Yes, of course it would be an additive waveform.
I do apologize on that, the oscillators that are controlling each frequency, they are oscillators that are sampled at 1 interval of the waveform, as opposed to a waveform that is moving. If viewed like a typical waveform it would appear with a single point in an otherwise flat waveform. For example, if a waveform has 100 samples, the positive position would only be active one sample. Doing this would provide a variation on the harmonics.
Yes. I am trying to be as clear as I possibly can and I understand that, objectively it may be different since I come from the background as an audio engineer.
I do apologize on this, I thought it would be something that some in the scientific community would have some input or commentary on. If you feel as though it violates any of science forum feel free to take it down.
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience....
Melville Bragg