Number one, Im a girl, two, I did learn all this is biology.Kent Hovind still has the evidence that is scientifically correct and much of it proven, regardless of his education, which seems to be perfectly adequate, if not then his education is beyond even that. It seems to me that the length of his education doesn't matter as much as the education himself, which is so proving evolution wrong. You guys try to look around it, but just look at it- the evidence, i mean. Tell me if these evidences aren't enough, please, have fun losing this debate, or please please please correct me if this is wrong, instead of ignoring it, so I can ask some one else about it( simply said, I'd almost be siding with you) so here it is, abit long but worth it---Heres ur evidence;
Let’s start with population. Everyone today says that things are way too crowded, but they have no idea. If we take the rate at which population increases and apply it backwards to three hundred million years ago when humans started , according to evolution, and bring it back to today, there would be one-hundred and sixty thousand people per square inch. In we inverse the equation we used to figure out the rate of today’s population increase back to a few people, our population today must have grown from only about four thousand and four hundred years ago. Hey, wait, that’s when Noah’s flood , recorded in the word of the Creator, occurred. It would make sense that we came from about eight people, Noah’s family. Not good enough for you? Okay, lets talk about the galaxy then. Saturn’s rings are slowly moving away from it. Going by the rate they move at now and applying it to millions of years ago and bringing it back, Saturn’s rings would be way, way farther away from it by now. It’s a lot like how it is with our moon. It’s moving farther away from earth, that means that , going by evolution’s timeline, The moon was grazing earth, as in hitting people’s heads, they have this theory and then they wonder what happened to the dinosaurs? But also, our moon would be farther from us then it is now if earth was millions of years old. This is also like the earth’s magnetism. It’s getting weaker, and by the evolutionary timeline must have been unbearably strong, and would have been pathetically weak by now. Did you know that comets die after around a thousand years? Well, okay, so why do we have them now? James Oort came up with a theory that there is a Oort cloud fifty thousand years astronomical years away that they come from. From the sun to earth is one astronomical unit. From the sun to Pluto is thirty astronomical units. Do we see Pluto? Not really, so how can we see a cloud fifty thousand of them away? Not even Oort saw it. And then, he says okay, well prove it’s not true. So I can say there’s a huge pink clown tons of astronomical units away and its true because you can’t prove it wrong? Same thing, different objects. How much evidence that you’ve heard from evolutionists is obtained by carbon dating? It’s not accurate. It only goes back about three thousand years, accurately anyway. By carbon dating, one part of the same preserved animal was tested to be about thirty thousand years old, and another forty-four thousand! How about deserts, like the Sahara? They grow, if earth was as old as evolutionists say it is, then all of Africa would be a huge desert by now. Okay, another question, who’s heard of Pangea, the huge landmass combined of all of our continents that existed millions of years ago or more? Well they forgot to leave Africa in it’s current size, and to include all of Central America . Let’s go on to oil! It’s formed by crushed animals and people, along with other materials. We have tons of oil. Maybe it was formed my the drowning creatures in Noah’s flood and squashed down by the water pressure, considering there was so much water it covered way over the tops of the highest mountains, like Mount Everest. Evolutionists also have drilled holes in ice, large ones and saved it. They found layers of white and clear ice on it, and claimed they were annual rings, one-hundred and thirty five thousand of them and they‘ve dug around ten-thousand feet down. So this proved the young earth creation theory wrong, right? No, it didn’t, there was a lost squadron two-hundred and sixty three feet down and the rings on ice hole from the squadron dig were more then the ten-thousand foot one. Obviously the layers were just hot and cold spells, not whole seasons or even years, for that matter. There have also been found a fish having a baby and, also a cowboy boot with the foot still in it. These show that a quick catastrophe must have happened, like Noah’s flood for example. There was also a dog found petrified in a tree. The oldest tree is four-thousand and four hundred years old , which is right after the flood happened, since the tree clearly could not have survived during the flood. Also, the largest reef is the same age. If Earth was so many millions of years old, then we would have a way bigger reef. And, how about ocean water? It gets progressively saltier, and would be much more salty if the earth was millions of years old. What about Niagara falls? It moves backward more and more each year, and if the earth was as old as evolutionists say, than it would be farther backward. By the rate it has been going at now, It must have started around forty-four hundred years ago…when the flood ended. Evolutionists claim stalagmites and stalactites take a thousand years to grow one inch. Hmm… is that why they form over three inches in one night on cars? Not to mention the many more that grow at a severely quicker rate than evolutionists say in very many places. There is also the Iraqi water ripple, caused by a really large flood. Noah’s certainly explains that. Also, pre-flood conditions, ( this is proven today ) some things grew to way over twenty-five times as large as they are now, plants, animals, and people. It also allowed them to live longer.