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About Furyan5

  • Birthday 05/22/1968

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    Cape Town
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  1. Required to make objects visible. We need light to see objects. It's the objects which are visible, not the light. Please read that... True. 17 pages and people still can't tell the difference between detection (when light falls on the retina) and seeing (when we perceive the minds model of an object). Detecting something that (falls on you) is called feeling, not seeing. I know some people are "slow", but this is bordering on ridiculous.
  2. So how can light be visible? Please read that as many times as you need until it sinks in...
  3. Do you always avoid answering questions? Studiot suggested this. I think it's a brilliant idea. I responded with this. ( Perfect, so let's do that. What properties make things visible? 1: they must reflect or emit light. Does light do either? No! 2: they must be big enough to be seen. How big is a photon? No size. 3: they must be slow enough to be seen. How fast is light? It's the fastest thing in the universe. Any one of these is enough to make an object invisible. Yet some people adamantly cling to the belief that we can see light.) Can someone respond please! If I'm wrong somehow, show me. If you can't, don't bother responding. This myth is busted!
  4. No. Ignoring cold hard facts in favour of conventional beliefs is an impasse. None so blind as those who do not want to see. What scares you? Being wrong? Even Einstein was wrong on occasion. The world won't end if you admit that detection is not sight. "Why Mr Anderson, why? Why do you persist with this delusion? The 'visible light spectrum' is the range of light 'by which humans see'. Not the range of light we see. It's called visible light because 'it makes objects visible'. Accept it. You we're wrong. We can't see light.
  5. 'Cough' Did you miss the rest of it? Or are you ignoring it because the facts don't match up with your current beliefs? This is the power of preconception. You have no answer, so your mind blocks it out. I'll repeat it. Perfect, so let's do that. What properties make things visible? 1: they must reflect or emit light. Does light do either? No! 2: they must be big enough to be seen. How big is a photon? No size. 3: they must be slow enough to be seen. How fast is light? It's the fastest thing in the universe. Any one of these is enough to make an object invisible. Yet some people adamantly cling to the belief that we can see light.
  6. You're almost there. You understand that colors only exist in the mind. Now you only have to realize that the 'perceived objects' are also constructs of the mind. The reality you perceive is not outside you. You see the construct. Your whole life you only perceive the construct. This is beyond the others, but I believe it's within your grasp, even if you disagree at first. Perfect, so let's do that. What properties make things visible? 1: they must reflect or emit light. Does light do either? No! 2: they must be big enough to be seen. How big is a photon? No size. 3: they must be slow enough to be seen. How fast is light? It's the fastest thing in the universe. Any one of these is enough to make an object invisible. Yet some people adamantly cling to the belief that we can see light. Logical? I think not.
  7. How much longer will it take you to realize the we 'see' objects, when our eyes 'detect' light. We perceive the object, we infer the light. Detecting light is part of the visual process but the purpose of vision is to allow us to see things. Seeing things gives us an evolutionary advantage. Our retina detects light that strikes it. Seeing is the ability to perceive an object without making physical contact with the object. If light must 'strike' our eyes to be detected, that is not seeing. That's feeling. We detect light. We see objects.
  8. I will say this only once. You're confusing the Orange you see (which is the mind model) with the Orange (outside our bodies) which reflects light. The mind only creates the mind model if our eyes detect (not see) light coming from the 'outside' orange. If, as you claim, we see light, then we don't see objects. Only light is visible and objects are invisible. According to your claim, oranges are invisi ble. This is the contradiction
  9. Agreed, but my opinion doesn't contradict itself. My opinion doesn't claim we can see size-less, colourless and incredibly fast EMR. Opinion. Again.
  10. Actually, you're the only one who disagrees and thereby, holding everyone back. You're excused!
  11. So, since we all agree that light has no color, how can we see it? 540nm is the wavelength, not the amplitude.
  12. Correct. Technically, color is the property of the object, which causes it to absorb or reflect certain wavelengths of light. What we call colors, like red, yellow and green, are actually hues. So objects have colors and we perceive hues.
  13. Or, orange is a visual sensation created by our brain
  14. Many is shrimps lack the mental capacity to perceive as many colors as humans. They actually see no better than dogs.
  15. That's your opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.
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