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Everything posted by NeonBlack

  1. Oh Christ. Creationists argue lots of things. They should get their story straight. Hell, I heard one guy claiming that Noah brought baby T-Rex's on the ark. When I was younger, I was a Christian until I sat down and read the Bible. You could spend your whole life finding contradictions in the Bible. However, this isn't the place to discuss this. If this thread doesn't die, it will probably end up being locked. For some reason, religious discussions are no longer tolerated, but atheist discussions are. That always seemed kind of goofy to me, but that's the way is it, I guess.
  2. Didn't you say all of them are 100 ohms? Nothing will change the resistance of an individual resistor. When the switch is in the "open" position (like in your picture) the resistance of the entire circuit is 150 ohms, which is what I think you mean. If the switch is "closed" (the top wire connected), you will have a total resistance of 100 ohms. You need to look in a book, on wiki, or a website on how resistors combine is series and in parallel. In general, the current through resistors in parallel is inversely proportional to resistance, so yes, most of the current takes the path of the least resistance. However current is the same through a number of series resistors, regardless of each individual resistance.
  3. I don't really know what an "energy generator" is, but in general, if you want to increase current without increasing voltage, you need to decrase output impedance.
  4. When I read the title, I got a knot in my stomach because I thought you were going to make another water world. Let me take a big sigh of relief. ttyo, haven't you ever heard of a platypus? Donut hole, I think the majority of fish have something like that.
  5. In general, I'll admit that I don't know what engineers sound like. It just reminded me of one time I heard a couple of engineering students talking about "wattage." I can only assume they meant power. One time I saw a label which gave a rating for some instrument or machine used by engineers. The units on it were something like BTUs/hour/square root hertz. If I give someone a hard time about this, I mean it jokingly. I've never met anyone who was appalled by the use of the term "voltage." edit: What did you have in mind?
  6. Despite the link, I still stand by what I said. Magnetic induction describes an electric field or EMF which is created by a changing magnetic field
  7. The B has nothing to do with induction.
  8. Christ, you sound like an engineer. It's called current. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of any practical case where magnetic field is not directly proportional to current.
  9. Since relativity is a classical theory, you can not expect it to hold up at quantum scales. I'll take some time to read the link. It sounds interesting. There was recently a question about "Is there a minimum wavelength" (you probably know about it though) which might give some insight.
  10. By "vanishes" I mean turns into water, but yes. I was born in the country, and my grand-parents used to can fruit. Simply heating it and sealing it creates a pretty good vacuum and the contents last at least several years.
  11. Please don't listen to chemkid. I think what you're trying to do will work fine as long as your jars and utensils etc are all clean. Depending on the food, I think that most of the air would even be displaced by water vapor when the food is hot so there would be very little air in the jar after it cools.
  12. Maybe most astronomical black holes do. I don't know if LHC black holes would. And since they're little more than speculation, I doubt if anyone does.
  13. A BH wouldn't necessarily have charge, but if you mean electromagnetic interactions in general, then I would say yes. For example, if a "micro black hole" were a few centimeters away from me, I wouldn't be too worried, as the EM forces holding me together would probably be much stronger than any gravity.
  14. Who cares what a botanist has to say about physics? Did he do any calculations? Has anyone actually measured the shear strength of the "fabric of the space-time continuum" ? Jon, according to some theories of quantum gravity, it might be possible for these "micro black holes" to form, though it is highly doubtful.
  15. 5614, I made that mistake all the time in highschool. I never lost any marks as long as I drew a compass redefining the directions with east and west swapped.
  16. LEDs virtually never burn out. They also use low voltage DC, which may be good or bad. Fluorescents must be tube shaped Incandescents use a lot of power for the amount of light they put out (although it probably doesn't matter in the winter).
  17. Have you ever seen the trick where you set an entire table then pull the tablecloth out? (rhetorical question) Same idea here. Even if he hadn't jumped, he probably still would have been fine.
  18. Great suggestions already. The cooling docks are nice, but in your case, I don't think it would be addressing the real problem. If cleaning doesn't help, make sure the cooling unit, a heatsink + fan has good contact with the processor. You may need to apply some more thermal paste as well. Sometimes if you drop the laptop, this unit can get knocked loose. Even a tiny bump is sometimes enough to cause serious cooling issues. Doing this involves taking the computer almost completely apart, so if you don't feel comfortable doing this, find a friend (or professional) to help you. But like I said, try dusting the insides first. Especially around the heatsink and fan.
  19. French, Mandarin, 1 year of German, But I don't think that should count.
  20. Take a sharp turn in your car and see for yourself. I can't do it today, but I will come up with something in the next day or two if nobody else does it first.
  21. I don't know what you mean by "fall out," but yes there will be a centrifugal force term.
  22. http://www.snopes.com/college/risque/hotdog.asp
  23. I think he means to say that in GR, gravitational field is curvature not of space, but of space-time. And you are always moving through time.
  24. Frozen hot dogs? I've never heard of that before. Can't they just pour some warm water on it? Or is it not quite the same as getting your tongue stuck to a popsickle?
  25. I think you know that's not what I meant Swanny. Since he is a new member, he probably does not know the usual level of discussion here and I did not want him to be discouraged by lack of response to his thread. Don't worry. At the time I made the post, I also pm'ed him asking him to start a new thread.
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