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  • Quark

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  1. ever think of using sodium hydroxide for the electrolyte? Some people recomended it to me in this forum. also, i know copper will definatly dissolve away as it oxydizes, however, i hope it takes a long time to do that. I would normally be happy to draw a diagram for you as far as full scale production is concerned, but alas...i am a little lazy to do that. here are some hints though: Use smaller PVC pipes within a larger 4" pipe. cut the little ones and cap them. These will be used to collect your hydrogen only, you should be able to cram about 40 of these into the 1 foot section of pipe. each little tube will only be 3-4 inches long. Insert cathodes and annodes into them, and be sure to drill holes in the caps and run separate pipes from them for hydrogen and oxygen. I am sure as you make it you will get good ideas as far as actual construction. For something on this sale you would need about 4 PSUs, each preferably and older more rugged model of about 250-300 watts. connect the 12v and 5v lines in a roughly symetrical fasion to all the cathodes and annodes, being sure that having two electrodes of the same charge next to eachother is avoided as much as possible. Then power up this bad boy and watch the hydrgoe nform.
  2. Electrolysizer? That's the word I have always been using....hate to find out I was saying something stupid all this time. try googleing electrolysis and water, should be some commercial products that come up. I bet that they would be called by the right thing.
  3. didn't I have a forum about this sort of thing... Oh well, be that as it may, I would recomend using NaOH as the salt in the solution for electrolysis. It appears to be very stable, and good for this sort of thing with the right materials. at least that's what they tell me here on the forum.
  4. What the!? why are there no more posts??? COME ON!!! Nobody has anyhing else to say!? It has been several days! No comments on the pic, design, nothing!?
  5. Okay, the properties of NaOH seem to be pretty good. The electrolysizers will be totally CO2 free, since they will be sealed and filled 100% with only water. The effects of H2 and O2 electrolysis on copper remains to be seen... And what I am talking about is having multiple units running at 20-30 amps. I am stabbing in the dark here, but depending on the ouput vs the imput, the ammounts of water I actually need electrolysized remain unknown. But I know for a fact I will need alot. In reagards to not having answers to my questions...seriously?! There is NO known research out there thats published in regards to how to electrolysize water as quickly and efficiently as possible??? I have looked myself and found nothing...but surely someboy here knows something in regards to where I can find the detailed information I need.
  6. okay dude....that's just not cool. I only want the high grade stuff for my electrolysis. quick question though: How far into the tube should the electrodes be for maximum electrosizing? too far and the circuit may not complete well enough, too exposed and hydrogen and oxygen may leak out into the housing creating a bubble of explosive gas to collect and probalbly detonate. I am thinking 1-2 cm into the individual h2 and o2 electrolysis tubes. and also, the NaOH will not break down over time right? I am counting on this, because once i seal the housing, the only way in would be through the water intake tube, and it would be a bitch to have to check and preportion the NaOH in there properly. one last thing, what is the right preportion of NaOH to water that would produce the kind of ultra fast high production electrolsizing i am looking for? I want this thing to convert a Gallon of water into H2 ande O2 every 25-30 minutes. I know that will take alot of units, but if each is as perfect as possible it might just work.
  7. WTF!? I accedentaly hit an "N" instead of a stupid T and you all go hyjacking my thread as some stupid Pain VS photoshop debate? I am working with explosive stuff here!!!! Geeze... Now where can a guy buy some NaOH on the cheap? And don't say internet...
  8. How about I don't mix them until the moment they have to ignite? I could just have four lines come up in a cross formation, two H2 and two O2, they will discharge next to eachother and at an upwards angle. This will make the H2 and O2 mix in the air, not in some tube. (too lazy to draw a MS Pain pic. use your imaginations)
  9. dear lord....i didn't think you guys would take me seriously! also, i plan on trying to create "real time" electrolysis, whereby a noticable ammount of water must flow into the device/system of devices to keep it full of water. I need like a 3" flames worth of hydrogen to be produced in real time. I estimate that equates to about 25-30 identical electrolysis devices working together. That;s alot of electrolysizing!
  10. I know I will, first of all, there will be NO WIND. Second, I will Pray that it doesn't go out. Third, The flame is just a measure of how much gas the unit is putting out, just for testing really. The real awesomeness comes from collecting all that h2 and o2 in a balloon, then firing a roman candle at it in my black yard. I am talking one of those three foot in diameter balloons that you hit people with...you know the kind?
  11. Excelent! We have like 10-15 of those old "useless" power supplies laying around and wasting space. I might be able to score a few of them no problem.
  12. Okay, the dated PSUs in computer class that the teacher wil let met have all supply 24A on the 5v lines, and about 12-14A on the 12V lines. Here in lies the problem, I see pleanty of 5+ and 12+ lines all over the place, and an equal number of misc. black wires entering/leaving the plugs, however according to the scematics from my A+ packets only the white wires are 5- volts...there is only ONE white wire and like 7 red ones. The same type of situatoin exists for the 12v lines. How am I supposed to safely wire this baby up? Attach black wires to the negative ends, or split the white wire seven ways and attach those to the negative ends? or something i have not even thought of... anyone? please?
  13. what is the current measured in? or does it just say current and then supply a number... I really need to know details here, I will be grabbing four or five of these things over the next few days.
  14. Now about the PC power supplies...what should i look for? what statistics should it display on the side that would be in my favor to get high current and 4-5v voltage? (i am not completely familiar with the statistics display on the sides of the power supplies) As for the electrodes, i plan on using copper for now, platinum when i become more comfortable with the device and decide it's time for an upgrade. NaOH or NaF??? I'll let you two chem experts duke it out on this one. I think NaOH (liquid right?) would dissolve better in water...though NaF does seem to be good too. Any explicit reasons why I should take one over the other?
  15. what would a PC power supply do for me? I imagine it's somewhat low voltage (12v), and the current couldn't be that bad...right? I know that it will work, but I need high capacity high production units here. I eventually planning on having 15-20 such units producing hydrogen for another experiment of mine.
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