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Daniel The Grey

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Everything posted by Daniel The Grey

  1. Thank you for your kind replay, Area54. I would like, if you could help me, to have some exemples of such physical signatures of geological enons strata that put them in a sharp contrast with rapid deposits strata (of course, excluding vulcanic origins). In other words, which exactly (detailed examples) are those basic features that make a clear distinction between the two types of geological layers (have you any links or articles, etc)? Thank you again for your retroaction.
  2. There are whole forests like this, even multilayered ones, such as the forests of upright fossils found in yellowstone that do indeed sometimes extand through multiple layers. Are there any mechanisms that have led to the formation of geological layers requiring eons of time, and could these mechanisms be distinguished by chemical laboratory analysis procedures and proved that they are in sharp contrast to the rapid deposit genesis mechanisms that require only a short period time and would have a different laboratory chemical analysis patern? In other words, are there two different chemical signatures for the eons layers and for fast-formed layers (excluding the volcanic layers)?
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