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  1. I do not consider this a philosophy post nor a scientific one. I feel like I'm replying on an author's forum for feedback on a novel or movie, but here goes: Going on the premise that a simulation implies an experiment or a series of experiments that create and monitor conditions to make something come about -often to see how something originally came about.... Why would the experiment continue on for so long (your whole life and before or beyond)? Because that sounds more like a Psychology project about humans, rather than a 'determining the moment of creation' experiment. Importanly, simulations take place in a controlled environment and under lab conditions. In which case, where are the scientists? How can they even watch everyone ? Are you applying the idea of an attentive god to a computer mind, perhaps religious lore blending with an information-hungry society? Do you feel you are under observation? Are you (unnecessarily) being influenced religious/moral and government fear or movies? Does your view make you somehow feel special? Or, if the project in your view is not taking place under controlled conditions, do you feel abandoned in this 'free-running' (and thus somewhat unnecessary) 'recreating the past' experiment? Or do you have a group mentality of we're all in the same boat together? How did you come to have this thought? Do you play a lot of computer games? Do you connect enough to your environment, to people and nature? I would be unhappy with this view. Why not write a book about it and get it coherent. But there is a difference between the arts and the practical world and not everything needs to be (or can be) integrated at once. World views are not always healthy. Just because your thoughts involve computers or experiments doesn't mean they are scientific. Innovative, yes. Creative, yes. Playful, yes. I think you're a writer at heart, but I hope you don't miss out on deep humanity in all your thoughts of a computer and experiments-on-us type society. That hurts me because it makes me think of enslavement - (and in those grounds simulation totally contradicts the concept of free will if participants were not willing to start with.) The best thing about true scientists is that they are free, with no baggage, partly because they analyse and scrutinise the hell out of everything . I hope you find a comfortable reality -don't be so quick to give practical reality away to fast adapting ideas, because that is your freedom you could be compromising and your whole stable basis. Create something magical or write that book if you have (like many) outgrown mundanity. --------------- views expressed here are out of compassion and concern. I also note your post is a few months old.
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