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Everything posted by Giovanni
Hi all, I would like to pose some questions about Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force of Puthoff. The article: Zero Point Field cause an oscillation on fundamental particles. (electrons and quarks) and this cause a mutual interaction between those particles. Making the calculations Puthoff observes the correct dependence on distance. (r-2) The questions are: to simulate the presence of a particle outside a macroscopic object it should be sufficient to recreate the variable electromagnetic field that the particle would generate by oscillating. It would be enough to have such a field and the macroscopic object would be attracted by the gravity of the 'simulated particle'. Quite right? What are the practical difficulties in creating such a field? I was motivated by the Louis Rancourt findings: basically it seems that light attract matter as a gravity source. Ref: Effect of light on gravitational attraction
finally, by simply looking for "pair production tidal forces", I found the following article:https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269317307888I do not have the right background to understand the content but some sentences are clear to me and it seems extremely relevant to the discussion. It's exactly what i was searching for: a gravitational analog of the Schwinger effect based on tidal forces.The only thing that must now be done is showing that in this black hole 'atmosphere' photons can be superluminal.
Hello everyone, It's been several months since I opened the discussion Scharnhorst effect + EM field greater than the Schwinger limit = c value increase on the NASA forum 'New Physics for Space Technology'. The focus of the discussion are the 2 articles: (A) Does the speed of light depend upon the vacuum ? (non-peer-reviewed) (B) The quantum vacuum as the origin of the speed of light (a highly cropped version of the previous that has passed peer-review) The content of the articles concerns the constants ε0, μ0 and c0 which according to the authors depend on the physical characteristics of the virtual pairs. Over time I am convinced that the same theoretical treatment should also apply to the constant G. In this regard I have found nothing but the article Principles of Gravity Manipulation via the Quantum Vacuum . 'Journal of Theoretics' is a little known peer reviewed journal. But I have found also theories about variation of G over time or in space. It is clear that in the absence of a gravitational field source virtual pairs have an isotropic distribution and their gravity is zero. In the presence of a field source, for example a point-like mass, the isotropy is broken. In the example of a point-like mass the distribution of virtual pairs has spherical symmetry. When we measure the gravity force that this field exerts on a test charge we then measure the force generated by the point-like mass + the virtual pairs (whose distribution, as already said, is no longer isotropic). This implies that G should be written as a function of ρ (the density of virtual pairs) and τ(the average lifetime of such pairs). Anything that can influence ρ and τ also influence G. For example in (A) we consider the effect of an electric field on the lifetime of virtual pairs. (equation 51) (Note: equation 51 holds only for an electric field lower than the Schwinger limit) So an electric field (even lower than the Schwinger limit) can have an influence, even if small, on G.
I define the Schwinger limit as the minimal value for the E field to produce the Schwinger effect From the previous: Is not true. http://www.nytimes.com/1997/09/16/science/scientists-use-light-to-create-particles.html Ok finally i have found a clear explanations: Read the paragraph Schwinger effect the key words are "and continue to move apart". Personal hypothesis: So, since the distance between the now reals electron and positron increases they are not more a dipole: they are no more capable of absorbing photons (single electrons and positrons cannot absorb photons)....so for the Scharnhorst effect the speed of light increase. (sorry for me all those things are obvious....but for the readers are not)
Yes but this is about 'Influence of the intensity on the propagation of light' ....and or me that's ok that there is no influence. I'm talking about the following paragraph. I thought that your statement was about relation between the Schwinger limit and the interaction between external fields and speed of light in vacuum Anyway searching for the dailymail article i discovered this: http://cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/28606 <<Quantum effects such as vacuum polarization in gravitational fields appear to permit "superluminal" photon propagation and give a fascinating new perspective on our understanding of time and causality in the microworld.>> I have not read it yet so i cannot say but it seems relevant.
Thanks for your answer. I believe that I will avoid the General Relativity (that I do not know) and I will use the Gravitoelectromagnetism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitoelectromagnetism) (an approximation of the General Relativity similar to the Maxwell equations) that recently also has a 'quantum' version (https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07207) Since the equations are similar to those of Maxwell, the derivation of the threshold value should not be very different from that of the electromagnetic counterpart. (The Schwinger limit of Quantum Electrodynamics) Or at least I hope so. I really do not know the applicability conditions of the GEM approximation: they hold for so high fields? I will check this.
Is there a gravitational variant of the Schwinger limit? I mean: a strong gravitational field can separate virtual dipoles with tidal forces. The force applied to the positron is different from that applied to the electron (though both are attractive) and, if this difference is high enough, the two particles can be separated permanently. Do you agree with this? Has this occurrence been studied in physics in the literature of the past? I have not found anything on the internet and it seems strange.