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  1. "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica"....Isaac Newton believed Physics is Philosophy, applied to understand Nature I understand the practical need of separating Forums and keeping this one mainly technical, but I found your reprimands a bit patronizing. Quantum Theory and QM may be the most "Philosophical" branch of Physics And what about concepts like the weak and strong Antropic Principles? Science or Philosophy? i will not pursue this anymore, just thought that a moderator should be more kind.
  2. Not so sure it isn't Physics, Science, is the branch of Philosophy dealing with Nature's phenomena. First Physicists were Philosophers. Didn't understand the original post, though.. I think Quantum Theory is highly philosophical, linking reality and destiny with human (or intelligent) observation.. Not judging your decisión, of course...just wanted to comment.
  3. OK...but just the presence of light is an observation? In the experiments that show wave behavior of particles, there is light, or, even if they are performed in the dark, there is radiation of the non visible spectrum present, which also could be used for observation. Again, I am not a physicist, and of course the idea that I could have found a "flaw" in Quantum Theory, not noticed before by so many geniuses, is absurd. I just want to know the experts explanation, which I presume would be a trivial one for them. Someone wrote in other thread of this fórum that the cat problem was a ironic way to show the absurdeness of QM...I do not think Schrödinger would want that...but perhaps it was a way to ilustrate with a macroscopic image the phenomena of entangled states at microscopic, atomic or subatomic level, where they really take place. Do the Quantum physicist believe that the entanglement states for complex macroscopic objects like a cat really occur? Thanks for your answer!
  4. I'd like someone with quantum physics knowledge, which I don't have, to give me an answer, that surely exists, to this question: If we introduce a recording video camera in the box, with the cat and the randomly activated killing device, after opening it later (and founding either a live or dead cat), would we see in the video recording a cat in an "entangled" alive-dead state? I think we wouldn,t, we would see either a cat alive all the time or his killing, and the explanation I expect would be that the video camera is a measurement device and the observation "collapsed" the wavelengths... But...how a delayed observation could collapse the wavelengths at a previous time? The camera inside the box is an inanimated collection of atoms like the walls of the box and the random killing artifact..it is not an observer...the wavelengths can not "know" that an observer will use it later. I have the feeling, in my ignorance (I have not advanced physics education) that wiyh macroscopic objects that kind of phenomena do not happen, as we can not produce a difraction pattern in the two slits experiment using big particles, as tennis balls, for example.
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