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Everything posted by CanadaAotS

  1. Grrrr YT, I'm in the process of owning the forum home page! shhh lol anyway, I'm pretty sure his diagram contained a very hot (hence pre-heated) piece of iron lying under a very cold piece of iron... If it was very very cold, wouldnt it float or something? sorry if I sound vague, but its that thing where really really cold metal seems to hover over a magnetized metal... something along those lines anyway. What I think would happen if the irons were hot and cold enough, they'd just crack, like ice when you put in a glass of water.
  2. Human Body in a Vacuum I love this... what the theorized effects of being in the vacuum of space would be like to a human. Hollywood should take note... but really, its hollywood so I guess not.
  3. Fields of Iron Rule the Universe Rule #34 of Crack-Pottery: "Rule the Universe" is in the title. lol
  4. Too bad, I would've liked to see how Canada scored... I'd like to think were at least mid range lol
  5. I think one of the premises is that life evolved on mars before earth. That would make the "Martian Seed" theory of how earth began with life make sense as well... I'm not a big fan of it though
  6. First of all, I'll never use windows vista if I can help it... (of course I said that about windows xp... lol). And if they start bringing in more of this software with updates, it will eventually become more noticeable, thus more of an outcry to such a blatant abuse of privacy. I think this should be against the law actually... I think they were planning on installing a similar chip into the HD-DVD players, that would give Sony access to it or something vague like that lol. I cant remember exactly, anyway once people found out about it, that "feature" of the players was immediately scrapped.
  7. I should put a link from the crackpot theories thread to this one! yay! But seriously, you can tell that you have read a physics book or 3, and I kinda like a few of your ideas... but really, the star of david found in a magnified material? whats next, "VIRGIN MARY, FOUND IN MAGNIFIED MILK PARTICLE!!!!!!!!1111!111one!!! OMGORDZ CALL TEH MEDIA!"
  8. lmao... w00t to force fields!
  9. hmm... a tip dont use excessive exclamations, it definetly doesnt help your point rofl
  10. Nevermind "even when", if anything it gets worse the more hard data that is presented lol. I love how mr d defends the crackpot community. talk about courageous haha I've always believed that the religion is sort of the flipside of science... and as such it seems to have its "religous" crackpots as well... but being the flipside of science they believe it, where as they are scorned on the science side lol.
  11. Hahaha that was awesome... nvm the sharks stay the hell away from the octopuses lol
  12. I dont know about you, but alot of setup.exe's found on the internet end up being viruses, spyware etc. lol. Mostly because setup.exe is so ambiguous
  13. Calculator on the sidebar?? you have no idea how helpful that would be lol...
  14. This gas ball is much much bigger then a mere star... probably wouldnt phase it much lol.
  15. What about the "If you could travel at the speed of light, it would seem like time stopped" or many other examples like this. Like the guy said, people (at least try) to make physical assumptions on impossible scenarios all the time
  16. hahaha yah "depending on what mood it is in"... I think my browser may be going through a bout of depression at the moment... lmao.
  17. Well I suggest you do as the above guy said, and use a virtual machine to test it. It really sucks to completely screw over your system and have to reformat *been there MANY times haha*
  18. Especially with the increasing frequency of people being able to travel across the world, geographic location will have little to do with evolving humans differently, so as long as we all stay on Earth, I doubt any new human species will evolve seperatly from everyone else... However, seeing as Extraterrestrial colonization is most likely in our future, a colony on another planet would very well evolve differently, because there will be on big difference, even if they get a nice cozy earth atmosphere to breath; the gravity would be different then Earths. And different gravity's have an effect on most human functions and/or organs... anyways, thats my input
  19. Ok, so at this point I'm sure were all just curious. What are you putting on a freeweb site that you would need to have password protected?
  20. OKAY!!! this is absolutely killing me... I've read the entire source code for level 3 and do not see whats going wrong... Again: dont look unless you want a hint at level 3. Although apparently this isnt helping me much... [hide] pwd = prompt("Please enter the password for level 3:",""); if (pwd==PASSWORD){ alert("Allright!\nEntering Level 4 ..."); location.href = CORRECTSITE; } else { alert("WRONG!\nBack to disneyland !!!"); location.href = WRONGSITE; } PASSWORD="AbCdE"; CORRECTSITE="level4-sfvfxc.xhtml"; WRONGSITE="http://www.disney.com"; \*Alright... obviously its actually taking me to disney.com when I get it wrong, so the constants (password, correctsite and wrongsite) are declared properly as is the if statement. I enter AbCdE into the prompt like it says I'm supposed to for some reason that does not make pwd == "AbCdE". This is seriously killing me, so help would be GREAT! *\ [/hide]
  21. I found the password for level 3, put it in but it doesnt work. BTW, dont look at the spoiler unless you want the answer (or what I think the answer is) to level 3. People who have already beaten level 3, tell me if I'm right... [hide]so goes to correct site if pswrd = PASSWORD. PASSWORD = "AbCdE" apparently... tried that but it didnt work. I swear this is the answer but whatever... [/hide]
  22. nvm I got level 2
  23. I know where the flash file is, I cannot save it though...
  24. Ok give me a moment to stop laughing.... I'm a bit better now. Are you really posting in a Science forum? really... Needless to say I have not heard of useing crystals for fusion...
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