Dear Sir or Madam,
It is my duty to inform you of a great danger that has long hung over the Earth, and that is the electronic force field around the Earth.
Below is the information following the discovery of Daniel Baker, eminent scientist:
That this force field exists is one thing, but what is it for and by whom was it created? The answer is in Lawrence R.Spencer's book titled "Alien Interview", I'll give you a summary: The Earth is a prison created by aliens. The disembodied, whose minds are made of electrons, fall into this trap and this device erases the memory of the entire population of the disembodied Earth. That's why babies don't remember their past lives.
Everyone is free to form their own opinion.
Personally I believe that everything is true. The solution to no longer suffer amnesia after death? After thinking about it for months, I think you have to create good karma by helping incarcerated people get out of prison, so karma would help us get out of Earth's prison, because it is karma that would have brought us to Earth, but that's just my opinion.
Best regards