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I believe in cyclic cosmology. The bright center of our galaxy will continue to grow, the spiral arms will dissolve. One day all that will be left is a shrinking BH. Where does all the material that is our galaxy go? It becomes apart of a hot sphere somewhere, when those BH's shrink enough that sphere will expand into a CMB Expansion could be the result of GWs from beyond the known universe meaning dark matter & dark energy as well as particle charge would have their own respective superluminal velocities. A GW will propagate faster if it is broader, so because GWs propagate at the speed of light (demonstrated by LIGO in 2017) there could be superluminal GWs if adjacent cosmoses are in a later state of expansion than ours is, just as the current speed of light is faster than it was 13.8 billion years ago. Meaning that, & this is important, the fastest GWs have traveled the farthest to get here and have lost the most strength because they've journeyed the farthest. Dark matter & dark energy don't have to be stronger than our gravity to cause expansion, one just has to be stronger than the other. Same with QE, which only effects the subatomic world because of how weak those GWs are. From this picture we can derive equations in order to define the effects that this extra-cosmic gravitation will have on our cosmos: C = (Length of Left Strong GWs( c)ly)/(600billionly ( c)) Length of GWs = length of the left strong GWs/.05 ly Length of right strong GWs = (length of GWs x .27) - 600billionly Length of left weak GWs = length of GWs x .27 ly length of right weak GWs = length of GWs x .68 Velocity of left strong gravitational waves = ((length of left strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = ((length of right strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC); (velocity of left strong GWs + velocity of right strong GWs)/2 = Current Rate of Expansion Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = ((length of right weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of positive Particle Charge Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = ((length of left weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of negative Particle Charge; (Velocity of positive PC + Velocity of negative PC)/2 = The Speed of Quantum Entanglement So, Velocity of left strong GWs = 2.6023649x10^30 m/s Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = 5.2047298 x 10^30 m/s Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = 1.405277 x 10^31 m/s Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = 3.5392163 x 10^31 m/s Current Rate of Expansion = 3.9035474 x 10^30 m/s The Speed of Quantum Entanglement = 2.4722467 x 10^31 m/s Will tell us the moment of the big crunch when accounting for the varying velocities of QE & expansion. Some of the missing baryonic matter from the missing Baryon problem might still be missing: "The initial measurements still do not account for all the ordinary matter, and some believe the remaining portion could be made up by exotic unobserved objects such as black holes or dark stars. Cosmologists are also still yet to discover the nature of dark matter, which makes up even more of the universe." This could be wayward extra-cosmic galaxies from the source of the left strong GWs traveling into our cosmic domain, or at least a gravitational domino effect in the gravitational chain-link of galaxies tugging us (modern dark flow), initiating the first phase of the big crunch. In either case, according to my model the big crunch will be complete when our "universe" expands to be the same size as the source of the left strong GWs, which we've already calculated to be in 1.56141895 x 10^42 years when determining the length of the left strong GWs. Plug that into length of GWs times velocity of GWs ly in meters/(1.56141895 x 10^42 + 13.8 billion years in seconds & the speed of light in the superverse is 3.1225079 x 10^41 m/s, this is sort of your lorentz transformation which can be used to calculate the size in which atomic structures begin to form in the superverse by determining the new planck length by multiplying the speed of light in the superverse by tp, your new lp is (3.1225079 x 10^41) m x (5.39 x 10^−44) s = 0.01683031758 meters, There's approximately 6.81×10^24 planck lengths in the length of a hydrogen atom, so you'll get about 1.1461446 x 10^23 meters, or 12,114,412 light years for the size of your superverse atom. Which is 121 times larger than the Milky Way & 8 times larger than the Hercules A galaxy. Let's see the size of an atom in a microverse by dividing the size of the smallest atoms by the size of a superverse atom divided by the size of a normal atom, (1.1461446 x 10^23)/(1.1 x 10^-10) m gives you 1.0419496 x 10^33 as your denominator. So 1.1 x 10^-10/(1.0419496 x 10^33) = 1.0557133 x 10^-43 meters for your microverse atom, which is 151,556,298 times smaller than a planck length. Which checks out, you can fit something like 1.96616 x 10^105 atoms in a superverse atom stacked one on top of another & aligned side by side (b/c you can fit 2.130 × 10^108 atoms within 13.6 billion light years & a superverse atom is approx 12 million light years). There's approximately 6.81 x 10^24 planck lengths in the length of an atom, times 151,556,298 is 1.0320984 x 10^33. Cube that, & you can fit 1.0994192 x 10^99 microverse atoms in a normal sized atom. BTW, the speed of light in a microverse is equal to the speed of light in a superverse. You can't use the lorentz transformation to just divide for units that measure velocity in the same way I just for units that measure size, this is because of the effects of time dilation. A hydrogen atom (tiny atom, one proton, one electron) is 121 times larger than the milky way in a superverse, or 8 times larger than the largest galaxy in the universe. Obviously still consistent with me theory these things are around the size of galaxy clusters so by virtue of these superverse atoms not flying apart they have to be trillions of times more compact than galaxies which is consistent with my qg plasma-like description of superverse atoms You can fit something like a googol atoms in the next cosmic scale atom. A googolplex microverse atoms in a superverse atom. Something like that. The length of GWs from a superverse is immense, these gravity waves propagate @ 1,041,556,520,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times the speed of light. Think of how much faster the speed of light is now than it was at the time of the cosmic microwave background, the speed of light in a cosmos must equal the speed at which gravitational waves propagate in that cosmos. Okay I had originally been open to the possibility that the atomic world was anthropic for microverses outside of the nucleus of the atoms. Not true, as with the endless quasar microverses of quark gluon plasma, atoms only have very small amounts of galaxies & stars inbetween them for very brief amounts of time. Since we see no superverse atoms anywhere around, our universe is either a superverse photon or a superverse neutrino which makes sense since the wavelengths of photons & neutrinos are far larger in surface area than the wavelengths of protons, electrons or neutrons but also are far lighter & less massive. BTW, photons or neutrinos in the vacuum of the superverse, not on a superversal planet or star or else there would be far less galaxies around us & far more superverse atoms which would gravitational wrecking balls for galaxies like ours. If you consider the fact that the difference in size between the current universe (600 billion light years) & a superverse hydrogen atom (12,114,412 light years) is 49527.785583, around the same as the difference in size between a photon's wavelength (500 nanometers) & a hydrogen atom (1.1 x 10^-10 meters) which is 4545.45454545. A particle of energy is like a universe of matter, with a relatively equivalent amount of mass in adjusted scale. Fall anywhere in space, no matter how seemingly void, and you will land on matter if you're small enough: empty space ought not be really empty. We have two good reasons to think so: first, electromagnetic signals behave undoubtedly as waves; since they propagate even through intergalactic space, there must be some thing there (everywhere), in which they do wave. Second, quantum theory predicts that vacuum has physical effects, such as the Casimir effect, which is now experimentally confirmed [1]. Gerard t'Hooft, another proponent of ether theory: "Einstein had difficulties with the relativistic invariance of quantum mechanics (“does the spooky information transmitted by these particles go faster than light?”). These, however, are now seen as technical difficulties that have been resolved. It may be consid- ered part of Copenhagen’s Doctrine, that the transmission of information over a distance can only take place, if we can identify operators A at space-time point x1 and operators B at space-time point x2 that do not commute: [A, B] 6= 0 . We now understand that, in elementary particle theory, all space-like separated observables mutually commute, which precludes any signalling faster than light. It is a built-in feature of the Standard Model, to which it actually owes much of its success. So, with the technical difficulties out of the way, we are left with the more essential Einsteinian objections against the Copenhagen doctrine for quantum mechanics: it is a probabilistic theory that does not tell us what actually is going on. It is sometimes even suggested that we have to put our “classical” sense of logic on hold. Others deny that: “Keep remembering what you should never ask, while reshaping your sense of logic, and everything will be fine.” According to the present author, the Einstein-Bohr debate is not over. A theory must be found that does not force us to redefine any aspect of classical, logical reasoning. What Einstein and Bohr did seem to agree about is the importance of the role of an observer. Indeed, this was the important lesson learned in the 20th century: if something cannot be observed, it may not be a well-defined concept – it may even not exist at all. We have to limit ourselves to observable features of a theory. It is an important ingredient of our present work that we propose to part from this doctrine, at least to some extent: Things that are not directly observable may still exist and as such play a decisive role in the observable properties of an object. They may also help us to construct realistic models of the world. Indeed, there are big problems with the dictum that everything we talk about must be observable. While observing microscopic objects, an observer may disturb them, even in a classical theory; moreover, in gravity theories, observers may carry gravitational fields that disturb the system they are looking at, so we cannot afford to make an observer infinitely heavy (carrying large bags full of “data”, whose sheer weight gravitationally disturbs the environment), but also not infinitely light (light particles do not transmit large amounts of data at all), while, if the mass of an observer would be “somewhere in between”, ." More evidence: The situation is somewhat different when we consider gravity and promote the Lorentz violating tensors to dynamical objects. For example in an aether theory, where Lorentz violation is described by a timelike four vector, the four vector can twist in such a way that local superluminal propagation can lead to energy-momentum flowing around closed paths [206]. However, even classical general relativity admits solutions with closed time like curves, so it is not clear that the situation is any worse with Lorentz violation. Furthermore, note that in models where Lorentz violation is given by coupling matter fields to a non-zero, timelike gradient of a scalar field, the scalar field also acts as a time function on the spacetime. In such a case, the spacetime must be stably causal (c.f. [272]) and there are no closed timelike curves. This property also holds in Lorentz violating models with vectors if the vector in a particular solution can be written as a non-vanishing gradient of a scalar. Finally, we mention that in fact many approaches to quantum gravity actually predict a failure of causality based on a background metric [121] as in quantum gravity the notion of a spacetime event is not necessarily well-defined [239]. A concrete realization of this possibility is provided in Bose-Einstein condensate analogs of black holes [40]. Here the low energy phonon excitations obey Lorentz invariance and microcausality [270]. However, as one approaches a certain length scale (the healing length of the condensate) the background metric description breaks down and the low energy notion of microcausality no longer holds. ---- In the Bohmian view, nonlocality is even more conspicuous. The trajectory of any one particle depends on what all the other particles described by the same wave function are doing. And, critically, the wave function has no geographic limits; it might, in principle, span the entire universe. Which means that the universe is weirdly interdependent, even across vast stretches of space. ---- The hole is quantum-mechanically unstable: It has no bound states. Wormhole wave functions must eventually leak to large radii. This suggests that stability considerations along these lines may place strong constraints on the nature and even the existence of spacetime foam. ---- In invariant set theory, the form of the Bell Inequality whose violation would be inconsistent with realism and local causality is undefined, and the form of the inequality that it violated experimentally is not even gp-approximately close to the form needed to rule out local realism (54) [21]. A key element in demonstrating this result derives from the fact that experimenters cannot in principle shield their apparatuses from the uncontrollable ubiquitous gravitational waves that fill space-time. ---- A finite non-classical framework for physical theory is described which challenges the conclusion that the Bell Inequality has been shown to have been violated experimentally, even approximately. This framework postulates the universe as a deterministic locally causal system evolving on a measure-zero fractal-like geometry IU in cosmological state space. Consistent with the assumed primacy of IU , and p-adic number theory, a non-Euclidean (and hence non-classical) metric gp is defined on cosmological state space, where p is a large but finite Pythagorean prime. Using numbertheoretic properties of spherical triangles, the inequalities violated experimentally are shown to be gp-distant from the CHSH inequality, whose violation would rule out local realism. This result fails in the singular limit p = ∞, at which gp is Euclidean. Broader implications are discussed. ---- This optical pumping scenario is implicitly based on the erroneous quantum mechanical “myth” that quantum “jumps” are instantaneous. In reality transitions between atomic levels take very, very long times, about 10 million times longer than the oscillating period of the electromagnetic radiation that drives the excitation. The Microverse: A microverse is the same principle as a level 1 multiverse, matter can only arrange itself in so many different ways eventually everything assumes the same form again. This is what goes on inside the nucleus of a more complex atom: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/81190/whats-inside-a-proton "You can't consider a proton just as three quarks (called valence quarks, because they determine the quantum numbers) because virtual quarks and antiquarks are constantly being created and annihilated via strong force. So a proton is more like a quark sea. In fact, this process gives most part of the proton's mass (the valence quarks are just the 2% of the mass). We also have this notion of black hole atoms, now suppose that these micro black holes are crucial in the formation of all atoms: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMPcSi2giMCa0Sk6I_FZ6FnBkw-ozrXDGvXUkGz This is an atom with an atomic nucleus composed of one proton. However, most atoms have multiple protons with charge as well as a charge-neutral "neutron" which, unlike said protons, flies apart within 10 minutes when freed from the nucleus. Why? Let's break it down: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipP4zX3SAJJi2xytqo-JO-7j0LwJWTCRORNm6AQF The protons of adjacent atoms feed each other, as the micro black hole is in the process of consuming it's accretion disk; that's negative charge & all material around said nucleus, even the electrons that form, are going inward. Going outward would be positive charge, & that is when the proton has fully consumed it's accretion disk, stripped of it's mass, the matter of the accretion flows back outward in the form of Cherenkov radiation. That is positive charge, & as that proton's BH evaporates, the - proton within the nuclei of adjacent atoms grow. The cycles must be synchronized perfectly or the atoms will annihilate into light. A proton with negative charge will always become positively charged. Now, this is also an example of how quantum entanglement comes about, these atoms are causally linked by micro-gravity. It also solves the anti-matter problem; what annihilation would leave in its wake were rapidly evaporating microversal scale cosmic unit black holes in a pre-CMB, CDM state, just like a big rip. Whatever is pulled back by the expansion generated by BH shrinkage would have to be causally synchronized by gravity, just like all particle pairs. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM9S3ujWiaiVXKtQ0igaze1K5AQrTkxBVHcyJjh As you can see here, the neutron is a glorified subatomic quark-gluon pulsar, held together by the collective gravity of the protons. The up and down quarks are just where the matter jets at the two poles of the microquasars and micro qg plasma bodies are lighting up material - two ups & 1 down or vice versa being where these matter jets ignite material: https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMdbMxDNyySzbrTsyjjAzQeQXrwXA1ElC2UU4tP The idea is that the two up quarks are matter jets from a theoretical micro black hole, the third down quark is where matter enters or exits the accretion disk depending on whether the proton is in a negatively charged state (black hole is young & the matter isn't flying apart from expansion yet) or positively charged (black hole is middle aged & matter has lost most its mass & is flying apart like our galaxy will one day). These micro black holes evaporate & spawn at a rate of approximately 10 billion times per second, on average, within the general area of the protons & neutrons, right around where the atomic nucleus should be. This illustrates the scattering of virtual particles that are being compiled via electron holography. Now, let's explain the observer effect, which can also be attributed to the quantum eraser: https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMIv_9Wus3trT8_mIGpOLpKupbukWEZCpdfTN3L https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipNAva4lu9mV5QVn5AmcY-BTxu0bsD1kBQbHCAEz As you can see (& as explained earlier), it's just the microgravity of the interacting particle beams. This microversal cellular automaton interpretation is much more versatile than QM, it works in explaining virtually anything in QM. For instance, let's use the quantum venn diagram paradox; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcqZHYo7ONs&t=25s https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM4wzl7EdqP7do7L7Gwy0ajNA13uO15vomNJMpi Between wave functions, the photons adopt new polarities as they expand through space-time. More polarizing filters=greater variety of polarities. Now let's look at the 3rd type of microverse: Quark-gluon plasma is the absolute densest state matter can take. We see it in the cores of neutron stars, discs of quasars as matter is folded upon itself by compressing spacetime (gravity/mass/dark matter) around macro black holes, & in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Any denser, & matter is just a macro black hole as there's no space between micro black holes. It's composed of micro quasars with micro black holes at their cores, barely held apart by micro expansion. Unlike vacuum radiation & the atomic world, these microverses are non-anthropic (no stellar eras) because less entropy equates to less complexity. Quark-gluon plasma is the only state of matter composed entirely of microverses that are exclusively the same as itself. Atoms & vacuum radiation will have microverses with atoms, quark-gluon plasma & vacuum radiation within them, quark-gluon plasma is only composed of microverses that are entirely filled with quark-gluon plasma. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMYvWqexE9t-KJFjSvkh0linJUkqc-vp66c0fte The Black Hole. What is it exactly? This may imply that black holes and white holes are the same object. The Hawking radiation from an ordinary black hole is then identified with the white-hole emission. Hawking’s semi-classical argument is reproduced in a quantum mechanical AdS/CFT treatment, where a black hole in anti-de Sitter space is described by a thermal gas in a gauge theory, whose time reversal is the same as itself. My theory is that our spacetime is riddled with infinite ADS spheres, unlike a wormhole matter doesn't go through it's just inside out along with the spacetime of that sphere. This is another way to perceive black holes. As the ADS spheres merge they grow in surface area which causes spacetime around their event horizon to contract in, creating a gravitational wave. The ADS spheres exist everywhere with an infinite variety of sizes. We're inside of a desitter sphere, which from the perspective of an ADS dimensions is itself an ADS sphere. It being inside out means that when it merges with other ADS spheres falling into it's horizon from our perspective, actually emerge from the center of everything from the dimensions of it's perspective. From it's perspective, ADS spheres are in a state of eternal shrinkage at it's horizon, if enough new spacetime & matter isn't emerging from it's center, the horizon will retract. That's BH shrinkage from our perspective. Actually, reverse that, that's black hole growth from our perspective, which is the time reversal of the ADS perspective. As the white hole shrinks in ADS, it grows in desitter space in the form of a black hole. There's no limit to how small or large these things can get, they are the source of all forces of nature. Without them reality would be an infinite & eternal motionless structure that has no shape & never changes. They are the joints of reality, think about it, without elbows, wrists, knees & ankles we couldn't walk or move, same thing with black holes, without them the universe would be completely motionless with absolutely zero complexity to it's structure. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNq9eYBOTDMvR--SsLquT6H3OR5Fgofelcfe72e This is why matter jets are so powerful around black holes, & the source of FRBs & OMG particles (relativistic protons). The beauty is that you can construct an iterative operation that perpetually calculates the ever-changing approximate of dimensions (3 - ~.5 = x) of the fractal we inhabit in order to locate where & when these micro black holes that produce the wormhole metric will spawn & evaporate within the microverses of microverses of the subatomic world to varying degrees of precision based on how much processing power you have available to you & through averaging out a combinatoric optimum in the varying results of that iterative dimensional analysis, you will be able to determine the pattern of every force of naturet, which is a theory of everything for all intents & purposes because it gives us the capacity to construct quantum tunneling networks & quantum entanglement gates for superluminal processing power which opens up a new world of possibilities. Key Terms Local realism Quantum observer/entanglement/eraser/venn diagram paradox anti/de sitter space/ADS/CFT duality fractal geometry/scale relativity/special relativity beyond the speed of light FRBs & the OMG particle The transplanckian problem Dark Flow/Cosmic Bruising/CMB Primer
The beauty is that you can construct an iterative operation that perpetually calculates the ever-changing approximate of dimensions (3 - ~.5 = x) of the fractal we inhabit in order to locate where & when these micro black holes that produce the wormhole metric will spawn & evaporate within the microverses of microverses of the subatomic world to varying degrees of precision based on how much processing power you have available to you & through averaging out a combinatoric optimum in the varying results of that iterative dimensional analysis, you will be able to determine the pattern of every force of naturet, which is a theory of everything for all intents & purposes because it gives us the capacity to construct quantum tunneling networks & quantum entanglement gates for superluminal processing power which opens up a new world of possibilities.
Expansion could be the result of GWs from beyond the known universe meaning dark matter & dark energy as well as particle charge would have their own respective superluminal velocities. A GW will propagate faster if it is broader, so because GWs propagate at the speed of light (demonstrated by LIGO in 2017) there could be superluminal GWs if adjacent cosmoses are in a later state of expansion than ours is, just as the current speed of light is faster than it was 13.8 billion years ago. Meaning that, & this is important, the fastest GWs have traveled the farthest to get here and have lost the most strength because they've journeyed the farthest. Dark matter & dark energy don't have to be stronger than our gravity to cause expansion, one just has to be stronger than the other. Same with QE, which only effects the subatomic world because of how weak those GWs are. From this picture we can derive equations in order to define the effects that this extra-cosmic gravitation will have on our cosmos: C = (Length of Left Strong GWs( c)ly)/(600billionly ( c)) Length of GWs = length of the left strong GWs/.05 ly Length of right strong GWs = (length of GWs x .27) - 600billionly Length of left weak GWs = length of GWs x .27 ly length of right weak GWs = length of GWs x .68 Velocity of left strong gravitational waves = ((length of left strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = ((length of right strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC); (velocity of left strong GWs + velocity of right strong GWs)/2 = Current Rate of Expansion Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = ((length of right weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of positive Particle Charge Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = ((length of left weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of negative Particle Charge; (Velocity of positive PC + Velocity of negative PC)/2 = The Speed of Quantum Entanglement So, Velocity of left strong GWs = 2.6023649x10^30 m/s Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = 5.2047298 x 10^30 m/s Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = 1.405277 x 10^31 m/s Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = 3.5392163 x 10^31 m/s Current Rate of Expansion = 3.9035474 x 10^30 m/s The Speed of Quantum Entanglement = 6.6389135 x 10^31 m/s Will tell us the moment of the big crunch when accounting for the varying velocities of QE & expansion. Some of the missing baryonic matter from the missing Baryon problem might still be missing: "The initial measurements still do not account for all the ordinary matter, and some believe the remaining portion could be made up by exotic unobserved objects such as black holes or dark stars. Cosmologists are also still yet to discover the nature of dark matter, which makes up even more of the universe." This could be wayward extra-cosmic galaxies from the source of the left strong GWs traveling into our cosmic domain, or at least a gravitational domino effect in the gravitational chain-link of galaxies tugging us (modern dark flow), initiating the first phase of the big crunch. In either case, according to my model the big crunch will be complete when our "universe" expands to be the same size as the source of the left strong GWs, which we've already calculated to be in 1.56141895 x 10^42 years when determining the length of the left strong GWs. Plug that into length of GWs times velocity of GWs ly in meters/(1.56141895 x 10^42 + 13.8 billion years in seconds & the speed of light in the superverse is 3.1225079 x 10^41 m/s, divide by the speed of light to find your lorentz transformation which can be used to calculate the size in which atomic structures begin to form in the superverse according to my model & you'll get 1.0415565 x 10^43 meters, or 1.1008947 x 10^27 light years. Now that's a big atom! Let's see the size of an atom in a microverse, (1 x 10^-15)/(1.04155652 x 10^33) gives you 9.6010152 x 10^-49 meters, which is 1.6664904 x 10^13 times smaller than a planck length. BTW, the speed of light in a microverse is equal to the speed of light in a superverse. You can't use the lorentz transformation to just divide for units that measure velocity in the same way I just for units that measure size, this is because of the effects of time dilation. A particle of energy is like a universe of matter, with a relatively equivalent amount of mass in adjusted scale. Fall anywhere in space, no matter how seemingly void, and you will land on matter if you're small enough: empty space ought not be really empty. We have two good reasons to think so: first, electromagnetic signals behave undoubtedly as waves; since they propagate even through intergalactic space, there must be some thing there (everywhere), in which they do wave. Second, quantum theory predicts that vacuum has physical effects, such as the Casimir effect, which is now experimentally confirmed [1]. Gerard t'Hooft, another proponent of ether theory: "Einstein had difficulties with the relativistic invariance of quantum mechanics (“does the spooky information transmitted by these particles go faster than light?”). These, however, are now seen as technical difficulties that have been resolved. It may be consid- ered part of Copenhagen’s Doctrine, that the transmission of information over a distance can only take place, if we can identify operators A at space-time point x1 and operators B at space-time point x2 that do not commute: [A, B] 6= 0 . We now understand that, in elementary particle theory, all space-like separated observables mutually commute, which precludes any signalling faster than light. It is a built-in feature of the Standard Model, to which it actually owes much of its success. So, with the technical difficulties out of the way, we are left with the more essential Einsteinian objections against the Copenhagen doctrine for quantum mechanics: it is a probabilistic theory that does not tell us what actually is going on. It is sometimes even suggested that we have to put our “classical” sense of logic on hold. Others deny that: “Keep remembering what you should never ask, while reshaping your sense of logic, and everything will be fine.” According to the present author, the Einstein-Bohr debate is not over. A theory must be found that does not force us to redefine any aspect of classical, logical reasoning. What Einstein and Bohr did seem to agree about is the importance of the role of an observer. Indeed, this was the important lesson learned in the 20th century: if something cannot be observed, it may not be a well-defined concept – it may even not exist at all. We have to limit ourselves to observable features of a theory. It is an important ingredient of our present work that we propose to part from this doctrine, at least to some extent: Things that are not directly observable may still exist and as such play a decisive role in the observable properties of an object. They may also help us to construct realistic models of the world. Indeed, there are big problems with the dictum that everything we talk about must be observable. While observing microscopic objects, an observer may disturb them, even in a classical theory; moreover, in gravity theories, observers may carry gravitational fields that disturb the system they are looking at, so we cannot afford to make an observer infinitely heavy (carrying large bags full of “data”, whose sheer weight gravitationally disturbs the environment), but also not infinitely light (light particles do not transmit large amounts of data at all), while, if the mass of an observer would be “somewhere in between”, ." More evidence: The situation is somewhat different when we consider gravity and promote the Lorentz violating tensors to dynamical objects. For example in an aether theory, where Lorentz violation is described by a timelike four vector, the four vector can twist in such a way that local superluminal propagation can lead to energy-momentum flowing around closed paths [206]. However, even classical general relativity admits solutions with closed time like curves, so it is not clear that the situation is any worse with Lorentz violation. Furthermore, note that in models where Lorentz violation is given by coupling matter fields to a non-zero, timelike gradient of a scalar field, the scalar field also acts as a time function on the spacetime. In such a case, the spacetime must be stably causal (c.f. [272]) and there are no closed timelike curves. This property also holds in Lorentz violating models with vectors if the vector in a particular solution can be written as a non-vanishing gradient of a scalar. Finally, we mention that in fact many approaches to quantum gravity actually predict a failure of causality based on a background metric [121] as in quantum gravity the notion of a spacetime event is not necessarily well-defined [239]. A concrete realization of this possibility is provided in Bose-Einstein condensate analogs of black holes [40]. Here the low energy phonon excitations obey Lorentz invariance and microcausality [270]. However, as one approaches a certain length scale (the healing length of the condensate) the background metric description breaks down and the low energy notion of microcausality no longer holds. ---- In the Bohmian view, nonlocality is even more conspicuous. The trajectory of any one particle depends on what all the other particles described by the same wave function are doing. And, critically, the wave function has no geographic limits; it might, in principle, span the entire universe. Which means that the universe is weirdly interdependent, even across vast stretches of space. ---- The hole is quantum-mechanically unstable: It has no bound states. Wormhole wave functions must eventually leak to large radii. This suggests that stability considerations along these lines may place strong constraints on the nature and even the existence of spacetime foam. ---- In invariant set theory, the form of the Bell Inequality whose violation would be inconsistent with realism and local causality is undefined, and the form of the inequality that it violated experimentally is not even gp-approximately close to the form needed to rule out local realism (54) [21]. A key element in demonstrating this result derives from the fact that experimenters cannot in principle shield their apparatuses from the uncontrollable ubiquitous gravitational waves that fill space-time. ---- A finite non-classical framework for physical theory is described which challenges the conclusion that the Bell Inequality has been shown to have been violated experimentally, even approximately. This framework postulates the universe as a deterministic locally causal system evolving on a measure-zero fractal-like geometry IU in cosmological state space. Consistent with the assumed primacy of IU , and p-adic number theory, a non-Euclidean (and hence non-classical) metric gp is defined on cosmological state space, where p is a large but finite Pythagorean prime. Using numbertheoretic properties of spherical triangles, the inequalities violated experimentally are shown to be gp-distant from the CHSH inequality, whose violation would rule out local realism. This result fails in the singular limit p = ∞, at which gp is Euclidean. Broader implications are discussed. ---- This optical pumping scenario is implicitly based on the erroneous quantum mechanical “myth” that quantum “jumps” are instantaneous. In reality transitions between atomic levels take very, very long times, about 10 million times longer than the oscillating period of the electromagnetic radiation that drives the excitation. The Microverse: A microverse is the same principle as a level 1 multiverse, matter can only arrange itself in so many different ways eventually everything assumes the same form again. This is what goes on inside the nucleus of a more complex atom: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/81190/whats-inside-a-proton "You can't consider a proton just as three quarks (called valence quarks, because they determine the quantum numbers) because virtual quarks and antiquarks are constantly being created and annihilated via strong force. So a proton is more like a quark sea. In fact, this process gives most part of the proton's mass (the valence quarks are just the 2% of the mass). We also have this notion of black hole atoms, now suppose that these micro black holes are crucial in the formation of all atoms: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMPcSi2giMCa0Sk6I_FZ6FnBkw-ozrXDGvXUkGz This is an atom with an atomic nucleus composed of one proton. However, most atoms have multiple protons with charge as well as a charge-neutral "neutron" which, unlike said protons, flies apart within 10 minutes when freed from the nucleus. Why? Let's break it down: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipP4zX3SAJJi2xytqo-JO-7j0LwJWTCRORNm6AQF The protons of adjacent atoms feed each other, as the micro black hole is in the process of consuming it's accretion disk; that's negative charge & all material around said nucleus, even the electrons that form, are going inward. Going outward would be positive charge, & that is when the proton has fully consumed it's accretion disk, stripped of it's mass, the matter of the accretion flows back outward in the form of Cherenkov radiation. That is positive charge, & as that proton's BH evaporates, the - proton within the nuclei of adjacent atoms grow. The cycles must be synchronized perfectly or the atoms will annihilate into light. A proton with negative charge will always become positively charged. Now, this is also an example of how quantum entanglement comes about, these atoms are causally linked by micro-gravity. It also solves the anti-matter problem; what annihilation would leave in its wake were rapidly evaporating microversal scale cosmic unit black holes in a pre-CMB, CDM state, just like a big rip. Whatever is pulled back by the expansion generated by BH shrinkage would have to be causally synchronized by gravity, just like all particle pairs. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM9S3ujWiaiVXKtQ0igaze1K5AQrTkxBVHcyJjh As you can see here, the neutron is a glorified subatomic quark-gluon pulsar, held together by the collective gravity of the protons. The up and down quarks are just where the matter jets at the two poles of the microquasars and micro qg plasma bodies are lighting up material - two ups & 1 down or vice versa being where these matter jets ignite material: https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMdbMxDNyySzbrTsyjjAzQeQXrwXA1ElC2UU4tP The idea is that the two up quarks are matter jets from a theoretical micro black hole, the third down quark is where matter enters or exits the accretion disk depending on whether the proton is in a negatively charged state (black hole is young & the matter isn't flying apart from expansion yet) or positively charged (black hole is middle aged & matter has lost most its mass & is flying apart like our galaxy will one day). These micro black holes evaporate & spawn at a rate of approximately 10 billion times per second, on average, within the general area of the protons & neutrons, right around where the atomic nucleus should be. This illustrates the scattering of virtual particles that are being compiled via electron holography. Now, let's explain the observer effect, which can also be attributed to the quantum eraser: https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMIv_9Wus3trT8_mIGpOLpKupbukWEZCpdfTN3L https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipNAva4lu9mV5QVn5AmcY-BTxu0bsD1kBQbHCAEz As you can see (& as explained earlier), it's just the microgravity of the interacting particle beams. This microversal cellular automaton interpretation is much more versatile than QM, it works in explaining virtually anything in QM. For instance, let's use the quantum venn diagram paradox; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcqZHYo7ONs&t=25s https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM4wzl7EdqP7do7L7Gwy0ajNA13uO15vomNJMpi Between wave functions, the photons adopt new polarities as they expand through space-time. More polarizing filters=greater variety of polarities. Now let's look at the 3rd type of microverse: Quark-gluon plasma is the absolute densest state matter can take. We see it in the cores of neutron stars, discs of quasars as matter is folded upon itself by compressing spacetime (gravity/mass/dark matter) around macro black holes, & in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Any denser, & matter is just a macro black hole as there's no space between micro black holes. It's composed of micro quasars with micro black holes at their cores, barely held apart by micro expansion. Unlike vacuum radiation & the atomic world, these microverses are non-anthropic (no stellar eras) because less entropy equates to less complexity. Quark-gluon plasma is the only state of matter composed entirely of microverses that are exclusively the same as itself. Atoms & vacuum radiation will have microverses with atoms, quark-gluon plasma & vacuum radiation within them, quark-gluon plasma is only composed of microverses that are entirely filled with quark-gluon plasma. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMYvWqexE9t-KJFjSvkh0linJUkqc-vp66c0fte The Black Hole. What is it exactly? This may imply that black holes and white holes are the same object. The Hawking radiation from an ordinary black hole is then identified with the white-hole emission. Hawking’s semi-classical argument is reproduced in a quantum mechanical AdS/CFT treatment, where a black hole in anti-de Sitter space is described by a thermal gas in a gauge theory, whose time reversal is the same as itself. The black hole is a white hole in ADS space (with negative three dimensions). Everything that's contracting in desitter space is expanding in ADS space. So black holes are perpendicular universes that have negative dimensions, so when black holes are in a near perfect vacuum the only mass they consume comes from vastly reduced black hole sizes within the microverses of photons which, as a white hole's hot dense center (where parallel universes continuously emerge) shrinks it dissolves near it's horizon, this means that the rate of expansion in the spacetime of that white hole's horizon increases & the spacetime of it's inside out DS counterpart (a black hole) shrinks. That's Hawking radiation for you. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNq9eYBOTDMvR--SsLquT6H3OR5Fgofelcfe72e This is why matter jets are so powerful around black holes, & the source of FRBs & OMG particles (relativistic protons). Key Terms Local realism Quantum observer/entanglement/eraser/venn diagram paradox anti/de sitter space/ADS/CFT duality fractal geometry/scale relativity/special relativity beyond the speed of light FRBs & the OMG particle The transplanckian problem Dark Flow/Cosmic Bruising/CMB Primer
I noticed some errors in my equations & in the calculation of the speed of qe: C = (Length of Left Strong GWs( c)ly)/(600billionly ( c)) Length of GWs = length of the left strong GWs/.05 ly Length of right strong GWs = (length of GWs x .27) - 600billionly Length of left weak GWs = length of GWs x .27 ly length of right weak GWs = length of GWs x .68 Velocity of left strong gravitational waves = ((length of left strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = ((length of right strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC); (velocity of left strong GWs + velocity of right strong GWs)/2 = Current Rate of Expansion Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = ((length of right weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of positive Particle Charge Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = ((length of left weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of negative Particle Charge; (Velocity of positive PC + Velocity of negative PC)/2 = The Speed of Quantum Entanglement So, Velocity of left strong GWs = 2.6023649x10^30 m/s Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = 5.2047298 x 10^30 m/s Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = 1.405277 x 10^31 m/s Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = 3.5392163 x 10^31 m/s Current Rate of Expansion = 3.9035474 x 10^30 m/s The Speed of Quantum Entanglement = 6.6389135 x 10^31 m/s According to my model the big crunch will be complete when our "universe" expands to be the same size as the source of the left strong GWs, which we've already calculated to be in 1.56141895 x 10^42 years when determining the length of the left strong GWs. Plug that into length of GWs times velocity of GWs for that length ly IN METERS/(1.56141895 x 10^42 + 13.8 billion years IN SECONDS & the speed of light in the superverse is 3.1225079 x 10^41 m/s, divide by the speed of light to find your lorentz transformation which can be used to calculate the size in which atomic structures begin to form in the superverse according to my model & you'll get 1.0415565 x 10^43 meters, or 1.1008947 x 10^27 light years. Now that's a big atom! Let's see the size of an atom in a microverse, (1 x 10^-15)/(1.04155652 x 10^33) gives you 9.6010152 x 10^-49 meters, which is 1.6664904 x 10^13 times smaller than a planck length. BTW, the speed of light in a microverse is equal to the speed of light in a superverse. You can't use the lorentz transformation to just divide for units that measure velocity in the same way I just for units that measure size, this is because of the effects of time dilation.
Alternatively, fusion can be catalyzed by achieving a high spatial density, as happens for the nuclei within a muonic molecule. When a muon replaces the electron, it brings the nuclei ∼200 times closer together than in an ordinary molecule, greatly enhancing the spontaneous nuclear reaction rate even at low temperature . In many ways, the ground state of such a molecule is the ideal situation for fusion because the phase space density of the reacting species takes on the largest possible value consistent with quantum mechanics. While greeted by much excitement when it was discovered in the 1950s, muon-catalyzed fusion still just falls a bit short of practicality because of the insufficient lifetime of the muon.Fusion does not occur to a measurable extent in the ground state of normal molecules bound by electrons because of the lower density of nuclei (∼1/Å3, not 1/pm3) and the low vibrational energy (meV, not keV) compared to muonic molecules. In this paper we will explore whether laser pulse shaping could allow quantum control to enhance intramolecular nuclear collision rates, starting from normal internuclear distances. & it would be hard for us to "allow quantum control to enhance intramolecular nuclear collision rates" if the quantum theory is wrong. This theory may lead us to stable fusion, which can cheaply turn small amounts of lead into smaller amounts of gold, which can then be replicated into large amounts of gold. Who said money doesn't grow on trees? This theory could help bring us to the epitome of space age technologies by understanding the nature of the electromagnetic interaction as it pertains to a relativity drive. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT BEING ABLE TO TRANSFER YOUR BRAIN'S DATA TO A ARTIFICIAL BRAIN? There are a few ways to go about doing this. One is to simulate your neural patterns with an exabyte scale computer. This is seen in the Johnny Depp film Transcendence & also in Chappie. This is the simpler way to go about this as exascale computers are possible given the right innovations in integrated circuit design which according to Moore's law is about to happen. This method however doesn't allow the real you to survive postmortem as one might think, you are still in your body, and there is a program simulating a digitized clone of you in cyberspace. Even if that copy outlives you, you will still experience death even if another you lives on. This is pointless, & the sole reason that there would a ban on such AI's that they would surpass the human collective in survivability, processing power, efficiency & resource needs (Animatrix the second Rennaissance is the best depiction of this, specifically where zero one takes the lead in the global economy's superpowers provoking a war that humans lose) - the actual human race is still subject to our inevitable expiration date & the resources wasted on our biological needs might provoke our digital counterparts to get rid of us. There is, in theory, a better way. The in-vivo method, artificial neuron replacement. The issue is that would disrupt the synapses as the electric signals between synaptic nerves are composed of electrons which have a wave function & due to the uncertainty principle of modern physics it's impossible to predict the path each electron might take in the synapses as the atoms are rearranged via self-replicating nano-bots. So your continuity of consciousness, the real you, would be lost. However, that is according to the principle of non-locality which, provided my thesis is correct, is wrong. Quantum determinism (local realism) would allow us to communicate ftl via entanglement - determining how the state of all subatomic particles will be effected as well as exactly where they'll be between wave functions based on Einstein equations of gravity in classical mechanics for worlds as complex as our universe that exist within fractions of a planck length would be difficult to get right enough times to construct an ftl computer (more precisely, a superluminal quantum entanglement gate) but an ftl computer could allow that in-vivo artificial neuron replacement in a live human brain without messing with the electric signals within his or her nervous system. It could also replicate precious materials like gold, platinum, silver, anything, using more abundant materials. As one example, the interneuronal connections in our brains compute at only 200 transactions per second, millions of times slower than even today's electronic circuits. Circa late 2020s, billions of nanobots traveling in the capillaries of the brain will interact directly with our biological neurons providing a vast expansion of human intellect. They can also provide full immersion virtual reality from inside the nervous system by shutting down the signals from our “real” senses and replacing them with the signals that are appropriate for a virtual environment. Another example is our red blood cells. Despite the elegant way our red blood cells carry oxygen in our bloodstream and deliver it to our tissues, it is a very slow and cumbersome system. There’s a design for such robotic red blood cells called “respirocytes” by Rob Freitas, a nanotechnology expert, which are thousands of times more efficient than biological red blood cells. Analyses show that with these respirocytes, you could sit at the bottom your pool for four hours without taking a breath. There is another Freitas design that will be able to augment your immune system, basically robotic white bloods. It will have the capability to destroy any virus, cancer cell, or other invader hundreds of times faster than our biological immune system. Now, how does this help us solve Fermi's Paradox? I think information panspermia is the most likely solution. Why do we assume that DnA & RnA from organic molecules isn't a one out of infinity chance. Contrary to the Drake Equation, I feel as though the odds of a life-form evolving at all, much less into a society, is so rare that if it occurs on earth, it won't occur again within the same cosmic event horizon. Information panspermia from a Type III civilization that's googols of millenniums old could have this sort of self-governing, superluminal information (more precisely, a superluminal quantum entanglement gate), which could repolarize particles in such a way that, exclusively within certain organic molecules, matter will arrange itself into DnA & RnA. A very cheap way for remotely guided evolution. That kind of extraterrestrial intervention of our evolution governs that the Drake Equation is way off in that life really isn't that likely. Much less civilizations. What happened on earth that led to the civilizations & science here is this, the Dinos are bred out, not wiped out, the Orangutans outlived 20/21 of their homini-descendants. Why would hominid-esque traits keep being selected if it wasn't beneficial for survival? Finally, for 200,000 years humans still aren't making civilizations, then in the last 10,000 years they suddenly pop up - going from a nomadic behavior to a hive-like behavior. In a world not influenced by information panspermia, there should be as many species on one world that evolve with the capacity of culture & civilization as there are species of insects here on earth. Instead, here, there's only one species that evolved for culture & organized civilization, for a Type III trying to propagate indirectly via remote access to galaxies beyond where they can go, they'd only need one species capable of building a society to evolve in that entire galaxy, makes sense to me. They'd probably propagate through a linear string of galaxies. Like a trillion galaxies beyond Segue 1, but because of how far away those galaxies are, we only see evidence of a Type III occurring as far back as 75 million years ago inside Segue 1. Beyond Segue 1, the galaxies that their ships hit before that are so far away that their light paints a picture of the galaxy before the aliens got there. However, say they we are seeing the oldest evidence we can see of them in Segue 1, the first solar system there to achieve Type II status would have marked their arrival at Segue 1, which would have been millions of years before that galaxy became the Type III civ we see evidence of because it takes millions of years to replicate across even a dwarf galaxy when your nano-probes are limited by relativistic time dilation (c). So that adds millions of years to the 75 millions year old photo of Segue 1 as a Type III civ, giving the nano-probes sent from there to Tabby's Star @ about 20% of the speed of light enough time for Tabby's star to hit Type II status while humans were still ruled by Julius Caesar. Before their probes had time to even get to Segue 1, their information panspermia was fast at work building the first single-celled organisms here on earth, as the fraction of planets capable of seeding the evolution of intelligent life are negligibly infinitesimal. It's quicker, but you can't always do it because planets like this are one in a googol, so that's why there'd be nano-probes targeting a trail of galaxies behind us stemming from an origin point that probably preceeds our cosmic microwave background considering how rarely life naturally evolves into a civilization. Segue 1 might be spheroidal because they were dragging its stars into its galactic core. If you can turn an entire galaxy into a giant hot dense quasar around its central SMBH you might have a shot of moving it in the same way you'd move the stars (although moving the SMBH of a quasar of that size would require a galactic Shkadov Thruster of such size that in order to build it you'd need to star lift 1,000 suns. This is how you'd influence a superverse using gravity.
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Some of the missing baryonic matter from the missing Baryon problem might still be missing: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/oct/12/astronomers-find-half-of-the-missing-matter-in-the-universe; "The initial measurements still do not account for all the ordinary matter, and some believe the remaining portion could be made up by exotic unobserved objects such as black holes or dark stars. Cosmologists are also still yet to discover the nature of dark matter, which makes up even more of the universe." This could be wayward extra-cosmic galaxies from the source of the left strong GWs traveling into our cosmic domain, or at least a gravitational domino effect in the gravitational chain-link of galaxies tugging us (modern dark flow), initiating the first phase of the big crunch. In either case, according to my model the big crunch will be complete when our "universe" expands to be the same size as the source of the left strong GWs, which we've already calculated to be in 1.56141895 x 10^42 years when determining the length of the left strong GWs. Plug that into (1.56141895 x 10^42 + 13.8 billion years IN SECONDS) & the speed of light in the superverse is 1.47639247 × 10^58 m/s, divide by the speed of light to find your lorentz transformation which calculates the size in which atomic structures begin to form in the superverse according to my model & you'll get 2.4623576 x 10^40 meters, or 2.6026399 x 10^24 light years. Now that's a big atom! Let's see the size of an atom in a microverse, (5 x 10^-15)/(2.4623576 x 10^40) gives you 2.0305743 x 10^-55 meters, which is 7.8795442 x 10^19 times smaller than a planck length. BTW, the speed of light in a microverse is equal to the speed of light in a superverse. You can't use the lorentz transformation to just divide for units that measure velocity in the same way I just for units that measure size, this is because of the effects of time dilation.
We can already do that, the above equations would only be used for finding a Lorentz transformation in order to determine if C in the superverse really is 4.92(10^27) times the speed of light as my thesis suggests.
Meaning that, & this is important, the fastest GWs have traveled the farthest to get here and have the most strength because they've journeyed the farthest. Dark matter & dark energy don't have to be stronger than our gravity to cause expansion, one just has to be stronger than the other. Same with QE, which only effects the subatomic world because of how weak those GWs are.
They don't, but they are related to quantum entanglement (which might be the result of one charge overpowering the other charge overall in the universe) in the same way that expansion could be the result of GWs from beyond the known universe meaning dark matter & dark energy as well as particle charge would have their own respective superluminal velocities. A GW will propagate faster if it is broader, so because GWs propagate at the speed of light (demonstrated by LIGO in 2017) there could be superluminal GWs if adjacent cosmoses are in a later state of expansion than ours is, just as the current speed of light is faster than it was 13.8 billion years ago.
From this picture we can derive equations in order to define the effects that this extra-cosmic gravitation will have on our cosmos: Velocity of left strong gravitational waves = ((length of left strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = C Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = ((length of right strong GWs)C)/(600billionlyC); (velocity of left strong GWs + velocity of right strong GWs)/2 = Current Rate of Expansion Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = ((length of right weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of positive Particle Charge Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = ((length of left weak GWs)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of Positive Particle Charge; (Velocity of left PC + Velocity of right PC)/2 = The Speed of Quantum Entanglement Length of left strong GWs = (n ( c)ly)/(600billionly ( c)) Length of GWs = length of the left strong GWs/.05 ly Length of right strong GWs = (length of GWs x .27) - 600billionly Length of left weak GWs = length of GWs x .27 ly length of right weak GWs = length of GWs x .68 So, Velocity of left strong GWs = 2.6023649x10^30 m/s Velocity of right strong gravitational waves = 5.2047298 x 10^30 m/s Velocity of right weak gravitational waves = 1.405277 x 10^31 m/s Velocity of left weak gravitational waves = 1.187255 x 10^32 m/s Current Rate of Expansion = 3.9035474 x 10^30 m/s The Speed of Quantum Entanglement = 6.6389135 x 10^31 m/s NOW, Will tell us the moment of the big bounce when accounting for the varying velocities of QE & expansion. The speed of light in the superverse is merely ((from now until to the moment of big bounce + 13.8 billion years IN SECONDS) x C)/C m/s. From that we can find our Lorentz transformations. I can't be @ssed to calculate those right now, I have the TOE, now GIVE ME THE PRIZE already
Since the Velocity of rightward strong gravitational waves had to equal C, & Velocity of rightward strong gravitational waves = ((n ly)C)/(600billionlyC) had to = C, I derived that RSGW length = 1.56141895 × 10^42 ly From that I derived the velocities of the other three types of gravity in order to find our r term b/c the length of r must = the sum of all four of the GW lengths so r equaled 1.1254287 x 10^50 ly & in the r equation, r/x = 500 nm/the planck length so 1.1254287 x 10^50 ly /n = 500 nm/the planck length from that I found n = 7.0339294 x 10^84 ly, & so the superverse planck length = 1.1254287 x 10^50 ly/7.0339294 x 10^84 ly which = 1.6 x 10^-35 ly... which is 9.4605284 x 10^15 times greater than our universe's planck length So now Velocity of leftward strong gravitational waves = ((1.375952 x 10^49ly)C)/(600billionlyC); ((6.875x10^45lyC)/(600billionlyC) x velocity of RSGW / 2) = Current Rate of Expansion Velocity of rightward strong gravitational waves = ((1.56141895 × 10^42ly)C)/(600billionlyC) = C Velocity of rightward weak gravitational waves = ((3.9384749 x 10^49ly)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of Negative Particle Charge Velocity of leftward weak gravitational waves = ((5.9398596 x 10^49)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of Positive Particle Charge; ((Velocity of Positive PC x Velocity of Negative PC) / 2) = The Speed of Quantum Entanglement
I didn't write that, I was quoting the link Shyte, just checked my calculations, the radius equation was wrong; which means my assertion that 13 billion light years is NOT the planck length of the superverse, hang on, I'll find it
Whoops: Velocity of leftward strong gravitational waves = ((6.875x10^45ly)C)/(600billionlyC); ((6.875x10^45lyC)/(600billionlyC) x velocity of RSGW / 2) / phi( r)^2 = Current Rate of Expansion Velocity of rightward strong gravitational waves = ((3.125x10^45ly)C)/(600billionlyC) = C Velocity of rightward weak gravitational waves = ((1.967875x10^46ly)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of Negative Particle Charge Velocity of leftward weak gravitational waves = ((2.967875x10^46ly)C)/(600billionlyC) = Velocity of Positive Particle Charge; (Velocity of Positive PC x Velocity of Negative PC / 2) / phi( r)^2 = The Speed of Quantum Entanglement Phi, the Golden Ratio, because God draws straight with curved lines
Assume that a particle of energy is like a universe of matter, with a relatively equivalent amount of mass in adjusted scale. Fall anywhere in space, no matter how seemingly void, and you will land on matter if you're small enough. The Microverse: A microverse is the same principle as a level 1 multiverse, matter can only arrange itself in so many different ways eventually everything takes on the same order again, especially where c covers a unit of distance in less than 1 planck time. Even in quantum theory c does propagate under such extremely short distances in the form of gravity waves: some people claim that a 'Poisson sprinkling' of space-time points is Lorentz invariant. So when measuring the planck scale of a microverse you're literally converting one cosmic unit into one planck length, which is like saying the super cosmos you're measuring is equal to 13billionly/1.6(10^-35m), which is something like 7.71(10^61) meters or 6.22(10^36) light years. For every Lorentz transformation c increases accordingly meaning that the gravity of a perfectly lorentz adjusted microverse would cover a distance of 6.22(10^36) of our light years in 1.3(10^9) years (accounting for the dilation of c) which is about 4.92(10^27) times the speed of light. Based on the thesis that a photon at the brightest parts of the wavelength are equal to 1 planck length, around 13 billion light years in microverse adjustments (CMB was brighter than the current universe) & dimmer now that it's material as been spread over 45 times it's original volume, from this we can derive the equation r/14billion ly = 500/lp nm: https://ibb.co/fpTSbm Therefore; QE(V)=((2.96875(10^46ly/13billionly))C(1.96875(10^46ly/13billionly))C)/(2pi( r)^2) , C(V)=((6.875(10^45ly/13billionly))C(3.125(10^45ly/13billionly))C)/(2pi( r)^2) Meaning that, due if you map out what the cosmos will look like during the big rip based on my model & put adjacent expanding CMB's at various stages of stellar evolution around inside & around it you should not get new CMB's being birthed. The beauty is that you can construct an iterative operation that perpetually calculates the ever-changing approximate of dimensions (3 - ~.5 = x) of the fractal we inhabit in order to locate where & when these micro black holes that produce the wormhole metric will spawn & evaporate within the microverses of microverses of the subatomic world to varying degrees of precision based on how much processing power you have available to you & through averaging out a combinatoric optimum in the varying results of that iterative dimensional analysis, you will be able to determine the pattern of every force of nature, not just the eigenvalues, not just gravity, not just dark energy, but the total conservation of dynamical dark matter in all possible trapped spaces (frame-dragging killing vector waves) along with the total non-conservation of dark energy in possible freed spaces (dipole moments) beyond the speed of light, which is a theory of everything for all intents & purposes because it gives us the capacity to construct quantum tunneling networks & quantum entanglement gates for superluminal processing power which opens up a new world of possibilities. This is what goes on inside the nucleus of a more complex atom: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/81190/whats-inside-a-proton "You can't consider a proton just as three quarks (called valence quarks, because they determine the quantum numbers) because virtual quarks and antiquarks are constantly being created and annihilated via strong force. So a proton is more like a quark sea. In fact, this process gives most part of the proton's mass (the valence quarks are just the 2% of the mass). We also have this notion of black hole atoms, now suppose that these micro black holes are crucial in the formation of all atoms: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMPcSi2giMCa0Sk6I_FZ6FnBkw-ozrXDGvXUkGz This is an atom with an atomic nucleus composed of one proton. However, most atoms have multiple protons with charge as well as a charge-neutral "neutron" which, unlike said protons, flies apart within 10 minutes when freed from the nucleus. Why? Let's break it down: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipP4zX3SAJJi2xytqo-JO-7j0LwJWTCRORNm6AQF The protons of adjacent atoms feed each other, as the micro black hole is in the process of consuming it's accretion disk; that's negative charge & all material around said nucleus, even the electrons that form, are going inward. Going outward would be positive charge, & that is when the proton has fully consumed it's accretion disk, stripped of it's mass, the matter of the accretion flows back outward in the form of Cherenkov radiation. That is positive charge, & as that proton's BH evaporates, the - proton within the nuclei of adjacent atoms grow. The cycles must be synchronized perfectly or the atoms will annihilate into light. A proton with negative charge will always become positively charged. Now, this is also an example of how quantum entanglement comes about, these atoms are causally linked by micro-gravity. It also solves the anti-matter problem; what annihilation would leave in its wake were rapidly evaporating microversal scale cosmic unit black holes in a pre-CMB, CDM state, just like a big rip. Whatever is pulled back by the expansion generated by BH shrinkage would have to be causally synchronized by gravity, just like all particle pairs. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM9S3ujWiaiVXKtQ0igaze1K5AQrTkxBVHcyJjh As you can see here, the neutron is a glorified subatomic quark-gluon pulsar, held together by the collective gravity of the protons. The up and down quarks are just where the matter jets at the two poles of the microquasars and micro qg plasma bodies are lighting up material - two ups & 1 down or vice versa being where these matter jets ignite material: https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMdbMxDNyySzbrTsyjjAzQeQXrwXA1ElC2UU4tP The idea is that the two up quarks are matter jets from a theoretical micro black hole, the third down quark is where matter enters or exits the accretion disk depending on whether the proton is in a negatively charged state (black hole is young & the matter isn't flying apart from expansion yet) or positively charged (black hole is middle aged & matter has lost most its mass & is flying apart like our galaxy will one day). These micro black holes evaporate & spawn at a rate of approximately 10 billion times per second, on average, within the general area of the protons & neutrons, right around where the atomic nucleus should be. This illustrates the scattering of virtual particles that are being compiled via electron holography. Now, let's explain the observer effect, which can also be attributed to the quantum eraser: https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipMIv_9Wus3trT8_mIGpOLpKupbukWEZCpdfTN3L https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipNAva4lu9mV5QVn5AmcY-BTxu0bsD1kBQbHCAEz As you can see (& as explained earlier), it's just the microgravity of the interacting particle beams. This microversal cellular automaton interpretation is much more versatile than QM, it works in explaining virtually anything in QM. For instance, let's use the quantum venn diagram paradox; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcqZHYo7ONs&t=25s https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM4wzl7EdqP7do7L7Gwy0ajNA13uO15vomNJMpi Between wave functions, the photons adopt new polarities as they expand through space-time. More polarizing filters=greater variety of polarities. Now let's look at the 3rd type of microverse: Quark-gluon plasma is the absolute densest state matter can take. We see it in the cores of neutron stars, discs of quasars as matter is folded upon itself by compressing spacetime (gravity/mass/dark matter) around macro black holes, & in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Any denser, & matter is just a macro black hole as there's no space between micro black holes. It's composed of micro quasars with micro black holes at their cores, barely held apart by micro expansion. Unlike vacuum radiation & the atomic world, these microverses are non-anthropic (no stellar eras) because less entropy equates to less complexity. Quark-gluon plasma is the only state of matter composed entirely of microverses that are exclusively the same as itself. Atoms & vacuum radiation will have microverses with atoms, quark-gluon plasma & vacuum radiation within them, quark-gluon plasma is only composed of microverses that are entirely filled with quark-gluon plasma. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipMYvWqexE9t-KJFjSvkh0linJUkqc-vp66c0fte The Black Hole. What is it exactly? This may imply that black holes and white holes are the same object. The Hawking radiation from an ordinary black hole is then identified with the white-hole emission. Hawking’s semi-classical argument is reproduced in a quantum mechanical AdS/CFT treatment, where a black hole in anti-de Sitter space is described by a thermal gas in a gauge theory, whose time reversal is the same as itself. The black hole is a white hole in ADS space (with negative three dimensions). Everything that's contracting in desitter space is expanding in ADS space. So black holes are perpendicular universes that have negative dimensions, so when black holes are in a near perfect vacuum the only mass they consume comes from vastly reduced black hole sizes within the microverses of photons which, as a white hole's hot dense center (where parallel universes continuously emerge) shrinks it dissolves near it's horizon, this means that the rate of expansion in the spacetime of that white hole's horizon increases & it's inside out DS counterpart (a black hole) shrinks. That's Hawking radiation for you. https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNq9eYBOTDMvR--SsLquT6H3OR5Fgofelcfe72e Recall, my original idea that spawned this entire line of thinking was that the universe looks practically the same at the planck length (more so than any statistic in QM could ever discern) in a near-perfect vacuum (that has nothing but photons scattered between their respective wavelengths) as it does at 13 billion light years. This is because the cosmic event horizon & planck's constant are related to C, which is the rate at which GW waves (indivisible from the other three fundamental interactions as well as mass, the Higgs field, dark matter, whatever you want to call that which is responsible for gravity, in this case) & it's polar opposite; expansion (caused by dark energy, which is really the non-conservation of energy you get in the photon sphere of a black hole because the Kerr metric is really just a product of this process in which a cosmic macroscopic black hole eats the microcosmic microscopic black holes of the quark gluon plasma at the heart of a quasar) propagate. Dynamical dark energy: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipNaL_Y7LCjAHtt1OB3hVy7sPWHtVN4kg1ZytUTy This is why matter jets are so powerful around black holes, & the source of FRBs & OMG particles (relativistic protons) - the microverses of these relativistic particles don't have any micro-black holes to delay expansion at first, at least, not until they pick them up as they meet other radiation propagating through space. Stripping microverses of their black holes gives you more energy than matter/anti-matter annihilation. The quasar material loses its mass in the form of micro black holes merging with the central macro black hole, big rip era Monster SMBH rotation helps because the quasar material slides off the surface of the event horizon & if the black hole is even close to a cosmic unit it's rotation will be superluminal due to the addition of velocities.