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Everything posted by NeonBlack

  1. No 5614 I use this feature regularly and they are completely gone and not just hidden.
  2. Hello, for some reason, all but a couple of my system tray icons have disappeared- including the volume control. They are not simply hidden- they are completely gone. The programs still load when I start windows, but the icons just do not show up in the tray. I have done both spyware and virus scans and come up clean. The icons return if I log off and then log back on. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you.
  3. he means 'evalute expressions' rather than 'solve equations'
  4. I know this is off topic, but Geistkiesel, do you know what happened to sciforums?
  5. [MATH] tree^{-1} [/MATH] my instructor told us that eert and root would be wrong.
  6. Nevermore: Yes, you could say just about anything, but the point is to come up with somewhat creative/clever answers.
  7. This site is obviously a joke...
  8. An extra-credit question at the end of my calc final today: What is the opposite of tree? This doesn't require a math based answer. The best I could do was log(tree) Just wondering what you guys can come up with?
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