That is a good article! Thanks!
I would like to move this discussion, tward a more psudo science,with some philosophy, and just some general thoughts. I would like to start with the research being done on water by some Japanese scientists, the theory is that water changes its form with emotional influence and record certain things I'm not going to go into detail. The second part of that theory is say iconic or holy relics or items that have absorbed emotional resonance or energy, possibly like houses that are haunted and such, being a solid absorbing energy and or reacting to some emotional stimuli or other energy. So now we have two out of the four types of matter that theoretically react to say ,emotional and or spiritual and or other types of energy that people put out. Air being the gas and less tangible I don't believe anyone has done many experiments or Labs on the reaction of air or gas type matter due to the tangibility factor, and the inability to collect solid data and I believe that plasma may be in that category as well. However if two types of matter do in fact react to say any type of human stimuli emotional energy type or spiritual energy type or chakra energy type or whatever, then the other two must react as well or that would be the theory. Does anyone have any thoughts besides that's crazy on that one! I would also like links if you have them! I would like to keep it as close to scientific theory as possible, and not start range out into the religious beliefs of this and that. Unless it's significant.