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Everything posted by Lasse

  1. Everything is energy, matter and information in space-time. They all related to one another. In this case we could call it the theory of Everything. Everything has mathematically expressible value. I can believe this until it is proven otherwise. I have Nature to prove and our scientific recognitions that it is true. Nature is Real. I trust what I see and the theory tries to express reality has to include reality itself. Relativity is true. I might be misguided but I think my argumentation is valid at some point. I am 100% sure that I am not 100% right. I might be misguided but I think my argumentation is valid at some point. I am 100% sure that I never can be 100% right. I.e I will always miss some information... The question is than what I believe in? That would be at the end Natural Reality for me. Independent that this expression will ever mean anything to anyone. I think that is faith....somewhere it is religious... Obviously I do not say that anyone should be or has to be.
  2. Yes. It could not be. If time would be infinite it could be...
  3. That a moment of time would have the nature to last forever and by that being absolute infinite in size, and in the amount of energy and matter it contains. "There is no universal now" Time is a continuum and passes with a rate the given physical circumstances promote. We observe 2 objects, one in a black hole and the other in interstellar space, time passes for both as a continuum, If i execute an observation in a moment of time, in that moment regardless of their fundamental nature being relative, both will exist with exact physically measurable attributes. Including time. If we can not measure any of the attributes it is not Natures fault... So because times do pass everywhere as a continuum, there should be a moment which regardless relativity, is common.
  4. Both. We will meet somewhere in the Future. I do everything to generate understanding. I do not deny that it takes time. I am relatively primitive at the end of the day... Thanks everyone the contribution.
  5. I see you are misunderstanding me. Time will solve this problem. Your recognition is related to your knowledge and understanding. It is relative. Your relativity does not change reality(the laws of Nature). The perception supposed to be always relative... Does a second is finite or infinite Now? Why? iNow wrote it well.
  6. I truly appreciate every word. I recognize the effort your community make to help scientific development and clarification. This is one of the reasons I have faith while I do not fully understand but trying to discover Einstein's relativity. My questions might be different and sometimes not well articulated but led by logic (or at least I like to think so) If I generated few thoughts on the topic by the questions than my goal is basically achieved. I do not have the necessity to be right. I just try to be reasonable. I evaluated every question and recognition few times.... I love Nature. I think I partially know what it is. I understand the posts. Do you understand mine's?
  7. It is not that short that I can place it here but my sum up would be: The null hypothesis is that nothing, zero is a physical reality based mathematical conception which we can perceive as an energy, matter, information, space, time free state. Revealing as our common physical, mathematical, philosophical origin, a physical reality based mathematical reference point. I recognize that in proportion to this physical reality based sense (conception) everything has some kind of mathematically expressible value. Space, time, energy, matter, information. Even koti's pink unicorn(information). At least i know He has one in his head The sign of application is Nature. The Natural Reality. Energy and matter in space (time) E=mc2 (I would say...)
  8. True. Because the observer is always impacted by the physically presented circumstances.
  9. Logic and signs of application.
  10. True If this is true then there has to be an universal very big but finite Now. I am kind of releived reading your words iNow.
  11. 1. True. If there can be a common moment of now than the universe is finite and has limitations. 2. True, true This I would question because this would indicate that time does not pass somewhere. "There is no infinite now" True. That would be finite now and time passes everywhere. Evolution towards infinity. A potential maybe. There is a very strict balance between energy matter and space(time). Information can travel 13.8 billion years... What we relatively perceive. There is Nature, there is Reality right? Time is a continuum. How could be somewhere in space that time does not pass? Infinity would indicate that but than should be applied over the whole system. There are no signs of infinity. The uncertainty principle feels a bit missguiding. True.
  12. What has got no information? How information from Nature can be false and by that not an evidence? Could we say that everything is related to something and by that relativ to everything else. Does relativity exclude or include to be relative in proportion to something (e.q: mass)
  13. If i never can touch space and time isnt it than a physical reality based observable, measurable sense...information...
  14. Everything is evidence. The question is do I understand every part of it and do I have to deny absolutely the unknown parts existence if I do not know just sense? Like the Future. Until that everyone can believe what they want, Related to how much they know and understand. Since everything is relative. Does relativity is incuding that everything is related to something? Isn't that fundamentally would be Space and Time...?
  15. I agree. I can believe in whatever i like to but that is not Faith. Faith needs Evidence and evidence earned Trust.
  16. As much evidence I see so deep my trust gets giving my faith that it is right. By that I am sensible on unclear/blur explanations. I think Einstein is Right. I think entity with an expansion rate of c2 (almost infinite) has to exist. Must be space. We can perceive anything in it independent from the relativity of the observer. Check it from the Universes point of view. I.e. which part of it we should not speak about....or we do not understand.. .our recognition is fundamentally related to our perception... This pink unicorn you repeatedly refer to once you have to show me.. So I can know that the conclusion you made, that there is One, is based on reality (1) or it is just Zero (moment of observation in spacetime) which you try to make One. And if you anyway made the recognition (imagined it) isn't it became one pack of information? You can refer to it and I can imagine. Can you delete absolutely the information from your brain so its value can became 0 as it is in reality?
  17. Interesting question. I think my faith is built on trust earned by proof. You might be right with the language barrier.
  18. This should mean there is some space where time does not pass. I agree. But the perception of time not supposed to impact the nature of time. It will pass regardless the observation or the circumstances of the event. The rate of passing is a different issue. Or is it a physical condition where time do not pass? Could the occurrence of an event in nature be impacted by the observation?
  19. I.e. Now is now everywhere regardless of the physical circumstances.
  20. True. So: "I can not comprehend how could not time be relative in any point of space in the Universe"? I am not able to even imagine, that there would be a space in the Universe where time would not relate to the physical circumstances it is measured in. Or I can not imagine that there would be space in the universe where we would not be able to measure time. i.e. In every point of space in the universe time is passing even it is related to the physical circumstances it is measured in. What I tried to nudge: There can not be space in the Universe where Time could absolutely stop, and we would not be able to measure it somehow (regardless from its nature being relative everywhere).
  21. Sure... From the salad you pick. I can not know what you do not get and why.
  22. Are we technologically ready for a digitally monitored society? Can we ever be cognitively ready for such society? Should we ever be ready for such society? Medical Information! Statistical numbers on individual interests and perceptions, performance, economic valuables, love-hate on a 0 - 100 scales to start with. Measure as many as good we digitally capable to structure. Like this beloved forum. The knowledge we perceive, that the informations about himself always controll free accessible. Measure Political impact and value. Economic participation. Clear news and science for the masses. Personalised and individual based common co-operation. Globalism. Liberalism. Democracy. Communism. Capitalism. Naturalism. Under commonly monitored order. Together. Science and technology supported. Digital Reality. 0.00....01/0.0 Valuable Information Attach your DNA to this information when you die... Approve access of to previous information. Allow ONE cloning... Isten hozott halhatatlanom...
  23. My faith is based on science and my knowledge and understanding evolve with in science. My faith starts where You say you do not know. I know that my faith and belief are not scientific evidences but that does not mean they are absolutely disconnected from science. They are good to spot unexplainable dogma. Because the ultimate goal is to understand Nature and not to find proof for unclear or invalid theories. So my faith in Science (instead any of the main religions) as the best approach to knowledge still can be valid. Maybe Newton's law on Gravity? If I understood it right it is not absolutely true but was the best explanation of its time and a fundamental idea/recognition of physics in general.
  24. On this we have different experience. What I found that, belief alter for the better with knowledge and raises questions on dogma. The only one seems to be a firm believe, is the faith/trust/acceptance, that higher intelligence can be found in Nature. I think the fact that science can not entirely deny this probability is helping to maintain the belief. Note, we do not have a proper conclusion what/who God could be if there can be any. For me an immortal conscious advanced intelligence would be perceived supernatural and I would dare to name it with the title: God. If I meet It. Until this can happen their is my faith that there can be such entities in Nature. I did not meet a Christian who would agree with every words of the bible and would fully apply it in his/her everyday life.
  25. Looks like No. Not the differing definition. I can not comprehend how could not time be relative in any point of space in the Universe.
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