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Everything posted by CanadaAotS

  1. Really makes you wonder what could be next? lol
  2. The real question is, what is this gene doing that gives a 6% better chance of producing offspring?
  3. yah making it halfway through a wall to suddenly realize your stuck in it... not cool lol
  4. the math is the interesting part? lol...
  5. life could be extremely diverse... I dont see why it needs carbon, oxygen, liquid water, or any of the other things "needed" for life. Imagine a planet full of heavy metal elements... you could have metal beings, or you could have crystal beings trapping photons for energy... life could be made of anything, and get energy in anyway... and chances are there is every type of life we could think up, when you think of the hugeness of the universe
  6. Time of the Early Greeks as in, not relevant for the present...
  7. but it'd still be "free" energy, even if it was a tiny bit...
  8. wahoo? lol... anyways, its not all about double d's or a's or w/e, its about relation to the rest of the body. there's some kind of golden ratio that universally attractive (I forget what it is... in general its an hour-glass figure).
  9. I assume it would work by louder signs = brighter colors, and higher pitch sounds = higher spectrum color... ex, a loud low pitch noise would be bright red and a low high pitch noise would be dark blue / purple. Also, if the afflicted eye still has its old functions as well, I doubt it would be able to see any direction of the sound, other then maybe it brightening more (getting louder) when you turn towards it... hope that helps!
  10. now if you meant the other way around (1 SM to the right at 100 mil miles, and 2 SM to the left at 200 mil miles) then itd be 2x more force to the right.
  11. Thats really easy... you'd be pulled to the left... really hard to, 8x more force then to the right
  12. but man... trekkies? lol
  13. finish philosophy? I was thinking having your brain connected to the internet... and having the internet's problems come with it. I just thought it'd be funny to get spam messages to your brain, or having pop-up ads appear before your eyes, or even worse (and this is kinda creepy), having virus's / trojan's in your head. Imagine someone could know what your thinking
  14. Ok this sounds like a stupid idea... but if our memory's connect to the internet, wouldnt that open a scary new horizon for hackers? Imagine having spam messages pop up in front of your eyes!!! Scary eh? lol
  15. Hey I'm Chris, high school student, my "official" education is grade 12 physics, but I've learned tons of stuff on the internet about all manner of physics... plus I'm in grade 11 comp science, also very interested about that. But really I can get interested in any science as long as I (at least) half understand it lol cya at the forums!
  16. even though things DO weighh differently at the top and bottom of Earth... lol Oh I bet there was dirt (???) flying around ROFLMAO I can't stand this anymore... I searching the site for an e-mail address and ream this guy out... I'm in grade 12 physics and its embarrassing... my god, a 13 yr old would probably laugh at this stuff EDIT: BTW, his address is pkolasa@hotmail.com... Have Fun!
  17. omg thats ridiculous... emit does not = repulse lol
  18. has anyone tried to measure the speed of gravity? I always thought that gravity was instantaneous... like if say the sun disappeared it would take 8 minutes to see that it disappeared but the gravity would leave instantaneously...
  19. that would work, but you'd have to have oxygen rich blood, plus made-to-order nutrients (the body process's usually make them for the brain), and keep blood pressure in order as well... then yah they could live (probably).
  20. I've heard of this before, its like the photon going through 2 slit holes, it seems like it goes through both, until its observed and then consciousness dictates what the photon actually did... quantum consciousness sounds plausible, since consciousness already can dictate things like light.
  21. So this really comes down to nature or nurture... I think as a sort of base, babies are naturally attracted to larger breasts over smaller since larger would've allowed the babies of our ancestors to have a better chance to live. Then for older males, a larger portion of the attraction would be based on culture.
  22. same goes with all the other parts of women's anatomy thats popular, more often then not, it's some kind of evolutionary advantage
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