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Everything posted by CanadaAotS

  1. the computer security course he took with microsoft.
  2. I see, I see thanks for that, good to know how to do it btw as dave said the numerator is now [math]x[/math]. The limit now looks like: [math]\lim_{x\to0} \frac{x}{x(a^2 + ab + b^2)} \mbox{ where } a = (x+27)^3 \mbox{ and } b = -3[/math] The x's cancel leaving 1 on the top and we can now substitute a and b: [math]\lim_{x\to0} \frac{1}{(x+27)^{2/3} + 3\cdot(x+27)^{1/3} + 9} [/math] Probably did something wrong as it doesn't look like it will cancel out into something nice... but w/e lol, you can apply the limit now. [math]\frac{1}{27^{2/3} + 3\cdot(27^{1/3}) + 9} [/math] Well it seems 27^(2/3) = 9 so It will be nice The answer is: [math]\frac{1}{27} \mbox{ or if you like it nice and simple... } 3^{-3} [/math]
  3. Thats so cool! didn't know that was possible... too bad the math is far above my level, haven't even learned integrals yet I guess theres no such thing as the opposite, infinite volume and finite surface area... doesn't sound possible
  4. Yah you kinda screwed that up with what TD said... and just to clarify I'll post the limit in latex: [math]\lim_{x\to0} \frac{(x+27)^{\frac{1}{3}} - 3}{x}[/math] I don't understand what TD means, like how to use the [math]a^3 + b^3 [/math] rule with [math]\frac{1}{3}[/math]... since isn't that the difference / sum of cubes rule? 1/3 isn't a perfect cube nor is 3...
  5. mmm... pi... yah I know, the [math]\pi[/math] jokes have been done to death lol
  6. It is just a lil' red LED, could go on for a long time... Maybe someone should do one with 250 grams worth of commercial batteries, just to see how it measures up to the ones people make themselves... I would, but a) no near-to-nil about electronics b) because of point a) I'm not sure how to hook up a couple of Duracells to a red LED (or even where to get a red LED lol)... If you could point me in the right direction, I wouldn't mind doing the test with the commercial batteries
  7. actually theres low pressure on mt. everest because theres less air above your head pushind down on you. So the kPa's go down (air pressure).
  8. Dont forget the fact that the Earth has a large magnetic field and it has to be powered by something (the iron core would do well with this). BTW - All of Earth's Mass is centered on the center. The matter above you would not pull on you it would push you. Thats why when you have several thousand km's of dirt above your head it causes extreme pressures lol.
  9. I assume too that when you say faster then light you mean c. A particle traveling through water could go faster then lights speed through that water. It produces Cherenkov radiation (blue light). also quatum entaglement is instaneous but no information can ever be sent using it. There are many examples of FTL but all of them (that I've heard) claim information can never be sent using them. This is interesting though: stand up and stare at the moon. Spin around at 1/2 rev/s. To your reference frame the moon (385,000 km away) travels at 1.2 million km/s which is 4 times the speed of light. Theres an explanation of this, but I found it funny (spinning around to make the moon travel faster then light... lol.)
  10. oh I just read through and realized bascule already said it was imaginary lol... anyways, if it's really true then it's entirely impossible for anything to ever travel faster then light, then I doubt we will ever get very far outside our own solar system. I bet that would kill the heart of sci-fi fans everywhere lmao
  11. nothing * infinity still equals nothing. 0*(any number finite or not) = 0
  12. Its not negative however, its imaginary there's a difference
  13. I've seen this before except woman was replaced with girl and problems was replaced with evil making girls = evil lol I'll write it out in latex (just cuz I'm bored lol) [math]\mbox{girl} = \mbox{time}*\mbox{money}[/math] time is money [math]\mbox{girl} = \mbox{money}^2[/math] money is the root of all evil [math]\mbox{girl} = \sqrt{\mbox{evil}}^2[/math] so... [math]\mbox{girl} = \mbox{evil}[/math] Nice eh? lol
  14. oh damn, lol, nvm my last post, "... from the floor ..."
  15. well "gravity powered"... you could stand up on a very tall ladder (taller then the net since friction will take away some of the energy) and drop the ball (or w/e it is) down a ramp and aim / drop it perfectly every time.
  16. omg, chalk.... ick, the sound of chalk when someone else uses it isn't bad, but the feeling and sound of it when I use it... sets my teeth on edge and gives me shivers... same with cotton except only when I think about the feeling of it, when I actually do I'm fine. but you're talking about sounds, this thread started out with teeth on cement (urgh 'nother shiver), that doesnt have to do with sounds, and many of these mini-phobias (as they seem to be) alot of times have to do with other senses then hearing.
  17. nuke it! lol, just kidding, interesting though. The fact that they predicted this as a possibility 31 years in advance makes yah feel pretty safe lol.
  18. Look at this equation: [math] z(x,y) = (\cos(\sqrt{(x^2 + (y + .913*2\pi)^2}) + \cos(\sqrt{(x^2 + (y - .913*2\pi)^2}) + [/math] [math] (\cos(\sqrt{((x + .913*2pi)^2) + y^2}) + (\cos(sqrt{((x - .913*2pi)^2) + y^2}))*4[/math] Pretty crazy, eh? lol, It's supposed to be some kind of complex wave thing... the graph looks like this: If anyone else has any cool looking graphs, post a screenshot of it (or a link to a screenshot) on this thread, with the equation used to make it.
  19. BTW all that I've just said was previously explained to me by 5614 (not just something I happened to know myself lol)
  20. Well apparently both photons and gravitons are their own antiparticles. Since the antiphoton and antigraviton are completely indistinguishable from their counterparts they technically don't exist. antiparticles travel backwards through time and have reversed charges, since gravitons and photons travel at the speed of light they do not travel through time at all. So this works out well (having no anti particle).
  21. wow this looks much cooler then avida... thanks for the link!
  22. When I do that I get a wierd looking oval shape on my graphcalc. And btw I'm talking about 3d graphing calculators for PC. Looks like this: with the equations at the top right corner. As you can see, its not close to a sphere lol, more like to huge sails billowing out from the origin in opposite directions. And what if I wanted to make 3D equations that you can't isolate z, x, or y? There some of the more interesting looking ones too lol... (side note - why won't my graph show with the IMG tags? )
  23. Oh alright nvm then it'd be the same for the graviton as it (is supposed to?) travels at the speed of light as well and has no charge the antigraviton would be the exact same so it'd be its own antiparticle just like photons...
  24. I wasn't imply that antimatter gave off dark light, just that maybe that was what his teacher was implying... Also, would say an antimatter sun give off regular photons then? And if it gave off normal photons would its gravity be normal too (as opposed to "antigravity" thats supposed to repel normal matter)? I've always wondered if there is a such thing as antigravity / gravitons...
  25. Server - DL , UL New York City, NY - 830 kbps , 1279 kbps Los Angeles, CA - 290 kbps , 707 kbps San Francisco, CA - 521 kbps , 474 kbps Dallas, TX - 497 kbps , 1152 kbps Chicago, IL - 1177 kbps , 1850 kbps Atlanta, GA - 743 kbps , 1382 kbps Washington, DC - 1070 kbps , 815 kbps This is for the comps at school lol, they have crazy UL speeds... Too bad I can't connect to any P2P programs from the school comps I'll check out my home comp later, pretty fast speeds here though
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