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Everything posted by Lasse

  1. Interesting. It would be km/s - not? Can untis be squared?
  2. Dogmas are false theories or half truths which ones are forced to be accepted even doubts appear. Tradition: learned behavioural patterns.
  3. No wonder we have misunderstandings There were no heavier elements previously and through nucleosynthesis they got created/presented (by time) By far the only supernatural I can see is the state of physical zero (if that could have existed) everything else is part of Nature. Anything in proportion to this state would be divine. Like any energy in a symmetrically evolving information based but empty space (time) I think the only questions here really is: What is the velocity of spacetimes evolution (i.e under a second how many km is it evolving)? Can spacetime have impact on mass? Could spacetime itself be responsible for the presented overall applied speed/movement/velocity of everything? Try to present the approximate size(volume) of space (time)... Try to present the approximate size(volume) of space (time)...
  4. Isn't it hydrogen, a sun like star starts it's life with? Heavier elements are created from lighter elements... Without dying stars there would not be life as we know it in Nature... There were none and there are some now. It is created. I love this kind of data.+1. How big would be space itself if it would evolve with (c2=300.000*300.000km/s since minimum 13.8 billion years)? Could a super computer handle such an information? What would be the difference in size(volume), between the observable universe (c), and the fundamental space-time (c2)?
  5. Did we ever saw a black hole decay? What is left after the 2 neutron stars collision? Will there be some kind of mass there and matter or there is just empty space-time?
  6. Could a black hole decay without recognisable energy release i.e mass=>energy transformation
  7. Can a black hole explode?
  8. Could the reason for the present Universe be, that space expands with c2 and energy and matter is created and evolving in proportion to it's development? Such a 4D, outward pointing, linear-exponential, infinite drive would be a strong force behind the presence of energy and matter(mass) and could explain the determined nature of the universe. Can anything disappear from spacetime without a trace?
  9. The topic is god and it has nothing to do with me being religious. For the question to get answered first one should try to recognize what it could be. My whole point is that the only "supernatural" could exist is the state of physically nothing. It is "outside" of the realm of Nature. It not even has information. Anything/everything exist in proportion to this state. Interestingly you can recognizie its functions in space time. The physical reference point with-in I can recognize something. The "thing" gives the moment of existence, in present time, to everything. Ever since anything exist, it has at least measurable space and time of existence. Did I just say God is Nothing... At least basic information... The origine of Consciousness maybe... In proportion to 0 the starting evolution of space time could be sensed as a singular event specially if it is c2...
  10. What I found is that life is a possibility to learn, to experience, to feel, to sense, to develop, to do. I think it is about the right balance between family, friends, work, and hobby. I have a life as everyone else and I am the first in my life because I recognized if I am not happy the others around me are not happy.
  11. On this we disagree. I think phenomenas as religion, love, hate, motivation, performance etc. are digitally scaleable attributes (information). See a bit with the economists eye. Everything is data. Everything is information. You can recognize that or you do not count with some part of it. Than you have incomplete theories with a lot of uncertainty. 90% is enough to start with. 100% never can be i.e we will always miss some part of the information.
  12. We can express with mathematics anything. Space time enegy matter and Information. This makes mathematics an universal languege, it has points which ones are universally recognisable as same like the sense of nothing and everything and the ever evolving but most likely finite universe). 1*0=0 you can not prove while 1/0=1 i always can prove. The definition of zero would be more like: 0*0=0,0 Space (time) itself if some would like to recognize it. 4D
  13. I did not cite from the bible a single time. I cliam that science and religions has correlations. It is part of the present nature. Or are You (and Phi) claiming that History, Religion and basic cognitive functions are super natural? Every past moment is history. What Science can observe from different point of views: Physics, mathematics, medical sciences, engineering, history, law, cognitive studies... Whatever you feel like to study do so but be as clear and as Real with your recognitions (in the past) and with your expressions (in the present and in the future) as you are capable. Nature is the final source of Information. I see signs of religion in Nature. If I can say: Nature is my Religion and Science is it's Language. Science feels sometimes unclear and dogmatic, I.e. something is part of nature or not? Something is science or not?, we determined to apply 1*0=0 although never can be true....and instead of: God is the answer, says: You can not ask question about some things, just accept what is said, even it does not align with reality.. Let it be math or physics, philosophy....)
  14. True.
  15. With all my respect on this we disagree. Time and the sense of nothing sooner or later will solve this problem. You do not pay enough attention. Maybe you post too much which comes with a hint of superficiality in topics you are not that interested in. (Religion)
  16. Define what nothing is and why. Give a mathematical symbol to it. Define what finite means in the terms of science. Why? Define what infinity means in the terms of science. Why? Why infinity does not apply everywhere? I am looking for dogma im your science and yet I would not accept it as my Religion... it is dogmatic. I can not accept unexplained, untested, unprovable dogma. 1/0, 1*0 The final answer on can science be my religion is: Of course it can. What else could be? But the science you practice todays is not yet that science. Said well: science is a process. Yes it is evolving. Different times has different questions and recognitions. There is a reason for the op too... You can recognize it or not. 1....0 Everything has some kind of mathematically expressible value... Can you deny that?
  17. That is exactly what I am doing. I really love to live. I enjoy the feeling to be part of Nature. Tradition and old books are important too. They are part of our history. Perfect test to spot the unreal and outdated and filter out what can be true.. The new knowledge anyway needs firm base. History and religions are part of nature. I like to recognize that, even they are not my main source of information since a while. Science observe and measure Nature. Your cat and stone are parts of Nature. It depends where from you look at it.
  18. Because s/he is there, information(reality) has impact on her/him and s/he is reacting to information. If Mum is not there=> crying. The child can recognize. They act and react when they born. Simple recognition of information since the beginning. Basic consciousness. Starting experience.
  19. One recognize Itself.
  20. I might be confused but I do not troll.
  21. I understand what you say but I Think you are not right. I listen Everything but I am not a robot to accept Everything have been said without questioning it (independent it is Science of Religion). I recheck the post in reality. I never said that science is a religion or that any of the religions would be science. I said that they have some level of historical correlation i.e. they are not absolutely separate. I do not have more to say about this turbulent science/religion connection in human history even we disagree.
  22. So you mean you did not learned anything science had to offer, and your opinion is absolutely not effected by anything what science have to teach. The same I quess you mean to be true for any religion as well. So basically you say that if I accept a political parties ideology and support their activity, it is meaning that I have absolutely nothing to do with politics. Try to explain this in the communist Hungary of the 70` 80`. (those times they called such an individual the enemy of the state and punished with strong sentences ) Or for religion: If I accept a religions ideology and support their activity it is meaning that I do not have any connection to that religion. Explain this to the CIA when they are checking potential threats
  23. It is already married at some level you like it or not, you can go around in circles trying to deny it but that will not make your Point of view true in reality.... It accept and support the work of science. But maybe I missundersand what: promote it`s research means....
  24. Some example: Catholic: The Pontifical Academy of Sciences seeks to pay honour to pure science, wherever it is found, to assure its freedom and to promote its research. The Academy was founded in Rome in 1603 by Federico Cesi, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontifical_Academy_of_Sciences Islam: It's generally accepted that there are around 750 verses in the Quran dealing with natural phenomena. Many verses of the Qur'an ask mankind to study nature, and this has been interpreted to mean an encouragement for scientific inquiry.[2] The investigation of the truth is one of the main messages of the Qur'an. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_in_the_medieval_Islamic_world Buddhism: Buddhist teacher S.N. Goenka describes Buddhadharma as a 'pure science of mind and matter'.[22] He claims Buddhism uses precise, analytical philosophical and psychological terminology and reasoning.[citation needed] Goenka's presentation describes Buddhism not so much as belief in a body of unverifiable dogmas, but an active, impartial, objective investigation of things as they are.[citation needed] What is generally accepted in Buddhism is that effects arise from causation. From his very first discourse onwards, the Buddha explains the reality of things in terms of cause and effect. The existence of misery and suffering in any given individual is due to the presence of causes. One way to describe the Buddhist eightfold path is a turning towards the reality of things as they are right now and understanding reality directly, although it is debated the degree to which these investigations are metaphysical or epistemological.
  25. I agree with your post Eise except this sentence. Religions try to have something to do with science. They also try to understand Nature somewhere.(that's it) Note that the Christian philosophy (and the Bible) was the social, cultural, religious guidline for ca 1600 years in Europe.
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