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Everything posted by NeonBlack

  1. The two have nothing in similar.
  2. In 2003, you right click, hit format trendline and you can change the number of digits displayed. I haven't tried office 2007, but I haven't heard anything good about it from my friends. I've heard even worse from my mac friends using office.
  3. Phi, It's not just men- I've seen girls do that too. Pretty much anyone who grew up on a farm will be able to do that. I tried it and ended up with snot all over my face.
  4. Because if you have an infinite number of solutions, the determinant of the coefficient matrix (the denominator) will be zero. And as you know, division by zero doesn't work. If you want, I'll show an example as soon as I figure out how to write matrices in latex.
  5. Ozone, that's amazing. Honey, I shrunk the quarters
  6. Use a dime instead
  7. Ouch. We're headed the way of the dodo.
  8. Seems like a stupid question, but I was wondering why there is no precise definition for a 'law.' Some examples of different types of 'laws': 1) Ohm's law, Hookes law: These are based on experiment and are true only in certain cases, for certain materials and in certain ranges. No real basis in first principles; only an effective description of what occurs. 2) Coulomb's law, Newton's 3rd law: Also based on experiment, but always true and seen as something fundamental. 3) Gauss's law: Always true, but can be derived from something fundamental (Coulomb's law or Newton's G law). Maybe we could say that Kepler's laws were originally type 1, but became type 3 after Newton. 4) Newton's 2nd law: Again always true, but basically just a definition. Why is the word law applied to so many different things? My only guess is for historical reasons. Left over from a time when physics was not as rigorous as it was today. This makes sense to me as I can't think of any physical "laws" which have been discovered in the past century.
  9. iNow, I think that was his point. However, we are still evolving as it seems dumb people are having almost twice as many kids as smart people.
  10. I saw it. It was very nice. There have been a lot of eclipses in the past few years, but I keep missing them. I haven't seen one in about 10 years (I think it was the same year as Comet Halle-Bopp). Sad, I know. Tragic really.
  11. [hide]N T E T T F F S S E N T....[/hide]
  12. Snail, thanks for reminding me about that! I also remember one thread where the op was a question about urine. The first response was something like: Urine is merely a constituant of piss. The amount of urine in piss varies greatly with each person and with each piss.
  13. You'll probably also want a centifuge, microscopes, a refridgerator, an incubator, which you could probably make, glassware and chemicals. In other words, it's not going to be cheap. If you are an undergrad, I reccommend getting a job in a lab at your school. They will probably let you use it for your own research when you are not working.
  14. Wild boars have tusks, they're mean as hell and they'll eat just about anything. There are a lot of awesome examples here of how dramatically domestication can change a species (both plant and animal) in a short period of time.
  15. Do you mean that 31 days is 'nearly 32 days'?
  16. I have been here about 3 years, primarily as a lurker. The debate forum, the member projects (I forgot the name). I feel like today, there is too much discussion on politics. I haven't seen woelen posting much lately. He had some really awesome experiments. I remember this because I thought it was hilarious: Some kid claimed to have built an apparatus for water electrolosys, ran it for a couple weeks, accumulating 12 Hefty bags full of 2:1 H O mix in his basement then shot them with a bottle rocket destroying half of his house. It seemed obvious to me that he was lying, but it caused quite a bit of commotion. I remember for awhile there was a lot of paranoia among the admins, mods, and prominent members about 'k3wlz', learning something here which they could use to accidently kill themselves. (I haven't heard the term used for a long time, but 'k3wlz' are basically 12 year olds who read Anarchist's Cookbook)
  17. The closest thing to this type of thing would probably be sensory depravation. When people under sensory depravation recieve no input, they make up their own, as hallucinations.
  18. darkshade: There are two parts to physics: Experiment and Theory. Both are equally important. Anyway, to me at least, the effect being too small to measure and not having the right equipment to measure an effect are essentially the same thing. Though maybe there is a subtle difference.
  19. Well, you can figure it out easily. If you drive 12 hours at 65mph, then I think that you have been driving for 12hours*0.99999999999999 The difference is much much less than 1 second.
  20. Yes, but the effect will be incredibly tiny. Say you are in your car going 65mph (100km/h) I will see your clock going about 99.9999999999999% the speed of mine. (About 15 9's- my (expensive) calculator couldn't even display the dilation factor- I had to do an expansion) I believe so far, the lowest speed at which SR time dilation has been observed is about the speed of sound.
  21. I don't have much mathematics vocabulary in French, so I don't know what you call it, but yes "regression" is essentially the same as best fit.
  22. Since not all of the points fall on the same line, they probably want you to use your calculator to do a best fit. I'm unfamiliar with the 84+ so I'm afraid I can't help you any more than that. See if you can find the documentation on the TI website and search it for 'best fit'
  23. 1. I'm not sure what you mean. They'll probably want you to choose an emphasis such as theoretical physics or particle physics. 2. University of Chicago is good. Other places in the midwest: Michigan or Madison. 3. You can do almost anything with physics- engineering, research, teaching and many fields not related to physics- computer science, medicine, even stock market. Employers everywhere like physics majors because they're smart and know how to solve problems. During your undergrad years, you won't be stuck in a lab studying classical physics all day. Right now, I'm spending less than 10 hours per week in the lab (that number might go up towards the end of the semester though) and I have 1 classical electromagnetism class and one math class and 1 non-technical class.
  24. I also thought of this. In America, black women have the 2nd highest rate of HIV infection (behind gay men of course). I imagine it's much easier to screen for sickle cell anemia than gawd knows how many strains of HIV there are now. You can say have had sex with another man without the word "gay." It's hard to say black without the word "black." Either that, or the HIV rate of American blacks is so far behind that of gay men that the numbers are insignificant.
  25. If you donate blood, they'll tell you that the tests can fail, which is why they want to elimate all high risk potential donors. Also with the possibility of false positives, if your blood tests positive, even falsely, you'll be asked not to donate again. Maybe this seems like a trivial difference, but they never said gay people can't donate. They say you can't donate "if you've had sex with a man who's had sex with another man," or something like that.
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