying to the original post
  22. done? wow thats some service
  23. yourdadonapogostick: I think he meant visualizing infinity, our thinking about its existence in 'real life' as opposed to an equation on paper or drawn on a graph. Ilja: planets aren't moving away from each other. however the space inbetween distant objects in the universe appear to be expanding away from each other.
  24. well... what happens if yah dump a litre of liquid helium into several litres of 150 C water? Sounds like fun
  25. sorry to say, but the brain doesnt have enough connection, pathways "brain states" or anything of that nature to come even close to the number of atoms in the universe. Maybe something like the number of galaxy's or something like that.
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