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Everything posted by TTski

  1. Constant Space December 30, 2017 "Dark matter" and/or "dark energy", seems that is a next in thinking about the whole "universe". Many very intelligent people who study such things are spending a lot of effort, time, and human energy in trying to find out what is this invisible matter, or force, particle, energy, etc. And, if this invisible thing is discovered, then how does it fit in with the BB theory and other ideas as to how the whole universe and all of its "matter" came into being? I'm not a physicist, but I love to read about cosmology, its physics, and ideas about where everything may come from. There are some who think that this dark matter "started" perhaps 10 billion years. IOW, this dark matter was not in existence at the BB's beginning, but that it developed later. Along with this idea comes the idea that after the BB and its explosion of all matter, that matter was all plasma. And, as that plasma was moving outward from the BB center, some areas clumped together creating denser masses in various regions of space. Those areas then condensed and once again became super-heated under their increasing gravity, and then they exploded giving the various regions in space where galaxies developed. Thus, galaxies are not spaced out equally, but in randomly spaced regions in space. Interesting, as many ideas about the universe and its potential origins are. Of course there is still a good bit of critical thinking about whether the BB was real or not, as there are other competing theories such as the constant universe where the universe has always been here and there isn't an actual "age" as the BB theory suggests at roughly 13-14 billion years old. https://phys.org/news/2015-02-big-quantum-equation-universe.html As I've been pondering the idea of dark matter and dark energy like many who know much more than I about the universe, I too was enthralled with the idea that the universe that we've been studying is made up of a majority of material that we can't even see or, as of yet, properly detect. Some physicists have calculated that something like 85% of our "known" universe is made up of material that we can't see or detect. Astounding in concept. I'm thinking, what if "space" is the constant? What if all of the space in the universe has always been here? And, what that space is made of is not affected by gravity like even light is? Perhaps, the visible material that may account for the 15% of what's in space is material that does come from singularities? Thus, space and what it is made of does not condense back down to another future singularity, only to be released again by another Big Bang, but rather, space exists infinitely. And the matter that we've been dealing with since we humans came to wonder, study, and research that matter is the non-constant that affected both by its own physical nature and by the constant space within which it resides. Space, then, is more like a catalyst giving the known material its physical properties, but overall space itself is not changed from its original state. How would that idea affect the mathematics of cosmological mathematicians? I can't do that math. It baffles me. Another thought is that, since we have no idea how expansive the whole universe is, then why do we even assume that we can calculate it? Most agree that space is infinite. Ok, I agree with that. So then, why accept that everything in the universe, including space itself, was contained in the singularity that became the Big Bang? What did the big BANG explode into? If space were not ever present and constant, then what was the void that the Big Bang material exploded in to? If the Big Bang singularity was real, then perhaps it exploded into what we call "space", which contains that 85% of material that calculations suggest must exist in order for the observable galaxies, and what they contain, to have the motion they do have. Also, why must we limit the universe to a single singularity in an infinite space? Perhaps it's very possible that Big Bang like singularities are quite common in the vast infinite universe, and we are only attempting to observe and understand that infinity from our finite position, to us, in an infinite space. Maybe, the force that is pulling our known universe apart is the gravity of all the other matter that spewed out of the other infinite singularities in space. Researchers have physical evidence suggesting that every galaxy has a black hole at its center. These black holes absorb all other matter around them, and as they absorb more they grow larger and have even more gravitational pull to pull in even more. At some point each galaxy's black hole will absorb all of that galaxy's material. However, it appears that black holes do not absorb the space that they are in. From what I understand it has not been observed that space itself is also being absorbed by those black holes, which gives me reason to speculate that space is a constant, and has existed always. And if singularities like the one that created the Big Bang are real, then space does not result from what comes out of that singularity, rather, that material is ejected or released into space. It is also suggested that 2 black holes will merge into a singular larger black hole. The idea that black holes merge to create a larger and larger singularity lends credence to the idea that eventually all of the physical material in every galaxy will be absorbed by each galaxies black hole. And then, those black holes will merge into larger black holes. At some point perhaps there is a limit to how much material can be absorbed until that singularity spews out all of the matter it sucked in. The big question about that is, since we believe that nothing can escape the massive gravity of a black hole, not even light, then what causes that gravity to either reverse or release all the material, or, that gravity simply stops and all that material is released? The thing that exploded to release all that plasma, the Big Bang, was also a singularity. Thus, for some reason something happened that either shut off the gravity or reversed it. Why or what caused that? And, does a constant space have anything to do with that singularities gravity change?
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