I'm looking for scenically accurate information for novel I'm working on and wanted to ask the community members here if its possible to use regenerative wound dressing i.e. such as the matristem ( sp? ) technology produced by that company on Oprah ( acell ) and change it so it can be reapplied other ways .
For example , an A-team or Mcgyver scenario if you will ,where theres only certain items available - one of those being perhaps one of these wound dressing bandages , but instead of applying it outside the body on a cut , the character needs to find a way of using the same attributes inside the body to repair a deep injury (lets say through a hypodermic needle or something similar )
Is there any way then something like this would realistically be possible ?
I was thinking given the material in the wound dressing is absorbed on contact with the injury , that there might be a way it could be dissolved in the patients blood and used - a bit like that Platelet Therapy thats used for healing tendon injuries.
Thanks any way , looking forward to hearing some possible suggestions.