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Everything posted by NeonBlack

  1. Do it right in your kitchen. You don't need any beakers or anything. Just use measuring cups and a saucepan or small pot. I think a candy thermometer costs like 6 bucks at the grocery store.
  2. Well you know that force is "a push or a pull," so in terms of force, [math]p=\int{F}·dt[/math]
  3. You don't have water?!
  4. NeonBlack


    If I remember right, I think there was a U.S. Law passed in like 2001 that says anything published on the internet is automatically copyrighted unless you explicitly state that it may be used by some person for some purpose.
  5. NeonBlack


    I didn't read your entire method, but it is pretty clever! I think Archimedes did essentially the same thing like 2500 years ago to approximate pi.
  6. The key difference between regular frames and inline frames is this: Regular frames take a number of individual pages and kind of put them into one window. An iframe is like a 'window' on a page that lets you see part of another page. So it's kind of like a page inside of another page.
  7. Aww... PWNED!
  8. You might also want to include some of these things: The ancient Greeks first proposed a small indivisible particle of matter. In fact, I think the word atom comes from ancient Greek. I think John Dalton or Thomas Dalton or something like that came up with the first real atomic theory. He proposed that all elements are made of atoms and other compounds could be formed from combinations of atoms. I think he proposed this after he discovered that water is always made of 80% oxygen and 20% hydrogen. Then, I think the electron was first discovered by cathrode-ray experiments, I'm not sure though. As was mentioned earlier, The atomic nucleus was discovered by the gold foil experiments. Probably the last thing (unless you're going for extra credit) might be Planck's experiments and the photon. Hope this helps!
  9. How do you pass a multidimensional array to a function in c++ and old-fashioned c? I assumed it would be the same as a 1-dimensional array doing the function prototype for example: int function (char []); and the function header as int function (char array []) but I get an 'need explicit cast' error from the compiler. I have done searches and looked on cprogramming.com, but have found nothing.
  10. When I think about a computer, I imagine myself playing a game or writing some sort of program.
  11. I have many mp3 format songs which show up in WMP, and when I go to the properties of the songs, it says the song is in \program files\ares\shared. However, I uninstalled Ares long ago and no such path exists. Even a search for the files reveals nothing, but WMP still plays the song. I would like to find these songs and put them into a new directory. What can I do?
  12. LAWL!
  13. Use the chain rule to first you differentiate the tangent, times the derivative of the inside, using the product rule and differentiating y as a funtion of x.
  14. De-evolution? You didn't watch the Mario Brother movie did you?
  15. Go to the doctor!
  16. The smartest nerd of all nerds? Ha! Actually, anyone who's taken freshman physics would know this.
  17. I was talking with some people in physics about this: Where is the center of mass of Gabriel's Horn? What would the moment of intertia be when rotating around the x-axis or x=1?
  18. Don't they just use real guns with paint bullets instead of lead?
  19. It's definately possible that you have a hardware problem. My playstation would read CD's but not DVD's. I tried diagnostic and cleaning the laser, everything. As a last resort, I had to adjust the position of the laser and now it works just fine. Something I think you should consider, since it looks like you've tried just about everything else.
  20. This should be a dead giveaway that it's fake.
  21. Yes, sodium dodecyl sulfate is it. Sorry for being unclear.
  22. The other day, I was making a solution of water, 10% sds and 10 M NaOH. When I addedthe sds to the water first and then the NaOH second, Almost immediately, there was a white precipitation. When I added the NaOH first and then the sds, nothing happened. Why does this happen one way and not the other, and what is the precipitant?
  23. To be considered manic, you would have to be completely out of your mind during these periods. It's much more that just being in a really good mood or having a lot of energy. It's like you can't concentrate and you have these outrageous ideas that seem brilliant at the time. One minute you're planning on how to make a million dollars froma lemonade stand, the next, you're taking apart your car and building a space ship. And often times during a manic stage, you're likely to end up doing something that could get you arrested or killed. I seriously doubt you have bipolar mood disorder. It's probably just normal mood cycles.
  24. I also recommend freewebs. If you are a non-paying member, you are asked to put a simple text link to http://www.freewebs.com at the bottom of your page, but this rule is generally not enforced, as far as I know. The only advertisements are on the freewebs main pages, but there are non on the member sites.
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