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  1. So I took a picture of the Moon and sun at the same time. But the moon was not where you would normally see it in pictures. This was taken in New York City at a partial eclipse. You can see the eclipse still. Is this a super rare phenomenon? Is this because it was taken at an angle? I am stumped. I am not too good at science, I am young so I don't really know. The blue surrounding it was some stupid idea to put my bad sunglasses over my phone camera lens to protect it. In my mind I was like. It is something. And luckily my phone survived. Is it even the moon? I believe it is. I cropped it and have the full 16:9 photo too. This was the solar eclipse in August 2017
  2. Okay man I downloaded this. And now FBI is probably after me LOL okay man thanks just taking safety precautions for my dog.
  3. Thanks. What effects do you think it has on a small dog with the room that has the spill closed and kept away from him?
  4. Okay im happy you clicked this so I went to the bathroom and bleach and alcohol fell to the ground what can I do? I heard it's a very dangerous compund called Cloroform or something. I need help I didnt spill a lot but how do i get rid of the liquid and the smell? What can I call? Please. Help.
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