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Everything posted by jonnobody

  1. Most people have difficulty defining consciousness as have most of the big thinkers from 1000 BCE! For me it is fairly easy because I have a spiritual basis in my life. For those that haven't a spiritual basis, consciousness is almost impossible to understand or explain as Daniel Dennett discovered. Consciousness is the limited time we have to experience and communicate with the universal consciousness commonly known as God but more accurately described as the Hebrew Yhwh , the elohim (several or many gods) the Holy Spirit ,Nirvana , Param Brahma ,Vishnu etc As a side note it was the elohim (a Hebrew plural) that created the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1.1 not 'God' as most bibles translate
  2. If everything started with the big bang and every object in the universe is moving away from every other object in all directions why does the earth stay the same distance from the sun and all the other planets in our solar system ?
  3. is the fine-tuned universe an accepted scientific fact (or theory) or is it just an anthropological centred way of explaining things ?
  4. Thanks Markus
  5. The answer is probably a 'closed' system but I don't understand that as all systems appear to be interdependent.
  6. jonnobody


    Why is there (apparent) order when laws such as thermodynamics and entropy (not to mention 3 or 4 mass extinction events) say that the earth and its solar system should be chaotic?
  7. Most 'evidence' of beneficial effects of sound are anecdotal (Mitchell Gaynor 'The Healing Power of Sound') but I found two trials. Whether they would be described as clinical trials or not is disputed - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4325896/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/the-sound-of-healing-study-says-sound-stimulation-could-help-alzheimer-s-patients-1.2868393
  8. Virtually every home in Europe, UK and USA is now saturated with high frequency radio waves for cellphones (800 to 2000 mHz) and wifi (2.4 gHz). Are these harmful to humans and can they be cancelled out by playing audible lower frequencies such as 40 Hz (good for alzheimers - search . . . szynalski/tone-generator/
  9. A basic question . . . do light and water interact because they 'use' the same part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
  10. post herpetic neuralgia cannot be cured according to 'google scholar' medical articles and research as the immune system has already been compromised. Does anyone know any different?
  11. Listening to a back number of BBC Inside Science I was stopped in my tracks by the section which described solar panels producing more current when they were played loud /heavy rock music BBC Inside Science November 7th 2013 at 11.00 mins Most people usually believe the BBC but i wondered if somebody can confirm whether this is true or not? I am a retired musician by profession so am well aware of the therapeutic affects of different kinds of music and sound. I still work out every day (at 68) and find AC/DC, Metallica etc better than Mozart when working with weights. In contrast I play 'om' or Tibetan singing bowls when relaxing with less strenuous exercise such as yoga or pilates
  12. jonnobody


    Is it true that the DNA sequnce is completely useless on its own? In order to provide information it must be compared with other DNA ?
  13. Try youtube. Its the name of my youtube channel.
  14. google 'existence1891' and you will find most of your 6000 questions in your original article are answered
  15. Why does 'lepton' appear with my name/pseudonym ? lepton " an elementary, half-integer spin (spin 1⁄2) particle that does not undergo strong interactions"
  16. A non-designist is anyone who thinks/believes that the universe and life on earth does not have a designer of any kind behind it all and it all happened by accident/chance/from nothing Irony - "a technique of indicating an intention or attitude opposite to that which intended" or "an outcome of events contrary to what was, or what might have been expected" So how is it not an irony?
  17. jonnobody


    I suppose I’ll get whacked from all sides on this one but I'll post it anyway – the JCVI-syn3.0 a form of synthetic genome transplanted into another (presumably not synthetic) cell was produced by over 20 scientists at the John Craig Venter Institute in 2010. It didn’t happen by accident, from nothing or by chance. Is this not a huge irony for all non-designists? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycoplasma_laboratorium On May 21, 2010, Science reported that the John Craig Venter Institute had successfully synthesized the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma mycoides from a computer record, and transplanted the synthesized genome into the existing cell of a Mycoplasma capricolum bacterium that had had its DNA removed. The "synthetic" bacterium was viable, i.e. capable of replicating billions of times. Scientists who were not involved in the study caution that it is not a truly synthetic life form because its genome was put into an existing cell. It is estimated that the synthetic genome cost US$40 million to make and took 20 people more than a decade of work.[b
  18. Looked at from the point of view of the evolutionary tree it appears that humans are an aberration. ie a departure from the norm 1. The rest of the tree - natural world - is quite self contained and self sufficient without the existence of humans. 2. If you describe humans as 'super-primates' there are no other branches of the tree which have produced a 'super bird', super fish' or 'super insect' with self consciousness and an ability to use tools and weapons to destroy every other branch of that tree (although ' super bug ' comes to mind - lurking somewhere in the DNA of some life-form and ready to annihlate all of us). 3. We're the only life -form which destroys and pollutes its own habitat . I might be wrong on that last one so let me know . . . . .
  19. jonnobody


    I read this the other day from my grandson's school textbook - "Second example. Hundreds of thousands of years ago (The Stone Age) humans were just discovering tools and weapons and using them to hunt for food. Now fast-forward to the present day and look at any example of humans around now (eg tall, slim built, unfit, computer bound office worker or short, overweight, unfit computer bound office worker) and take him or her back in a time machine to the paleolithic era and see if he or she will survive. That’s evolution in humans. I can see how it would be understood by children . . . .but is it right? As in scientifically right
  20. dimreepr In short, your belief is immaterial... oh I give up. Believe what you want it won't change anything. Actually - believing DOES change things - https://www.theguardian.com/social-care-network/2015/oct/09/probation-officer-believe-people-can-change
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