I'm really interested in fuel cell cars and working on a school project related to them. I went quickly through the options the car manufacturers have these days when constructing a FCV and I cannot understand why all the models produced right now are equipped with very similiar technology. All 3 of them have a PEM fuel cell in combination with a hydrogen tank and I'm wondering, why would't they go with a PEM fuell cell, methanol tank and methanol reformer? The methanol as a fuel has a lot of advantages compared to hydrogen. So what I'm thinking is:
A) the system would be more expensive
B) the system would weigh more
I think the combination of PEMFC + hydrogen tank is cheaper to produce but the system with PEMFC + methanol tank + methanol reformer would be cheaper to use. But that's just my thoughts, I never came across any article comparing these two.
I know it would require 100 pages to cover this topic, but I'd be thankful for any inputs