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Everything posted by Lasse
If you know something you always can pick 5-6 simple points which connects it to the kids relative reality
We will always need Science. In perpetuity... There is always something in Nature to discover. I.e. the added value by time, space, energy, matter and information in every upcoming moment of the yet unknown future. Time is linear and space is exponential (i.e evolving space (void)? Time changes as the space/Path of the observed physical entity changes while impacted by mass(if it could be impacted by mass), but this does not mean that the space of its upcoming moment of existance will not be THERE or would not be there, where our observe* will exist in the next upcoming moment of the Future... * the existing observed one. I think space expand before energy and matter Could we figure out a way to check this? ..Chuckle... Maybe in 1000 years... There are a lot of things Science will discover and I believe that as effective we can work together so fast we will be able to develop further. There are so many to see! Intelligence, Freedom, Responsibility, Peace, Love, Unity. There is One Humanity in the Universe as there is just one Universe in Reality. (I.e there should be space between the different "sub" universes...? Can this be true?
Can you confidentially say that scientifically accepted physical, mathematical or medical theories did not contain any form of semi-scientific dogmatic believes in the course of science... Check the hygiene recommendations in hospitals in the 1900's Religion purpose: calm the mind from the fear of death and pain caused anxiety of humans with your best understanding because you have no other help for millennials (God raises)....( imagine the millennials without painkillers).... Science purpose: provied the best painkiller and explain why you never can be absolutely non-existent physically (0). And of course explain what nothing is. Science is a Religion. Exactly because it never can have all the answers. We will always have lack of information. We will always need Science. In perpetuity...
You mean that I could not say to my daughter that quantum mechanics studies the functions of the tiniest entities in Nature? Like what is the smallest thing on earth?...
That is sure. I do not think such entities in such a scenario would be possible... Such almightiness would have to originate from somewhere, could not just pop up from nothing. That would be against evolution.... Supernatural: 1, of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal. 2, of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or attributed to God or a deity. 1, can not exist, impossible. The laws of nature has to apply on a god like entity as well (i.e. it would have to exist in space) 2. Plausable. After ca 5-6 billion years of evolution....
Why? I would promote to call it basic information but if someOne wanna call it God why to stress on it.... Anyone can have any believe(religion) they pleased to until it does not harm others...
Am I so negative/unreal with my questions... I asked a statistical approximation of a describe set up.... The result of a probability is not a proof. We do no have any sign of God and we can not now how S/He is. That is why science do not include the conception in their explanations. They rather say they do not know. Which is a fair statement. Some information(basic consciousness) I would expect at the beginning ( today's recognizable concious entities evolved somewhere too...) Any absolutely evolve advanced Intelligence's existence at the beginning (if there is such) can be rejected with a ca 99.99...% approximation. I hope the Pope of negative votes understand minimal sarcasm or if other problem rather express and ask what is not liked if I may ask on a science based discussion forum... Does culture impact science? I know, just tried to set up an example Could be though.... Depending how you define God... If i say God is basic information at the beginning can you confidently deny that the universe is running on basic information (laws of nature). Not like we have to call basic information God but if One would want to call it so why not... Note the individual level of understanding of humans try to sense Nature...
This mate does not make sense.... Philosopy does not have nature. Maybe. Or: Philosopy thinks there is no Nature..
Yes they are with technology and that they are falsifiable does not make them science. While recognizing that Nature is Real, does the prove provided by every atom, space and time makes reality unimportant for science.... What is God in your understanding?
You mean if something has just proof science can not use it? Lets say Nature is the proof of God? Why this information useless for them? Aren't they interested about Nature and what/how/why it is? There are quite some good God alternatives here. Thanks op for the special One
- 82 replies
How you mean this? What is God meaning in your sentence?
Hmmm... based on your knowledge how high would you put the probability that minimum one advanced AI exist longer than 10 million years in this minimum 13.8 billion lightyear big system? Now that we are their at it's gates in our own reality (let it be 1000 years). Does an advanced AI would count as a supernatural entity for you? Any advanced AI supported biological entity could be supernatural maybe? What is supernatural? You, me, we? Maybe for our gut bacteria if they would be able to perceive US. I kind of believe that someOne/something is out there evolving with (in) the system. I would put it's probability on 99.99.9...% I can not imagine that there is exactly One such superintelligent entity exist in the system... Note we do not have the same habitat as they, so what they would want from us? They would want to have earth as a London resident would want the spot of space of an universally harmless bacteria in the Amazon river.... Than what is leading to Advanced AI if not Science...? Or is it the final question? Is there a God or not? There is consciousness in the universe... Who knows how small God could have been.... Maybe the smallest information after Nothing....the moving force behind the velocity of spacetime. Which just had had to be a basic consciousness(fundamental information) in proportion to nothing... Seems to be singular...
- 82 replies
The purpose of the theory has to be understood. At it's fundamentals after 10 years of plundering. Trying to be reasonable. Life is a good ground to train There mainstream does not matter. Understanding matters and I am working on the theory (with nudging). Testing who, why, what is thinking. I form with what I learn. It feels like I evolve. It is a good feeling to know. So it would be personal
Could you please rephrase what you mean?
Natural selection of information (i.e evolution) The wheel seems to have the extended and evolved but fundamentally same function as back than when we discovered it. Yet. Understood and agreed. That is how it has to be. Otherwise it's philosophy could become corrupted and its recognitions dogmatic with inability to change/evolve. Note please the masses without proper education and their raising awareness about the importance of Science. I still think that faith in science should not corrupt the philosophy of science. A bit like an observer can not alter the laws of nature. So I would say it depends can scientists maintain it's principles or like priests or polititians get corrupted by power.... And than again experiencing what science is meaning, layed out by the member of this community ensure me that although Science is very powerful it's goals are crystal clear and uncorrupted. Just have to accept that it is a process and by that it takes Time..
On this we disagree but I respect your opinion. The thread have been long ago answered by dimreepr: True. The technology used back than was anyway a quite good solution of those times to maintain information. We have learned some from that technology and so we have better ones. We do not use clay tablets as the Phoenicians once but that does not mean there were and there is non. The information they contain could not be absolutely lost, even they broke, as the information should be embedded in the culture and science of the society of those times. Which gives the ground for further development
Nope. I had some.
Maybe excited about the potential digitality is offering to last forever...
I have too many questions but good point! Any answer should be so simple at its fundamentals that a 5 years old can understand it easily. They part of Nature and they sense its functions. (Lack of Energy matter and information in a given space (time) i.e: Mammi missing, her value is Zero!=crying) so still we can count Mami as One but like this we are missing the point of recognition as the question of the moment. What is the observed 0 as a reference point. Mami is not there 0×0=0. The explanation and reality has to match. Learning is a life long process... Reality is a good source of information even my capability to perceive it is limited.
What is the task of philosophy? Isn't it to discus scientific recognition's Natural applications and their validity in Reality? Be as clear and sort possible! Doesn't Science has the obligation/task/function to answer logic driven, philosophically raised questions from the area of expertise? Can science be dogmatic? 1/0 Can I request as an user scientific clarity? E.g: What is Space and How big is it approx? What is Nothing? What is Mathematics? What is the smallest entity I can count? What is time? What does the numbers do? How do we account them? 1*0... Can we express reality with mathematics? - Looks like Digitalisation has the potential eventually...
What is the task of philosophy? Isn't it to discus scientific recognitions Natural applications and their validity in Reality? Be as clear and sort possible! Doesn't Science has the obligation/task/function to answer logic driven, philosophically raised questions from the area of expertise?
It is One poem by someOne. Look it from the digital point of view and see how many ones and zeros required to make sense about it (e.g on my phone). You can look it from the realities point of view and recognize it's space and time of creation and length, number of caracters.... Does digitization has anything to do with mathematics? Which poem you could not digitize? You make your recognition that the poem is good or bad, clear or blur ( you even can scale it).... could you digitize your conclusion?
Exactly. That is the point....
And than as a final recapitulation, a small geometry on religions relatedness to Science... 5D Space-Time(there is some small information ): Does everything has some kind of geometry?
A moment suggest a point of time. However small it is That is what I mean. What does a moment mean if I am mistaken? Exactly. Everything is energy, matter and information in space-time. They all related to one another. In this case we could call it the theory of Everything. Everything has mathematically expressible value. I can believe this until it is proven otherwise. I have Nature to prove and our scientific recognitions that it is true. I just can hope you understand what I mean and One should not have faith... Time will solve this problem right. I work on my language and we see what Future will bring. We won't have less information and understanding. That is sure. At least I know what/how you are thinking. Science is a process as does learning.