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Everything posted by CanadaAotS

  1. just testing this out... [math]\frac{x^2 + 4x}{2y^2 + y} = 6[/math] Derivative: [math]\frac{(2x + 4)\cdot(2y^2 + y) - (x^2 + 4x)\cdot(2\frac{dy}{dx} + 1)}{(2y^2 + y)^2} = 0[/math] [math]\frac{(4xy^2 + 2xy + 4xy^2 + 4xy) - (2x^2\frac{dy}{dx} + x^2 + 4x\frac{dy}{dx} + 4x)}{(2y^2 + y)^2} = 0[/math] [math]\frac{8xy^2 + 6xy - x^2 - 4x}{(2y^2 + y)^2} + \frac{-2x^2\frac{dy}{dx} - 4x\frac{dy}{dx}}{(2y^2 + y)^2} = 0[/math] [math]\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{8xy^2 + 6xy - x^2 - 4x}{-2x^2 - 4x}[/math] now hopefully that will work out fine... Also if any math is wrong please tell me lol the language to use is easy just going through it all is hard lol
  2. http://dllab.caltech.edu/avida/ anyone even the least bit interested in evolution should check out this program. little file organism's that can evolve to learn to subtract, add, multiply etc. binary numbers. had a hell of a time tweaking these things
  3. Imagine this : To mercurians coming to Earth the switch from night to day would seem to them the equilavent of night and day switching every 1.02 minutes for us... crazy eh?
  4. lol, have fun gettin' that...
  5. Ok I've always thought this time dialation thing was a little strange, but its been fully proven in labratories and that right?
  6. Or it could get to the point where the governments like "hey we want good taxpaying citizens, so no ones having babies anymore" then just make the babies from bottles... Or I could stop reading Brave New World lol I think you can pick w/e you would want in your baby, however there are issues. What happens if 2 gay parents would like there child to be gay as well? what doctor would be allowed to do that? Lots of issues, but fortanetly theres only the sex to choose at the moment
  7. too bad, that'd be nice lol
  8. I did arrive at 25... lol [hide] x = first digit, y = second digit Think of a 2 digit number : 10x + y Add digits and subtract from number : 10x + y - (x + y) = 10x - x Divide by the first digit of your number : (10x - x) / x = 9 Multiply by 3 : 9 * 3 = 27 Subtract 2 : 27 - 2 = 25 I got 25! lol [/hide] EDIT: I like breaking these things down to lol
  9. The reason we get old and age, is because genes that are beneficial to us when were young aren't really needed as we get older, since supposedly the population has less of a chance of reaching advanced age. Besides medicine, its evolution thats increasing age expectancy because people are having (and are able to have) children at an older age. The average age of people having children has been increasing for a long time. This 'naturally' increases life expectancy through evolution.
  10. well, either you copy-pasted stuff off the internet, or you got someone to proof read it (who knows physics)... thinking its the former
  11. well you do get fibre from fruit (and I'm sure you dont get it in the fruit juice)
  12. so lets just say you wouldnt get immense hypothermia and die quickly if you slathered this stuff all over you. you do it, then you could slide up walls and stuff lol does it defy laws of physics, sort of like how superconductors can make things hover?
  13. so your saying the apparent fact that the universe is accelerating out could easily be bogus? sounds good lol What would these "mirrors" be analogous to in the real universe though?
  14. practically worthless? well that makes me feel better lol
  15. omg that second video seriously creeped me out and I didnt even have sound on... wtf is it??
  16. Like the guy just said about relativistic mass, you can add energy to an object but only its relativistic mass increases, it's not like it will have more real mass and if you weighed it it'd be higher... good example is light, light is completely made of energy, so it has no real mass, but it does have a relativistic mass (If I said anything incorrect please correct to people who know what they're talking about lol)
  17. Bose-Einstein Condensates? Thats when all the molecules sorta stick together and act like a big molecule (when its really cold), right? I wish I had some solid helium lol *Throws a helium ball at the forum* heh
  18. so nothing can stop it? how bout throwing it into space lol... vacuum + extreme cold
  19. I always thought anti-matter repelled matter, and attracted anti-matter, the opposite of matter which would repel anti-matter and attract matter... this isn't true? Also, I've heard they made anti-hydrogen particles... if they could contain it using magnetic fields technically they could make anything using anti-matter, just like matter (or at least you'd think they would).
  20. why would time go slower for them? And tiny universes arent created
  21. "Can you eat one?" perhaps... Then the other guy'd be like "But they dont exist... I am hungry though" lol
  22. I'm pretty sure he meant gravitation, but even then it's unclear
  23. Three adventurers enter the jungle and they soon found that they were lost, and before they knew it a tribe captured them. The chief of the tribe told them "Go out into the jungle and collect 10 of 1 type of fruit then come back". So the three adventurers go out to get the fruit. The first adventurer returns with 10 bananas. Then the chief tells him "Now you must shove every one of those up your ass without making a sound. If you do you will die, if not we let you go." He gets to the second one before making a noise, and the chief kills him. The second adventurer walks up the hill with 10 grapes. The chief tells him the same thing as the first. He gets to 8 before laughing hysterically and gets killed by the chief. The 2 adventurers are up in heaven talking and the first says to the second, "Why didn't you finish, you could have lived!" and the second says "I saw the last guy walking up the hill with pineapples"
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