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Everything posted by Lasse

  1. The last stages of life contain a lot of medically relevant information about the progress of an illnesses or a medical condition. You should look this question from point of science, i.e. you should help the individual and research the medical conditions till One can bare. I would say that if one can not bare, the support for peaceful death (euthanasia) should be provided. It should be a personally asked, state permitted, medically supported process...
  2. I Think digitally that is possible. We can digitally scale basically anything. We are able to evaluate one another on common conceptions. Intelligence, freedom, responsibility, Peace, love, curiousity, diligence... What ever our social sciences, medicine, or physics can find. Imagine a Facebook like platform which tands to build ones relevant information, well structured and on a see throughable manner, while saving any data relevant for the observer(one itself). Then give the option to digitally save your dna and physically in liquide nitrogen connected to all your data, experience, knowledge, interests, thoughts(your intelligence) online. Before you die allow one clone 1000 years after your original Death. Correction to your dna based on the previously recognized problems, from Life long collected, digitalised, Medical results. All previous Life information (intelligence) is avaliable to One for research. Intelligence is a collected information. Your subconsciousness (intuiton) and your consciousness together. Every information reached you thourgh your Life formed you caracter (independent you recognize it or not). We are information with energy. (or where our personality is "saved" otherwise ?) I Think it would be possible to more accurately measure intelligence if the digital solution, we attempt to measure it is well structured and adjusted to the humans individuals perceptions. Note the language and perception based conformities on what One could build on.
  3. If you do not have the capacity to understand what I write why don't you just let it?
  4. 0% Nothing can exist alone. Life evolved as more and more information is involved. At the first moment there were space and time. They can not exist separated.
  5. "Thoughts please? A theory of everything is necessarily a theory of nothing" For the theory of everything you can not avoid the theory/hypotheses of Nothing. Nothing had been(lowest possible physical state) and nothing never can be again, ever since anything exist. How does your theory handle the sense of Nothing-0? What is the written expression of nothing? How would you prove mathematically the consistency natural numbers has, if you know the definition of 0? I will try to show some functions of Nothing(0) what I recognized it has: 0+0=0,0 0*0=0,0 0-0=0,0 0/0=0,0 Can I say 0 is a Natural number?
  6. Yep. Everyone has his/her interpretation. Although my recognition is one from 1/7.5 billion there is just one truth (with the right circumstances 100% perceivable) Which most likely, because of relativity, none of us can achieve.
  7. The snake is the symbol of the questions of self awareness. And finds answers (the fruit of the tree of knowledge...it's good = they like to learn...) Monkeys with rapidly evolving genetics... I think, the thing, that We start to think, helped our genetic, to form a bigger brain.
  8. We must had been monkeys 2.5 million years ago I would guess. They start to love and teach one another...
  9. Question (sneaked in). And they looked for answers. The presentation of curious consciousness. yep can imagine. Reality is applied.
  10. Question (sneaked in). And they looked for answers. The presentation of curious consciousness.
  11. It is still not right to lie. It can be a good tool not to hurt if the counterpart is so sensible but most likely his/her life is already full of lies. The white lies so far I understood are the ones which contains truth, but not the whole truth is said. I.e when you have a dinner but you do not say with who) Killing people never can be good. Can be justified but can not be the best alternative.
  12. Could you explain the nature of space (time) in your cosmos?
  13. Sadly I do not understand from the thread and that is why I asked a for of clarification.
  14. I quess there is a reason why you present your idea here and not in science related papers or as a phd on a good university. Everything worth a thought, and you could explain through your theory the advances and differences, compared to the old one, in the given scenario. So Strange were kind to use his time to respond, and set questions related to your thoughts and theory (you present the theory of everything if I got it right) and you with an arrogant, irritating attitude neglect it rather than express yourself intelligently, clearly, shortly... Bit more value recognition and respect please. So to see your capabilities, and how deep you understand your topic, and for me to understand clearly, could you please comply the similarities and differences between your theory and relativity. 5 short sentences.
  15. On this Gee I would disagree with you. The truth, the scenario observed, has many factors but One presentation which can not be absolutely known by One i.e. one can not be absolutely aware of all the factors. Recognition itself is relative. (I.e related to the space and time of the recognition as well as to what One knows and senses)
  16. Yes, true. Something true supposed to be physically and mathematically recognizable, and generally applied.
  17. How you scale(measure) them? Digitally one could say on an 0-10, 0-100 scale. A bit like a human resource scaling. For something to be true, physical evidence is required. By that a proven truth just right can be. The evidence can be direct (observed in reality) or indirect (the best possible theory when all physical evidences accounted)
  18. Todays holocausts goes under the title: War of terror and genocides in the name of anything one points (drog, religion, politics, nationality, ...)
  19. Anyone lies routinely, depending on the past experiences. To master and set honesty as the new routine, takes considerable time to practice. Honesty is necessary on the path of logic, to recognize the true nature of reality through perceivable evidences.
  20. I would pick km3*s. But I guess it depends where from we look at it i.e. how we would like to count it...
  21. I would say it is real but I might be alone with ny opinion. The level of emotional intelligence for sure scaleable(digitally) Reality itself. The applied laws of Nature. Our physical reality based understandig of Nature. (Relativity) Physically provable facts. Knowledge we teach to each other. The first thoughts about Nature. Interesting questions and answers of their time. Good sources for questions in evolving Science. logic, logic, logic. Can question everything and can try to answer every Natural phenomena by logic. Anything physically contradicts a recognition, the recognition is invalid. I think somewhere philosophers protects truth. For me that manifests in protecting Nature and it's principles, as well as Science and it's philosophy on the path to discover It. The purpose of Science is to recognize Reality through relativity.
  22. I have some misunderstanding here seems to be. I try to clear it up. Just wrote about it. 2 post up.
  23. This would be possible, if the expenditure of space would be allowed to be higher than c (something has to ground the physical process). C2, one could recognize as Einstein said.
  24. Because it is expending. A certain amount of km(2D) volume (3D) under a certain time(4D)... What would be its unit? Km3/s? Km3*s? Km/s? Kms?
  25. Physically you can not go back in time because that would mean, that you would have to stop and turn the progress of the space time continuum with all of the energy and matter in it, in every point of spacetime.
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