I'm a mad health scientist trying to heal myself & others, and I'm using Vitamin C, and Potassium Triiodide (aka Lugol's Iodine http://alternativa-za-vas.com/en/index.php/clanak/article/lugols-solution).
When I drop the iodine solution into water, it taints it distinctly (like a greenish violet (one of them- I'm colorblind)). When I follow with ascorbic acid, it goes white. Obviously a reaction.
Does mixing reduce the anti-biotic properties of iodine?
Does mixing reduce the usefullness of vitamin-C? I feel these are important questions for the health of our culture, and I wonder if they've been explored yet. Iodine is considered one of the top anti-septic by prominent researchers, and Vitamin C is also very important. But their interaction- if it negates either's power- is of significant importance.