In the problem found at I heard from a friend that I am suppose to use a difference array to solve the problem but I can't seem to figure out how to solve this problem. Could anyone give me some advice? Please keep it simple since I am only a high school student preparing for the national infomatics Olympiad. A solution is python is found at but I can't understand it.
The problem:
Canadian Computing Competition: 2014 Stage 1, Senior #4
You are laying N rectangular pieces of grey-tinted glass to make a stained glass window. Each piece of glass adds an integer value "tint-factor". Where two pieces of glass overlap, the tint-factor is the sum of their tint-factors.
You know the desired position for each piece of glass and these pieces of glass are placed such that the sides of each rectangle are parallel to either the x-axis or the y-axis (that is, there are no "diagonal" pieces of glass).
You would like to know the total area of the finished stained glass window with a tint-factor of at least T.
Input Specification The first line of input is the integer N (1≤N≤1000), the number of pieces of glass. The second line of input is the integer T (1≤T≤1000000000), the threshold for the tint-factor. Each of the next N lines contain five integers, representing the position of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the ith piece of tinted glass followed by the tint-factor of that piece of glass. Specifically, the integers are placed in the order x1 y1 x2 y2 t, where the top-left corner is at (x1,y1) and the bottom-right corner is at (x2,y2), and tint-factor is t. You can assume that 1≤t≤1000000. The top-most, left-most co-ordinate where glass can be placed is (0,0) and you may assume 0≤x1
Output Specification Output the total area of the finished stained glass window which has a tint-factor of at least T.
Thanks in advance.